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Study Lab(ia) - Let's learn from each other

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 46.9K
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Lvl 28

This concludes today's lesson. Thank you for your attentiveness. As always, you are welcome to add to today's study.

Our next lesson will focus on petals of abnormal proportions.
Lvl 22
Thanks Again BustM_all

Soon I will post one of my personal flowers in a meager attempt at repayment for your gift of wisdom.
Lvl 28
You are quite welcome, Notech, and I am eager see some class participation.
Lvl 28
Lesson V - Exceptional Growth Characteristics

Today's lesson shall focus on those flowers with a distinct growth characteristic toward large inner petals. While most gardeners do not find this to be an attractive trait, and a trait that falls outside the breed standards, it is a flower none the less, and should be appreciated for its uniqueness. The Professor feels that this is an important time to note that while one student, thegame14, has presented statements in the form of "fact", the statements are, in fact, his opinions. Several of the photographs in today's study can truly be classified as outside of the normal range and represent possible genetic mutations or exposures to high levels of testosterone during development. Several other expamples are simply on the very high end of what science, and the Professor, would classify as normal. The Professor must always stress that these flowers are often sensitive creatures, with an ability to deliver unparalleled pleasure to the care-giver. Their sensitivities must be guarded and never be made to feel that they are unusual in any way, or their pleasure giving capabilities may be diminished. No gardener should ever allow the opinions of another grower to dampen their enthusiasm for a flower under their care.

And remember class, with the lights off, they all look the same.
Lvl 28
A slightly-over-borderline example

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
An African variety that is simply at the higher range of normal.

Lvl 28
A European version, again in the high/normal range

Lvl 28
An example of one within the high normal range, with exceptional body to the petals.

Lvl 24
I prefer the "tuck and roll" to meat curtains. Tight Lips are quite nice too...
Lvl 28
As the plant is quite edible, this variety does offer the potential emergency food source.

Lvl 28
The next several examples are well outside the range of normal, and any gardener trusted with such care possesses a rare opportunity.

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Several more examples of borderline normal varietals

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Lvl 28
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