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Study Lab(ia) - Let's learn from each other

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 47.2K
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Lvl 28
Dedicated to the delicate flower of female anatomy.

Not intended to be pornographic, but the nature of the post certainly is conducive to the traditional close-up.

Please add your own, but leave out breast, penis, faces or other things that distract from the unique individuality of the specimens we shall study in this narrative.

Off to class......
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Lesson I - General Overview

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28

Lvl 28

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Lvl 28

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Lvl 28

Class dismissed for tonight
Lvl 37
I would that I had a garden of such fair flowers.

Lvl 8
This going to be my favorite class from this point on thank's professor Bustmall
Lvl 14
except for the 2nd and 3rd one, the rest are not attractive, they lips are too meaty, which is obviously not attractive...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by thegame14

except for the 2nd and 3rd one, the rest are not attractive, they lips are too meaty, which is obviously not attractive...

Do not be to quick to judge, it is all about the study, my friend. All sizes and shapes shall be observed throughout this course. Please feel free to add your own examples of perfection. Some flowers are full of character like Orchids, and some are as delicate as Ladies Breath. Like you, I prefer the more dainty varietals, but do try to appreciate the unique nature of each specimen. When properly attended to, all are capable of bringing great levels of satisfaction to the patient and loving gardener.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Lesson II - The Diminutive of the Species

Yesterday, we took an overview of the Labia Flower varietals. While the subjects typically share an outer shell of similar proportions and general overall appearance, tis the inner petals of the flower that creates the most distinct variation among the examples of study. Today will focus on those species that possess delicate, often hidden petals. These flowers usually require gentle coaxing to achieve full bloom. As they are softly manipulated, fluids may often rise from within their stems, creating fullness to the petals, though they maintain their delicate and diminutive appearance when compared to more boldly adorned specimens. They lend themselves more appropriately to gentle caress and respond quite pleasantly to a gardeners soft licks. More aggressive handling is often found to be complimentary, and greatly appreciated, but usually, only after they have risen slowly and gently from their outer shell. Most culturists find this variety to be pleasing to the eye, somewhat difficult to grow with consistent success, but exceedingly pleasurable when it responds positively to loving care.

If you care to share a particular flower of demure appearance, please add it to the study.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Example of approved handling techniques

Lvl 28

A well protected variety
Lvl 28
A peak under the shell

A closer look within
Lvl 28
Near ready to pollenate

Feeling playful, but shy
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