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Who the fuck are you?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 21.0K
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Lvl 11
Must I FEEL for you?

do you feel something for me?

If it makes you feel better maybe j0lly loves you.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
@ still - are you saying you dont feel for me?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
I have that feeling like the Drill Sergeant is asking me if I want to fuck his mother. There is no way to answer these things correctly.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Still

1. I was on everypage of this thread and I only read the lists from people I knew.
2. I like to have the spotlight.
3. I like to be thanked. (if I go out of my way for you and you dont thank me, I won't do it again)
4. I don't care what others think OF me. except my wife.
5. the only emotions I really feel are love and hate. I would do anything for a friend/family member, up until that person betrays/uses/lies to me. After that I would not give you a dime if you were homeless. (ask my ex-wife)
6. I love to know EXACTLY what the rules or expectations are. I always need the plan.
7. I do everything at the last possible minute. I work better under stress.
8. I don't cry. never have.
9. penguins make me smile.
10.I try to be a perfect gentleman around my wife, I still flirt with her, I still try to make her feel wanted everyday, i still give her flowers as often as I can. been together for 6 years now.
11.I know I am a good driver, people driving slow in the fast lane throw me into a rage.
12.I believe I can feel energys. Energy from people, certains stones, buildings. I really can't explain that better.
13.I can't quit smoking.
14.I wish I had time to eat healthy
15.I hope and pray that I am being the best father I can be.

Wow, I am glad I took a minute to think about that.

very nice post
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 25
1. I'm quite a big character, you always know if I'm in the room
2. I get annoyed very easily at times, at other times, nothing can annoy me.
3. I hate being late for anything. I am nearly always early.
4. I need to be loved, and I need lots of affection
5. I don't like smoking or smokers around me much. It makes me feel uncomfortable, amybe because I have had so many clothes ruined by people burning them with cigarettes.
6. I no longer go to the gym. 2 years ago I was getting very fit, I can no longer be bothered and I now eat crap all the time.
7. I have to make jokes about everything. Humour is EVERYTHING to me. I love to laugh
8. I am a born romantic. I tell my missus I love her hundreds of times a day, I am forever buying or sending her flowers and gifts.
9. I am very generous. If I have money and someone doesn't, I buy things for people. If I know you and you are in my company, you are welcome to half of whatever money I have on me.
10. I don't suffer fools gladly, stupid people often annoy me.
11. I am not afraid to shout down a liar. If I think someone is blatantly lying, I will tell them. I wont be the person who tells someone else about it later without telling the culprit first.
12. I always want to get a bargain. If I buy something, I will ask for a discount, no matter what the price. I am forever getting money off etc because I ask.
13. I get very passionate at football games. I shout and scream for the whole 90 minutes.
14. I can be the hardest working person at times, at other times I can be the laziest.
15. I make friends easily. If someone can be bothered to me friendly to me, I can be a good friend to them.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Originally posted by TickLes

9. I am very generous. If I have money and someone doesn't, I buy things for people. If I know you and you are in my company, you are welcome to half of whatever money I have on me.

:: Moves to england and asks tickles some money for a hotel ::
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
I have alot in common with Tickles. I would not have guessed.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 43
Throwing my hat in the ring here..

1 Family is it...nothing more important to me.
2 I'm a pessimist, I expect the when it happens, I'm not surprised
3 Would kill for my Mother...if she asked me to.
4 I quit drinking almost one year ago, ppl say I'm better without it..I believe em.
5 Can't stand a snitch or a liar.
6 I like to work on things with my hands..fixing cars, ect.
7 I have a big heart, or so I've been told.
8 You want the truth?..I'll tell yas, no problem, if it hurts...too bad, you asked.
9 My looks intimidate ppl...they're scared of me, until they meet me.
10 I have sexy bedroom eyes.
11 I have balls big as church bells, and an ego to boot.
12 My penis is a little over average in size...never had any complaints.
13 I thank ppl in my threads...whoever they are.
14 True friends are hard to find..if you're mine, I keep you.
15 I don't want to be hated, but if ya hate's your choice

Any questions?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
yeah dude, those using your hands should include women, shouldn't it
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 43
Originally posted by kbutch

yeah dude, those using your hands should include women, shouldn't it

Yes, that too...but i didnt want to sound self centered
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
1. i'm a pretty quiet person.
2. i'm often required to not be quiet.
3. i have trouble sleeping through the night.
4. i'm really tired though and can't think of what to write for number four
5. i like plaid.
6. i'm pretty sure i spelled plaid correctly but i'm a terrible speller so who knows.
7. i love to cook.
8. i really suck at cooking so i usually eat out.
9. i'm allergic to cats
10. i have 3 cats.
11. they followed my dogs home one day.
12. i don't know where they came from but they all live in my back yard together.
13. i still can't decide what kind of avatar to make.
14. when i was a kid i liked sitting on the roof of houses.
15. i need to fix the lightswitch on my ceiling fan but don't care enough to get around to doing it.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
hehe, women really are that bomb, especially if you know how to handle them

you sound like you really need something to do m8, you out of work by any chance?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 43
Originally posted by kbutch

hehe, women really are that bomb, especially if you know how to handle them

Never had any complaints in that department...not yet anyway
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Ascaris

9. I am very generous. If I have money and someone doesn't, I buy things for people. If I know you and you are in my company, you are welcome to half of whatever money I have on me.

:: Moves to england and asks tickles some money for a hotel ::

I'd buy you beers all night mate if you visited
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 15
1. i think that given the choice between work and university, i'd go back to university.
2. i have a phobia about beer from big breweries outside of Germany, Belgium or the Czech Republic.
3. Feeling rested is something i haven't experienced in about a year.
4. i'm obviously getting old because there has been one new band in the past 5 years that i've truly loved.
5. i'm fairly well travelled, but i have a long list of places that i still wish to see.
6. i think the sexiest city i've ever been to is Berlin, but it might be Prague.
7. That being said, German women rule (especially my wife), but ones from Florida are pretty cool too.
8. i wish pizza and anything from Taco Bell was health food.
9. The character traits i value the most are the ones i find the hardest to have sometimes.
10. i'll never understand the appeal of reality shows.
11. i have big issues with how the rich treat the poor in this world.
12 i believe that we all have something to learn from each other (as individuals and groups/nations)
13. i watch tooooo much TV, but i blame the long winters.
14. i'm not that into cars and driving is for me a way of getting from A to B
15. i love hockey, but wish that rugby and football (the one that most of the world likes) was more important here.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
1.My favorite color is Green...
2.My fav movies are action films, old war films (like "Battle of the Bulge" ) are the best.
3.I am in love now...
4.I am a moderate successful and happy person...when I apply myself, I am productive.
5.Brazillian Jiu Jitsu is my passion
6.I like to eat healthy
7.My music tastes run from Funk & R&B to Mod & Ska to Alternative to Jazz to Classical
8.I am over 40 but still young
9.Japanese food is my fav..
10.I am a still a gamer...(started with Atari and Tank Battle before some of you were born)
11.I own and ride a Harley
12.I love a good single malt
13.There is only one way to make a steak, Medium Rare. Anything else is simply wrong...
14.Sex is neccessary...
15.I have no problems with Public Displays of Affection...
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by TickLes

4. I need to be loved, and I need lots of affection

8. I am a born romantic. I tell my missus I love her hundreds of times a day, I am forever buying or sending her flowers and gifts.

i would not have guessed these things about you aww tickles

Originally posted by badboy65260

10 I have sexy bedroom eyes.
11 I have balls big as church bells, and an ego to boot.
12 My penis is a little over average in size...never had any complaints.

its like a dating ad.... but worse.

thanks for sharing your list with us BB

Originally posted by insomnia2night

15. i need to fix the lightswitch on my ceiling fan but don't care enough to get around to doing it.

very informative list you have there

@ M - love the list! thanks for joining in finally. better late than never
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by BDWW

8.I am over 40 but still young

look, lets stop the charade.... youre old :P

im just kidding. love the list
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
ok.... like half of those werent even about yourself :P

but its good that you love wbw, and thanks for sharing with us.....
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 22
ill have to post in here
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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