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Study Lab(ia) - Let's learn from each other

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 46.9K
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Lvl 28
This specimen clearly exhibits that even indoor varieties can thrive when properly attended to.

Lvl 28
Many gardeners, the author included, find this position particularly appealing when caring for the flower.

Lvl 28
The following two images display an excellent example of the species in:

1. A semi-closed position

Lvl 28

2. Fully exposed for inspection and maintenance

Lvl 28
The following is an example of a sub-species originating on the African continent. Today it enjoys worldwide distribution, and has been a particular interest to culturists of many different social, economic and educational backgrounds. It is fully compatible with most other subspecies and flowers of all colors crossbreed readily with each other, often producing offspring sharing characteristics of both specimens.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Another example of the african varietal. You will note that while the outside coloration is decidedly richer in color, the center of the flower is alike in all specimens. Proving that color alone, of any sub-species, is a very poor gauge of inner quality.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
And for our last example of the day, we see a handling technique often employed by the Professor on his own house flower. By pulling the pearls forward and aft, slowly to start and building speed as the flower's reaction dictates, one can achieve results that are guaranteed to please both the flower and the gardener, alike.

This concludes today's lesson.

Coming up in Lesson IV, "Full Petal Varietals", within the normal range.

Lvl 28
Damn, the more effort I put into trying to be entertaining, albeit corny as hell, the worse the votes get. Maybe it's just time to call this a bad idea and throw in the towel. Or just post a shitload of pussy pics. Too much of the same, perhaps?

? Clueless ?
Lvl 14
these last pussies are ok, not as good as the last ones, but much better then the first set, which were not attactive at all
Lvl 28

Oh, I can guarantee you will not approve of the next two chapters. After that I'm sure the remaining lessons will carry at least a few that interest you.
Lvl 14
only one way to find out, post them....
Lvl 19
Dear Professor,

This visual presention / lecture is fabulous for the amateur horticulturalist and the professional alike. Well done ! !
Lvl 3
I absolutely love the flowers from Africa, I think the flowers are fuller and their nectar is the sweetest there is! Many more please!
Lvl 3
Wonderful Language! Keep up Professor Petal!
Lvl 10
Absolutly Love this class you have some fantastic delicous mouth watering varities

love each and every one,, Thanks for the effort you deserve an A +
strange, all of the sudden im in the mood for A1 & roast beef
Lvl 28
Hey all, thanks for the encouragement. The professor is working on Lesson IV

Here's to good gardening (beer)
Lvl 22
Great refresher course BustMall (beer)


Lvl 28
Lesson IV - Highly Ornamental Varieties

For today's lesson we move on to the heavily adorned varieties, scientifically known as "Labias Maximus". These particulary varietals possess inner petals of exceptional length and protrude readily beyond the outer shell, even in a closed position. Their constant exposure to the elements, abrasions, and general stimuli result in a flower that normally withstands a level of handling that might cause other varieties to withdraw. While not all growers find this variety attractive, others are bored with anything less. As noted with other varietals, rules were meant to be broken, and all statements are general, not specific. This variety is just as subject to wild swings in it's receptiveness to gardening techniques as any other. Experimentation is the key to gardening success, and the culturalist must remain alert and prepared to change techniques within seconds, and occassionally, with no notice whatsoever. While no flower is more rewarding than the Labia, none may be more confounding. The individual thats successfully, repeatedly, without fail, bring this flower to full bloom, over, and over again, is a master of their domain.

Professor Bust-M-all
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
We start today's visual essay with an example that is stunning with a well cared-for appearance, in all respects.

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