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Study Lab(ia) - Let's learn from each other

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 46.9K
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Lvl 28

Lvl 28
And some examples of the specimen with all hair removed.

In this particular specimen, you can see the hairs are beginning to re-emerge. While this can troublesome issue for gardeners with little time, and can cause unpleasant abrasions to both the flower and the grower, it also presents a good excuse for playing in the garden.

Lvl 28
While this example can be used to demonstrate the application of materials used to remove hairs, the photographer has stated that this is whipped cream, and by licking the cream from the flower, finds that missed hairs are quickly discovered, providing a tasty, pleasurable and effective means of keeping the flower clean.

Here we see a beautiful, recently pollinated Irish varietal

Here we have a creative trim job

Lvl 28
Here have a specimen in the laboratory, under glass, that I call the Chevy 327, or Small Block V

An exceptionally well maintained specimen.

And an expertly trimmed Whispy variety

Lvl 28
The remaining photographs are simply additional examples provided for class study

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

Please note the sweet nectar flowing from the flower's center, indicating a receptiveness for pollination, a process that should never be missed

Lvl 28

Lvl 28

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Lvl 28

Lvl 28
And for our last two photographs, the professor provides:

1. A particularly creative, and to the professor, attractive trim


2. A flower with stems so exquisitely perfect, that the trim job just doesn't matter

This concludes today's lesson
Lvl 12
Great thread!!

Keep up the good work.
Lvl 22
I hope I still get credit in the class for this late answer,

A - Happy to oblige (fan of all varietals actually)
Lvl 28
Absolutely. The professor would also chose "A", so we are 3-A's to zero on the other three choices.

Originally posted by Notech

I hope I still get credit in the class for this late answer,

A - Happy to oblige (fan of all varietals actually)
Lvl 28
Thank you, and yes indeed, I will.

Originally posted by hornithologist

Great thread!!

Keep up the good work.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by bustMall

[ Image ]

Somebody tell me about this one (post #92)-- This is obviously an out-of-the ordinary set of labia, but is it considered a "medical condition"? I mean, is this caused by a virus or hormone condition?
Lvl 28
In some very limited searching, I did find this from the book "Joy of self loving" and all examples were considered normal. That doesn't really answer your question, but it did say that "typical" is largely based on the pornographic image standard and that large labia minora, including some very large, is not that un-typical.

Originally posted by Knobstock


Somebody tell me about this one (post #92)-- This is obviously an out-of-the ordinary set of labia, but is it considered a "medical condition"? I mean, is this caused by a virus or hormone condition?
Professor Bustmall, here is my final exam paper. It shows the direct correlation between an Orchid flower & a woman's flower. I hope I passed the class sir !
Lvl 28
I wouldn't argue with a bulldog either way, but if that's not proof, nothing is.

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