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Study Lab(ia) - Let's learn from each other

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 46.9K
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Lvl 25
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Lvl 28
Good work monicamonica
Yikes... some body went off topic with the manure depot... but ya cant have flowers with out it.....
hey looky there, it's one of them barking spiders
Lvl 28

There's no prejudice here, dog, the Prof aims to cover all the angles.

Originally posted by americanbulldog64

Yikes... some body went off topic with the manure depot... but ya cant have flowers with out it.....
hey looky there, it's one of them barking spiders
[ Link ]
Originally posted by bustMall

There's no prejudice here, dog, the Prof aims to cover all the angles.


no prejudiced comment was made
Lvl 28
"Prejudice" perhaps a poor choice of words. I thought you were expressing disappointment in the anal shots. I was simply implying that I wanted to present every care option available, without prejudice, knowing that not all activities suit every gardener. Maybe I just misunderstood what you were trying to say.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Lesson IX - Pollination Techniques

The Labias Propagatus is the flower from whence all human life comes forth. There are several variations within the species that warrant a separate classification:
1. Labias Lezbias, which possess as aversion to all things male and respond favorably only to other flowers. Pollination by natural means, is impossible for this varietal, thereby eliminating it as a propagation tool for the species. However, gardeners of all shapes and sizes do tend to take an interest in this subspecies, even if only out of curiosity. A future lesson will be dedicated to this sub-varietal.
2. Labias Likesitallicus, which responds favorably to attention from all suitors. This varietal often shows no preference for a particular caretaker, what matters is simply that the flower is being cared for on a regular basis. This can be an exciting varietal to have in one's garden.

But today's photo essay shall focus on the most common, Labias Propagatus, and the specific variety of techniques often employed to fertilize this precious gem.

We start the lesson with a well polished flower and tool, prepared for entry

In this photo we see a cooperative flower providing directional assistance to the pollinator.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Some common examples of techniques:

1. Doggy Style - named after the position one might see on any street corner amongst canines.

This position allows the gardener to control the pace and action, and provides exceptional viewing opportunities.

Lvl 28
A well conditioned flower may often assist the gardener by spreading their petals in this position

Doggy style is conducive to pollination attempts when little time is available for prolonged efforts. As has been noted several times in the course of this study, an opportunity to pollinate should never be disregarded.

Lvl 28
2. The Speed Bump - little preparation takes place with this method, and may be employed most frequently by a gardener attempting to pollinate another gardeners flower, particularly in a social setting, like a flower show.

3. The Side Slammer - Most frequently employed by those in the flower modelling industry for photographic purposes, and a method that provides little, to no real world application benefits.

* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 28
Another Side Slammer

4. Cowgirl - where the flower is placed onto the tool like it were riding a horse

Lvl 28
Additional cowgirl

5. The Lazy Fucker - The flower is simply lied on a horizontal surface and serviced accordingly. In this position, all the work belongs to the gardener.

Lvl 28
6. Reverse Cowgirl - Self explanatory.

Reverse Cowgirl/Trick Rider - This position takes a longer than average gardening tool to be truly effective due to the loss of working space occupied by the flower's stems.

Lvl 28
7. Gotta Love It - Any gardener with a flower than can do this, has to love it.

8. The Homo Erectus

Lvl 13
Originally posted by bustMall

Some common examples of techniques:

1. Doggy Style - named after the position one might see on any street corner amongst canines.

[ Image ]

or in my bedroom if my man plays his cards right

This position allows the gardener to control the pace and action, and provides exceptional viewing opportunities.

[ Image ]
Lvl 28
9. The Horizontal Mamba - A nice relaxing position for all involved, and a position that lends itself well to southern exploration.

10: The Wicked Willy - One hell of a lot of fun if both participants are strong enough to endure the position for extended periods.

Lvl 28
The following are additional examples of the above, or variations thereof for after hours study.

Lvl 28

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