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Who the fuck are you?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 21.0K
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Lvl 9
Sorry to be late to the party on this one - I've been distracted by my so-called "real life".

1: WBW is the only forum of this kind I've ever joined: I've been a member for a year, posted 260 times, voted 15,000 times, and still feel like a lurker.

2: I've been alone (i.e, sans partner) for ten years. I hate being alone. I love being alone.

3: I make friends with women really easily, but find it nearly impossible to make the step from friendship to intimacy.

4: Giving head to a woman is a complete sex act for me - nothing else is better.

5: I hate the way I look so much that I consciously avoid mirrors.

6: Aside from cousins, I have no family left, so the idea of family really doesn't mean much to me, but I would die without hesitation for my friends.

7: I have a passion for France and French culture. Paris is my favourite city in the world.

8: I fall in love with women who aren't interested in me so often that I've decided the Universe has a sick sense of humour.

9: I'm one of the most materialistic people I've ever met, yet I loathe consumerism and the me-me-me society.

10: My sexuality is sufficiently complicated that I don't believe there is a woman in existence who could truly fulfil me.

11: I take everything far too seriously, but I love to laugh.

12: I don't lie (although I have become skilled at evasion).

13: My father was an alcoholic, and I've always been afraid that meant I would be too, even though I know I'm not.

14: I'm absolutely terrible at keeping in touch, even with people I really love.

15: My favourite actress is Rachel Weisz (I've heard her described as "The thinking man's crumpet" ).

For what it's worth...

But a great thread, FeFe, and I agree with the others about your avatar.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Swiss407

@trust: glad ya finally agree with me on somethin. I knew it would happen eventually. lol

shit happens
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
1 - My favorite color is Red
2 _ I love hockey
3 - I like rock and roll .
4 - I Like Canadian beer .
5- I drive a 85 Camaro
6 - I work part time at a grocery store for minimum wage haha
7 - I live at home
8 - I love to play Xbox 360 and oogle my huge gamerscore
9 - I like to smoke cigarettes
10 - My favorite food is BBQ Pizza
11 - I like Designer Clothes and plastic women
12- I have 2 cats
13- I am an only child
14 - Sidney Crosby and Jaromir Jagr are my favorite hockey players .
15 - I enjoy a good cup of coffee .
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
1. I love big tits
2. I have a 2002 Honda Passport
3. Im a diehard Philadelphia Eagles fan
4. I enjoy popping pain pills while drinking
5. I used to do acid, weed, x, shrooms but i gave it all up
6. I graduated from West Chester University
7. I teach health classes to high school kids
8. Im 25 years old
9. I love to go out and get rowdy wit my boys
10. Ive banged about 30 chicks
11. Im in a 2 year relationship
12. I wish my dick was 12inches long
13. I look at this site everday but never tugged myself off to it
14. I girl takes it on the face(bonus)
15. This is the greatest site in the world
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
1. my favorite color is Truth
2. i'm obsessed, especially War movies, Documentary's, Video Games, Books(Nonfiction)
3. i'm in Love with God, but am more agnostic than anything the moment
4. i'm an under achiever when it comes to anything actually self productive ***(Check)
5. without iced tea the World would collapse
6. i have a serious fear that my inability to resist temptation will be the death of me ***(Check)
7. even though ive been in the most horrific car accident of anyone i know, i'm still a crazy driver(metaphorically speaking)
8. i'm in Love and I worship her
9. Food is an inconvenience, but is perfect for bringing people together.
10. i have an insatiable love for Music. (Deftones-Radiohead-averything else that's Beautiful)
11. i'm only mushy when i let myself go...which happens a lot
12. i say "I don't Know" so much you'd think i have a daily quota to hit
13. as much as i bitch about it and try to hate my job, i actually really like it ***(Check)
14. my favorite television series ever is HBO's Band of Brothers
15. my biggest fault is

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* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
01. I do not have a DVD player.
02. I love Redheads.
03. I build and maintain databases.
04. Beatles.
05. I ran into an ex-wife after 19 years and had a fun night with her.
06. My idea of a great vacation is two weeks off and taking a road trip of at least 2,000 miles.
07. If you want a good time take a digital cam with optimal zoom to the beach.
08. I love Blondes.
09. Beer.
10. My theory is you should laugh at least once a day.
11. Have you ever had to use an outhouse?
12. What the hell did we do before broadband?
13. I want an iPhone.
14. I love Brunettes.
15. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here."
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
1. I have borrowed my roommates black minivan to park-and-watch my ex-girlfriend's place when she was dating someone else... (now we are happily married (4yrs!) and expecting a child!!). I know it is creepy but I wanted to know how long he was going to stay... I had to know.
2. Although I love my wife dearly and would never cheat on her, we are somewhat mismatched in only one category... I could have sex once a day and she is satisfied with 3-4 times a month. I make up for this mismatch by releasing some sexual tension with a mid-week wank. I use my right hand and go at it both palm up and palm down.
3. I once left WBW and recently came back out of boredom... there wasn't anything else worth doing on the internet. I didn't have the internet (aside from at work) for 1.5 year and had no withdrawls from the site... but I did return despite claiming that I would not... Basically, I can go porn free without the internet but if I've got the internet, I'm eventually going to seek some out.
4. I hate my chosen profession and fear that I will hate every job I ever have. I think (hope) I'll be changing jobs next week. I am working on getting into a professional school to change careers.
5. I stated earlier that I would never cheat on my wife, but if you are a girl and want to show me your breasts I want you to know that I don't count that as cheating so long as I don't touch them...
6. I love to eat.
7. I lack the ability to "be offended." In fact, I don't actually believe in the existence of "being offended." I think that when people say they are offended they are actually trying to say that they feel another basic emotion and they either don't know (won't admit) that they feel that way or they aren't really "offended." Tell me the last time that you were offended but not simultaneously disgusted, angry, shamed, etc. If the only thing you are feeling is offended, you're lying to me... and there is no way to convince me otherwise. If such an animal exists, it cannot exist as a standalone emotion...
8. I guess reading back over number 7 I see that I am sometimes unwilling to change my mind.
9. I have a very high opinion of my own opinion.
10. If you show me yours, I'll show you mine.
11. I love going down on 'em. Simultaneous is great but by no means a requirement.
12. Back when I was in college I bought a penis pump off ebay. I'm not unhappy with my dick, in fact I wish it were slightly smaller (diameter) because I often inflict pain on wifey because she's quite tiny. Anyway, I pumped my just-shy-of-7 (yeah, I measured it) up to 9+ a few times and that was really weird feeling. I never used it sexually, more from a curiosity standpoint. I threw it away but wish I still had it. One bad thing is that it kept trying to suck my balls into the tube and that was unpleasant at best.
13. I have 3 dogs, 1 4-legged cat, & 1 3-legged cat.
14. I have fantasized about killing muggers/attackers although I've never been mugged or attacked.
15. I'm not sure if there is anything sexual that I wouldn't try just once if it were safe... I don't want to screw while on fire... but you get the picture.
16. I like small boobs just as much as big boobs.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
My passion is sleight of hand.:P Message me if there any fellow magicians here!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by dvlkcc

My passion is sleight of hand.:P Message me if there any fellow magicians here!

i can make posts disapear, does that count?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
1-15. BEER!!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Latino

My passion is sleight of hand.:P Message me if there any fellow magicians here!

i can make posts disapear, does that count?

make it so!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Atavist

15: My favourite actress is Rachel Weisz (I've heard her described as "The thinking man's crumpet" ).

yeah she is hot.


wasn't gillian anderson described as "The thinking man's crumpet" back in the day?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
hmmm, 15 things about me, eh:

1. blue is my colour, it seems.

2. i love snow and the winter season.

3. i'm known to be a snob.

4. i rarely drink alcohol.

5. whilst they were away on a holiday i had to replace the windscreen on my parents car. they still don't know about it!

6. i don't speak to my brother as often as i would like.

7. i dig brunettes. although my last girlfriend was blonde...

8. my fav. tv show is queer as folk followed by deadwood.

9. i'm not religious.

10.i loathe fake people.

11.if a friend needs 5 bucks i'll probably hand over 10.

12.i think kids are great but i don't think i'll have any.

13.i'm into country music.

14.i ride a honda hornet 900.

15.i'm very hard on myself.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by SydneySinbad

And we love u FeFeHumHum.

thank you

Originally posted by Atavist

But a great thread, FeFe, and I agree with the others about your avatar.

im glad you like the thread!! and the avatar...

@ brutalhonesty - did you copy like 5 or 6 straight from my list?

Originally posted by twwain

5. whilst they were away on a holiday i had to replace the windscreen on my parents car. they still don't know about it!

did you just say whilst? :P
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

5. whilst they were away on a holiday i had to replace the windscreen on my parents car. they still don't know about it!

did you just say whilst? :P

? wrong word usage?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
oh, i get it now:

"Although “whilst” is a perfectly good traditional synonym of “while,” in American usage it is considered pretentious and old-fashioned."
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 27
Originally posted by twwain

oh, i get it now:

"Although “whilst” is a perfectly good traditional synonym of “while,” in American usage it is considered pretentious and old-fashioned."

I actually use it all the time, i like traditional words
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by twwain

oh, i get it now:

"Although “whilst” is a perfectly good traditional synonym of “while,” in American usage it is considered pretentious and old-fashioned."

i was just giving you shit :P
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
1. I was on everypage of this thread and I only read the lists from people I knew.
2. I like to have the spotlight.
3. I like to be thanked. (if I go out of my way for you and you dont thank me, I won't do it again)
4. I don't care what others think OF me. except my wife.
5. the only emotions I really feel are love and hate. I would do anything for a friend/family member, up until that person betrays/uses/lies to me. After that I would not give you a dime if you were homeless. (ask my ex-wife)
6. I love to know EXACTLY what the rules or expectations are. I always need the plan.
7. I do everything at the last possible minute. I work better under stress.
8. I don't cry. never have.
9. penguins make me smile.
10.I try to be a perfect gentleman around my wife, I still flirt with her, I still try to make her feel wanted everyday, i still give her flowers as often as I can. been together for 6 years now.
11.I know I am a good driver, people driving slow in the fast lane throw me into a rage.
12.I believe I can feel energys. Energy from people, certains stones, buildings. I really can't explain that better.
13.I can't quit smoking.
14.I wish I had time to eat healthy
15.I hope and pray that I am being the best father I can be.

Wow, I am glad I took a minute to think about that.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by Still

5. the only emotions I really feel are love and hate.

you love me?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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