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Who the fuck are you?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 21.1K
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Lvl 15
1. I'm angry as shit that I spent 10 minutes rifling through this thread. Even angrier that I did it by choice. And the thing that makes me the maddest? That for whatever reason I wanted to throw my 15 facts out on the table.

2. I'm not actually from Azerbaijan. Or "fucking Azerbaijan."

3. I get worried about the fact that I can be content with just about any situation I find myself in. I'm afraid I'll wake up one day and be 50 and realize I just settled into something that wasn't what I wanted to do. I'm driven but comfortable too easily.

4. I can tell you exactly what kind of person someone is within about the first two minutes of talking to them. Most people are assholes. I am too.

5. I have no idea who half the people that post on here are anymore. Everyone from my day either changed their name or disappeared. And I'm sure half of the people who post on here now are going "who the fuck is FO?"

6. I don't have a favorite color. For some reason that question always seemed uncomfortably weird to me. Sort of like "What's your favorite organ?"

7. I'm tremendously picky. But sometimes, without explanation, I will do something that goes against all my scruples.

8. I gave up drinking on November 26th last year after crashing my car into a telephone pole at 65 miles per hour while driving drunk. My insurance agent told me he's never seen a car that badly messed up where the driver didn't die. I somehow escaped without so much as whiplash, and managed not to get a DUI. I won't drink again until I've figured out why I don't have an off switch when it comes to drinking.

9. Did I mentioned I worry that I'll wake up one day and I'll be 50 and have nothing to show for it? What do you call that? Oh that's right, "being my father."

10. If I were to have an alcoholic drink right now it would be a scotch. Single malt, bitches.

11. I once refused a handjob from a beautifully fucking attractive girl because she had short, thick, troll-looking thumbs. The thought of those wrinkly nubs on my dick...I wouldn't be able to get hard.

12. I was a nice guy. Romantic and shit. Then got fucked over bigtime (seems to be a common story around here). Since I've been more of a jerk (in a lovable, Steve Martin kind of way) things have been going much better for me.

13. If I ever became crippled in any way, shape or form, I wouldn't be one of those inspirational cripples. I wouldn't be a triumph of the human spirit. I'd get insanely drunk, take a whole bottle of valium, and just for good measure I'd get high.

14. I'm fucking on fire with creative energy, but too lazy to create something crazy awesome with it.

15. My dick is 12 (minus 11) inches long.

16. Every man on my dad's side of the family over the age of 25 is bald or balding. I don't know quite how I'll handle it when that day comes for me. Thanks for fucking, dad.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 15
wow. apparently i thought the idea was "write a book about yourself."
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
1. I'm a qualified scientist
2. My favourite drink is cider
3. My second favourite drink is red wine
4. I have a silly sense of humour
5. When I'm drunk, I can't say 'no'
6. I worry about my weight
7. I've modelled for a pay website
8. I try to be nice to people but it usually backfires on me
9. I love live music
10.My favourite colour is black
11.All but one of my friends is male
12.I like loud rock music
13.Posing for naughty pics turns me on - I've posed for 14 different photographers so far
14.I like walking, hiking and camping
15. I often don't get round to finishing everything I
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
1. I'm incredibly lazy!!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
1. favorite color blue
2. I like beer and cider
3. favorite movie, Seven
4. I work in a private elderlyhome as a chef
5. love to make food
6. moto: help the next person to you and you can someday ask his/hers help if you need one
7. Have wonderful boys (6 and 7 years old)
8. drive a shitty Volkswagen polo 1.9D
9. just moved to my own house with my familly, did the hole house new, took 3 months
10. im not married but when the feeling is right i will ask my GF her hand
11. love to have sauna nights with my buddies
12. have an old motorcykle Yamaha XJ 750 -82, im thinking of selling it
13. Love to just watch tv with my familly after work and go and walk in the nature
14. Favorite food, hmmmm... allmost everything, like pizza after a party
15. have two dogs
16. love to flirt with girls
17. love gagets
18. been in the same job 8 years, and i love my job
19. lost 30 Kg in 3½ months, and i kept my weight over an year now
20 have been smoking since i been 14 years old
21. lost my virginity when i was 14 years old with an much older women(24) then i was at the time
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
1. I have no favourite colour. For me, colour depends on the context within which it appears.

2. The urge to manipulate people is overwhelming which is why I prefer the company of intelligent people who can either see it a mile off or can unconsciously side-step my subconscious with ease. While I do not set out to manipulate people, it just happens.

3. I drank almost every day from the age of 16 to 24. I would still binge drink a couple of times a month until I was 36, often ending the night in an embarrassing situation. Now the most I have is a single glass of wine, single spirit or a small beer and only at social occasions. I have never considered myself an alcoholic.

4. I am not lazy, just easily distracted.

5. I have been in one fight in my entire adult life, when I was 18. It lasted 3 punches, one of which was thrown by me. I won.

6. I am political though I try not to be. I despise politics but recognise them for the necessary evil that they are. While I have my ideals I have a practical side which results in long arguments with myself.

7. I am the most laid back person I know of. People often confuse this with a lack of passion or concern with the real world. At a recent party it almost resulted in someone attacking me over a discussion about passion. He was as equally annoyed at me for my views as the fact that I wouldn’t get angry when he began insulting me. It would have been the second fight of my adult life.

8. I can separate love and sex.

9. Flirting is fine. Flirting stops when your lips touch.

10. I can be entertained by almost anything (especially comedy and drama) except embarrassing situations and inappropriate or stupid behaviour. This puts Reality TV and ‘laughter’ (people filming clips of kids, pets and accidents) shows, and all similar programs far beyond the bottom of my list of entertaining TV.

11. I love movies. To this end I despair over the bigger/more is better mentality when it comes to special effects, big names and other meaningless elements of movie production. Get a good script, good director, good producer and good actors. That said, there are enough good modern films being made around the world to keep me satisfied, and the films of yesteryear weren’t always as great as nostalgia makes them out to be.

12. Amnesty International is the only organisation I currently donate to. I would also give to Doctors Without Borders (Medicin sans frontiers)if I had enough extra and plan to raise money for them in the coming year. I once gave a woman who was a friend of a friend and that I had never met before $500 dollars to help with medical care costs for her child. We are still friends though we have still not met in person. Otherwise I would not consider myself very charitable.

13. I believe organised religion is one of the biggest blights on the world today and throughout history. That said, I also believe that even without religion mankind would still find plenty of reasons to hate, fear and kill one another. Just thinking about it is depressing.

14. I used to be 15 minutes late for everything, until I met my partner who runs an hour late, thus hiding my own tardiness.

15. I am basically a happy and trusting person who will extend to anybody else the chance to get to know me and be a friend. But only one chance.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
1. I love football in any form (playing and watching).
2. 4 teams I support the most: Legia Warszawa, Manchester United, AC Milan, Real Madrid.
3. I'm addicted to the Internet (and computer in general).
4. There's no better game than Finala Fantasy.
5. I'm in a relationship.
6. I think not being able to forget about an ex gf sucks.
7. I love to sleep. =P
8. My favourite color is red.
9. I think cats are better than dogs (why? because that's obvious ).
10. I'm an only child (not sure if it's good or bad).
11. Mmm, boobies.
12. I like to play with my movie camera.
13. I'm an optimist.
14. The Simpsons rock.
15. (place for many other things I forgot to write).
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Daggett

2) I hate/fear snakes. The only good one is a dead one. If I see it I don't care what kind it is I kill em all.

I used to be TERRIFIED of snakes..until about ten years ago and was struck by a rattle snake. It was a young snake and luckily nothing happened to me (I was mountain biking alone and a little ways from other people). After that I read a LOT and pretty much lost the fear. A couple of years later I pulled off to the side of the road to pee....stepped over a log to get out of site of the road and heard the rattle. I looked back and basically about a foot from my foot was a coiled rattle snake. I forgot about the pee ...and slowing stepped back out saying nice things to the snake. That was a strange experience!!!

@Deems.....we'll talk about that smoking and geese..the only thing worse than some ex-smokers trying to tell you about quiting is somebody who has no clue about addiction taking shit about it. Stick to computers Kanzan geese (altough....I BET you are addicted to them!! )
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
1. I love the color yellow
2. I hate Big Mac's
3. I only drink Lapin Kulta (Beer)
4. I never lend people money (except for my close relatives)
5. I love sports
6. I HATE!!!! horses
7. I spend way to much money on shit i dont need
8. I havent missed an Anaheim (Mighty) Ducks game in 12 year (2/3 of my life)
9. I am an iPod addict, i have every model ever sold, in every color ever sold.
10. I have never kept a girlfriend for more than 3 months
11. i have a tendency of g´breaking expencive stuff when im mad, good example: Pushed my car down a steep hill in to a tree once after loosing a game of Fifa 05 on PS2
12. I go to the hairdresser atleast 4 times a month.
13. I always go overkill on gifts to other people.
14. i got my license suspended after doing 230 km/h (144mp/h) when the speedlimit was 70 km/h(44 mp/h)
15. i've kissed a guy once
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by Honda_X

19. I've had several dreams about WBW, and most of them involve Latino threatening me for some reason, even though he's always been really nice.

Diz should ban you for a month or so, for your own good.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
1) My favorite color is black or dark blue
2) I drive an 18 wheeler for a living, but hate driving my car
3) I've never had a one night stand.
4) Women I find attractive make me so shy, I cannot approach them. I've never picked anyone up in a bar.
5) I didn't start dating or lose my virginity until I was 22.
6) Procrastination is a lot like masturbation - you're only screwing yourself. I do it everyday.
7) I am in a relationship, but if I know I'm not going to have sex, I will masturbate.
8) I used to masturbate compulsively when I was younger, up to 8 times a day - sometimes hurting myself. (Ouch)
9) I LOVE music, mostly classic rock - I am completely in love with Van Halen.
10) My hobbies are playing bass and piano
11) Someday, I want to own a Harley Davidson motorcycle
12) I have fantasies of playing live on stage, even though I'm terrified of public speaking, performing, etc.
13) I hate having a messy house, but sometimes dont feel like doing anything about it. It's an internal struggle.
14) I honestly think FeFe has the sexiest avitar I've ever seen, but too shy to tell her. (Oops.)
15) I visit this site sometimes twice daily (see #7)
16) I lead a boring life - but have dreams of doing exciting things when I get older (skydiving, boating)
17) I want to travel. I've never been out of the US, or to the west coast. I want to visit Ireland, Australia, London and Las Vegas.
18) I have driven stright through from Philadelphia to Kansas City, MO in 18 hours to meet a girl. I also have back injuries from doing this.
19) Because of #18, I will no longer do long-distance relationships.
20) I am more at ease writing or talking on the phone than talking in person.
21) I am good at writing descriptive pornographic stories,
22) I hate writing about myself, but I had fun with this.
23) I am completely lost without todays technology - cell phone, computer, etc
24) Womens eyes attract me first. I also find the crease between the leg and torso to be incredibly sexy.
25) I tend to be long winded sometimes. (Sorry)
26) I hate drugs, and don't like hanging around people that do them.
27) I've never smoked a cigarette or done drugs. I also hate beer.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
1: This is my favourate colour!
2: I'm half-British, half-Iranian and I'm currently in the process of moving to ND, America!
3: I'm very forge... err, I forgot what I was about to say... (shit).
4: My very first girlfriend is now my fiancee.
5: I'm in love with the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII.
6: I drive a frikkin' Vauxhall Corsa... .
7: I'm an action-movie guy. War, cops... anything with guns and things that go BOOM!
8: I like my books like that, too.
9: Oh, I also like Star Wars, Star Trek, however, SUCKS.
10: I'm a paint baller though-and-though, ain't nothing short of having two broken legs gonna stop me!
11: I like my music how I like my music, and I'll listen to most things short of classical.
12: I can't help lying about stupid shit. Apparently I feel better when I do.
13: I put stuff off so much that right before I need to do it... I can't be bothered.
14: I have two social modes - shy or cocky.
15: I'll do anything for my friends, I'm usually a pretty nice guy (despite being shy or cocky), but I won't let someone take advantage of me.
16: I really don't drink a lot. Sure, I'll have the odd beer and such with the guys, but I never go out of my way to drink.
17: I spend too much money of stuff I'll never use.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
1.) My colour is green. it stands for hore and i never lose that
2.) If i dont do it on my own, it will never be perfect
3.) I love my gf and am together with her for 6 years now
4.) I judge people by first sight. If i dont think they could be fun, i never again talk to them
5.) The party starts as soon as i am around. I could even make a horse laugh i guess
6.) Things get boring for me too soon. I lose interest way too fast. Only technology and things that move on pretty fast, are interesting to me.
7.) I have been playing CounterStrike about 6-8 hours day and have been ranked #3 with my clan in germany.
8.) Cars and sports are the thing i spend most of my money on. Not for tuning though.
9.) I have participated in more then 10 sorts of sports in my life but cant do anything but swimming these days due to a knee surgery.
10.) I am self employed as Insurance agent but cant handly my own money really good.
11.) My gf's dad is a better father to me then my own dad.
12.) I lost interest in this thread too fast and will stop now
13.) nice idea fefe. thx for the thread

edit: did kyosho post yet?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 20
1. My favourite color is red
2. I have an itchy sweet tooth, good thing it doesn't stick to me
3. I almost always see to it that I'm in time with margine, I don't mind listening to the radio or something while waiting for the right time
4. I'm a tv-holic, but dispise series like Days of Our Lives, Big Brother and Survivor... Oh, and sports
5. I talk with my mom on the phone almost every day
6. I write erotic stories, I've got some fun reactions when I've told people I know about that
7. For some reason I can charm older middle aged ladies very easily and if I wanted to I'm sure I could get them to take their panties off too
8. I am a bit lazy when it comes to cleaning
9. My favourite food is stuff you can do of sausage (I know I'm gonna get crap for saying that word) or ground meat and pasta
10. I can listen to almost any music, but personally I mostly stick to Country, Rock and some Pop.
11. I laugh often and I do it high, why be shy about it?
12. I am very different on WBW than I am irl
13. I love having a car, I've had three since just before I became 18. The first one was a Volvo S40 2.0T that I wrecked, the other one was the same that I sold and now I have a Renault Clio because they are reasonably cheap
14. The first thing I look at on a girl is the face
15. I really should be studying right now
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 27
^^^go study ya bum
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
1.) I'm terrible at remembering actors' and actress' names.
2.) I'll eat almost anything dairy that's fresh. Dairy + sugar is even better.
3.) Until I was 14, my peers told me I was ugly so much that I believed it. Now I think I'm average. But I surprise myself when I play dress-up sometimes.
4.) My fiance can kick my butt most of the time in Halo or Halo 2 but Tetris is usually my easy win.
5.) My Mazda Miata is my baby but I drool over RX-8s.
6.) I'm a major cat person. Dogs are okay, got a little jaded as a child when they would jump on be trying to be friendly. I am a relatively small person and always have been.
7.) I don't like being held upside down. My mother had a c-section to have me because of it (breech). It makes all the blood run to my head and I totally HATE that feeling.
8.) I'm happy with myself as I am and nobody's comments - no matter how positive or negative - will change that.
9.) There are two things I splurge on in this lifetime: A good mattress and cushy-tushy toilet paper.
10.) I have to be perky and happy at my job making reservations for hotels at a call center, so some days I come home happy-burn-out bitchy.
11.) I've discovered that sometimes the strangest looking people are the nicest and most interesting ones.
12.) I fit into a child's size 4 1/2 shoe.
13.) I'm addicted to "The Lion King" the movie and any merchandise related to it. ONLY the original, though.
14.) I've been to Sydney, Australia twice. If I could move there permanently with my cats, I would.
15.) I collect mounted and framed butterflies.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by j0lly

1.) My colour is green. it stands for hore and i never lose that

Freudian slip?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by Dagnabbit

1.) My colour is green. it stands for hore and i never lose that

Freudian slip?

i meant ermmm hope
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by j0lly

1.) My colour is green. it stands for hore and i never lose that

Freudian slip?

i meant ermmm hope

I noticed that too but I thought you just tried to be funny!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
only proofs no.5
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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