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Could You Survive a Zombie Outbreak?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 17 years ago Views: 12.8K
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Lvl 9
Originally posted by TheItch

Now that we are in Easter (and a dodgy attempt to keep this thread going) I've been wondering, did Jesus really ressurect or WAS JESUS A ZOMBIE!??!?

Depends on who you ask. Some claim he just "swooned", and the cold air in the tomb revived him, but then how did he get out? Besides, the Romans knew what they were doing. Then there's the theory that his disciples stole the body. But how did they get past the Roman guards? And roll away the stone?

Sorry if I was too serious.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
Readingt back on this thread it occurrs to me that there are a few WBW'ers that actually seem to be prepared for a zombie outbreak. Do you guys know something the rest of us don't?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
well the thing with movies about zombies or cannibals , movies that i love is , that there must be no servivor , & thats the good thing. Hail to Gore & Blood.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 5
Just seen this post and thought i would comment as i love zombie movies and the thought of what i would do has crossed my mind while watching them.

Location: North East of England, i live in a village 30min drive to nearest city which is on the coast. So to say the least there are about 500-800 people in my local area dotted around. My house is at the end of a deadend street which has about 20 houses. My street is linked to a few others but then its countryside for a bit then more houses. My house is a semi detatched house, 3 bedrooms, 2 livingrooms downstairs and a kitchen. The garage is next to the house detatched but very close.

Current Situation: Right now its nearly midnight here and i am upstairs in the 3rd bedroom which is now a small office thing. I am currently home alone as parents are away for easter, so this would reduce my initial chances of survival being alone. I have the radio on listening to late night shows so i beleive this would be how i find out about the danger. That or the internet.

I am 22 years old and have done nothing too physical in about 5 years appart from every other summer taking up swimming or biking. I am slim built and naturally a fast runner which will help me in situations of being chased by mindless creatures. There are no guns in the house or i beleive there wouldnt be many in the village either. I have a baseball bat in my bedroom and my dad is a cook and has some rather large knives which could be handy. My mum is a nurse and so we tend to stock up on medicine which also can come in handy.

As such i know basic first aid, I was in a car crash a few years ago and kept my cool to help, since i beleive i can keep a cool head in bad situations. Big downside, i have no combat skills or experiance. My tactic would be avade rather than risk comming into contact.

What i would do: Initially i would lock all doors etc and keep a low profile while i call around local family and friends and work up a meeting place. This would be in the middle of no where in the countryside. No people - no zombies. Each would bring what supplies they could. From there we would go as a convy to my auntys house at the coast. There are no other houses around and she has a boat at the back for a quick escape if need be. We would keep to back roads to avoid other people and attention. After time, we would look for secure area's that the government may have set up or even leave the country.

I have a car that sits outside my front door, given it should still be quiet outside i should have no bother reaching it in a hours time when i leave to meet up with what people i could contact. Over all, as long as i can get out of my village and meet up with others to the safe house i think i would have a good chance of surviving. Although, many things can go wrong, zombies could be outside my house, at the meeting place, on the way to safe house and even at the safe house.

If i can get to my car no problem and out of the village: 80% survival rate
If zombies are outside but not aware im here: 30% survival rate
If zombies are outside my house trying to get in right now: less then 10% survival rate (would use flat roof to escape out the back eventually, probably jumping into the jaws of rotting death)

Anyway hope that wasnt too boring to read, good topic thanks
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
i sleep with a hatchet under my bed for some reason (seriously...and i don't know why), so i'm ready.

also, in 3 weeks i will be certified to own firearms so if the zombie swarm holds off on my town until then ill just post up in my house and i should be ok.

i'm far to lazy/busy to go into depth about the stuff you guys did, even though i'd like to. i give myself about a 60% chance of survival as i'm in excellent physical condition and some other factors. throw my family and friends into the mix and i give myself about a 10% chance...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 28
Originally posted by MoTiG

As such i know basic first aid, I was in a car crash a few years ago and kept my cool to help, since i beleive i can keep a cool head in bad situations. Big downside, i have no combat skills or experiance. My tactic would be avade rather than risk comming into contact.

Good strategy, speed over play to your strengths and thats smart. Overall good answer, very well thought out and you took into consideration things that could go wrong. Nice first post as well.

@phlux: Hatchet under your bed eh...that's dangerous and awesome.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
haha thanks i do what i can. awesome topic by the way, i think about shit like this all the time. good to know somebody else is forward-thinking in terms of bizzare-apocalypse type happenings in the future.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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