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Who the fuck are you?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 21.1K
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Lvl 51
Originally posted by Vesuvius

5. I talk with my mom on the phone almost every day

sweet.... you are her little boy of mom
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by myztique

sweet.... you are her little boy of mom

Yeah, a little. But it's mostly she that calls though.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

@ crackur - thats a very interesting list youve got there

haha thankz
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
1. My name is Scott . . . and Scott2 is a nickname.
2. I drink because I'm bored.
3. I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. Not a mean one, though. Just rowdy.
4. I can't seem to stop listening to Hinder: Lips of an Angel.
5. I rarely listen to anything but country music, but I prefer to play rock.
6. I have 5 guitars and want more.
7. I've dated and screwed around, but I haven't had a girlfriend for 23+ months.
8. I think Carrie Underwood is extremely hot.
9. I run an email server for work and I prefer Macs to PCs.
10. I have an extreme Zelda addiction.
11. I am not Kanzen.
12. I have a Beagle.
13. I don't live on a farm, but I would if I had the choice.
14. I am related to a romanticized figure from the old west (USA).
15. I have castrated a bull.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 51
Originally posted by Scott2

11. I am not Kanzen.

damn.... i lost five bucks

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 27
Originally posted by franklin


franklin, the man of few words
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
15 line items is alot----
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
1.I like the color red
2.I like chocolate with peppermint
3.I stand 6'3"
4.I like history
5.I enjoy movies indie flicks to hollywood blow me ups
6.I like my truck
7.I live in the country
8.I am an Earthling although my passport says USA on it
9.I love women
10.I love Italian women
11.I love brunette haired women
12.I have a dog
13.I wear glasses
14.I like reading
15.I am a Leo
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
1. My favorite color is green.
2. I only drink to get drunk, but only a couple times a year.
3. I'm married, and I usually like the fact that I am.
4. My wife is the only woman I've slept with, but I could have had others, as I am not uncool, just picky.
5. I have been caught masturbating by my sister, which scarred us both.
6. I pick at my toenails a lot at night.
7. My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption, but I like a lot of movies that were released that year.
8. I like porn way too much.
9. My love for the sport of hockey is over the line of obsession. I dream about it.
10. I drink a big jug of Coke every day.
11. I have never played a video game system since NES.
12. I almost always drive the speed limit.
13. One of my best friends was hit by a drunk driver and killed when she was on her bike (we were 13), and I think that has fucked me up for life and I still have major unresolved issues about it that I more or less keep to myself.
14. I don't like to sleep.
15. I live in a small town, was raised on a farm, and have no desire to move to a big city. I, too, have castrated many bulls.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
Originally posted by primal88

1. My favorite color is green.
2. I only drink to get drunk, but only a couple times a year.
3. I'm married, and I usually like the fact that I am.
4. My wife is the only woman I've slept with, but I could have had others, as I am not uncool, just picky.
5. I have been caught masturbating by my sister, which scarred us both.
6. I pick at my toenails a lot at night.
7. My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption, but I like a lot of movies that were released that year.
8. I like porn way too much.
9. My love for the sport of hockey is over the line of obsession. I dream about it.
10. I drink a big jug of Coke every day.
11. I have never played a video game system since NES.
12. I almost always drive the speed limit.
13. One of my best friends was hit by a drunk driver and killed when she was on her bike (we were 13), and I think that has fucked me up for life and I still have major unresolved issues about it that I more or less keep to myself.
14. I don't like to sleep.
15. I live in a small town, was raised on a farm, and have no desire to move to a big city. I, too, have castrated many bulls.

wow~! in so many ways
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
I’ve been lurking for way too long….so here it goes.

1. My whole life has been an enigma for others, but I don’t have any regrets.
2. I love the color red; however, I find myself pulled to the color blue.
3. Traveling is great (I’ve lived in 16 countries) but can’t wait to “settle down”.
4. Winter and snow re-invigorates me; but most of my residences were in the tropics.
5. I have a strange effect on Mother Nature in the area I’m at. I’ve survived a hurricane in Iceland, a freak snowstorm in Southern England, two earthquakes (8.0 and higher) and a flood in Turkey, two super typhoons in Guam (not counting two more major earthquakes), a tsunami in Thailand, and I’m still waiting to survive a volcano!
6. I’m an only child and if asked, I didn’t want any kids, but I’m blessed with four.
7. I don’t prefer water sports but again, most of my homes were on an island or a beach of sorts.
8. I’ve taken three personality tests and they’ve come up ambient. I neither intra or extraverted; therefore, I can feel lonely in a crowd at times.
9. Drugs: never Smoke: never Alcohol: sometimes. I love Guinness but can’t stand hard stuff but since beer affects me funny, I’ll pull for rum or whiskey more.
10. Driving is not a passion. Driving means you have a destination planned out and I don’t use maps. I’d rather take in the scenery, but will fall asleep within minutes when not driving.
11. I’m working on my masters degree but the best lessons I’ve learned are from life.
12. Dogs rule, but I have two cats that adopted me. One can’t get out of a paper bag.
13. Standing in lines suck. I’d rather pay more then stand in a line for 10 minutes.
14. As a former cop, I trusted people too much
15. Religion is for the masses, but I am spiritual in my own way.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
well here goes
1. i am a newbie but that is only because my wife would see the statement of membership here and would discover i love porn and naked women.
2. i snap with my ring finger not my middle finger
3. i used to try and run over animals when they got in front of my car
4. ive been shot with an arrow before
5. i hate going to college with a passion
6. im only 23 and im ready to retire
7. i love alcohol and am most likely an alcoholic
8. i love xbox 360
9. i dont like deep water
10. i would love to travel but am currently pinned down with school/work
11. i think green is my favorite color
12. cussing is like my best friend when i talk
13. movies are always a great past time, all movies i will watch
14. i have never really understood why women will say guys have a nice butt; i mean whats a girl gonna do with a guys butt
15. i love animal attacks caught on film; i find them funny as hell even if they result badly for the person
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
1. I'm gun crazy and find wars extremely interesting, especially WW2
2. I'm a lazy fuck, but sometimes i get stressed out and have to do everything at once.
3. Love driving and can't wait to get a decent car, especially since public transportation here is so fucking expensive
4. Favorite colour is green, preferrably acid green XD
5. I need anger management and i am semi psychotic
6. Food is tha bomb, love to make it, love to eat it XD
7. Love movies, as long as they are not total crap, like japanese comedies i.e. The Grudge
8. I work as an IT-admin, i try to be a good boy, but sometime i turn BOFH(
9. If people cross me or fuck me over, i really can become quite an asshole, an revenge is always sweet
10. I really like to look at naked beautiful women (never figured that, huh?)
11. I am easy to befriend, but just as easy to make an enemy
12. I am very tolerant and very patient, but there comes a point where i open up a can of whoopass and reign hell on someones ass
13. My iq was measured at 127, go ahead and make fun of internet tests and such, see if i care
14. I feel that you have to be in touch with your inner child or you'll miss out on the fun, so i always act like a baby XD
15. Like some inhere, i loves me mum, i know i know, mama's boy, but i really would do anything for her, because she has done so much for me
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Originally posted by j0lly

edit: did kyosho post yet?

yeah I did page 15
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
1 color - Orange
2 Im scared to finish school 5th year senior
3 Im in the best relationship of my life
4 I sleep on average of only 3 hours a night
5 I drink my coffee black not because i think its cool but because i like to drink it black
6 Im wiccian...just throwing it out there
7 I love cartoons
8 dogs are a better than cats
9 I cant spell to save my life
10 When i didnt blow out both shoulders i used to bench press 420 pound...
11 I dont ever want to have a job i want to be a stay at home dad!!!
12 I have 2 tats
13 I have beaten expert mine sweeper in 140 seconds when i was drunk
14 Scariest person alive is Christopher Walken
15 fav movie is Glory
16 i have never been on a plane
17 im a libra
18 lucky number is 5
19 I have done plenty of drugs
20 I agree with thumper69 religion is for the masses i am a spiritual person but i dont mind visting churches every now and then (my girlfriends church passes out real bread and wine...insted of grape juice and a stale cracker)
* This post has been modified : 1 year ago
Lvl 15
Better late than never...

1. My favorite color is blue
2. I am married and I have 3 kids (the youngest is mine, the 2 oldest are my step kids)
3. Although I had several opportunities, I was a virgin until I was 18.
4. I am 8 years clean of Meth
5. Sometimes I really want to cheat on my wife, but I wont.
6. I only listen to rap and r&b, but I secretly love hearing 80's music.
7. I want to have another child but my wife doesn't.
8. I am a Sagittarius.
9. I am way overweight
10.I often drink Old English 800... from my young and thuggin' days
11.I've been working for the same company in four different locations for 8 years, and I hate my job!!!
12.I've been smoking since I was 14 and I am starting to have chest pain.
13.My favorite T.V. show is Heroes.
14.I flirt with the medical assistants at my work like crazy!
16.I love gadgets.


18. and who the fuck is KYOSHO???
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
wow! i love all the responses, thanks to everyone who joined in

@ FO & theitch - quite a lot to say!

Originally posted by Suomilainen

15. i've kissed a guy once

really? me too.

Originally posted by 5150

14) I honestly think FeFe has the sexiest avitar I've ever seen, but too shy to tell her. (Oops.)

thank you very much

Originally posted by j0lly

13.) nice idea fefe. thx for the thread

youre welcome, glad you like it

Originally posted by primal88

6. I pick at my toenails a lot at night.

Originally posted by livewierd

13 I have beaten expert mine sweeper in 140 seconds when i was drunk

well theres something to put on your resume :P
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
^^^^^^ it is fefe it maybe a world record for people who were drunk
* This post has been modified : 1 year ago
Lvl 19
**edit to my list a little**
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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