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Who the fuck are you?

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 18 years ago Views: 21.2K
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Lvl 24
It seems like the longer the forum has been alive, the more the number of members we have grows.. and grows.. and grows. it would be nice to know the every day things about people we chat and post with every single day on here.

i think everyone will be surprised how many things we do or maybe we DONT have in common.. at the very least youll be saved from a few minutes of boredom

so heres how it works, you have to name 15 things about yourself.. dont be lazy, try. this isnt a dating ad, so dont tell us just the goood stuff, i want to know the bad stuff too, the really quirky stuff.

let me try to give this a go..

1. my favorite color is red
2. i'm movie obsessed, especially war movies
3. i'm very reluctant to fall in love
4. i'm an under achiever when it comes to anything actually self productive
5. without iced tea in my hand i'm completely lost
6. i have a serious fear that my inability to resist temptation will be the death of me
7. even though ive been in the most horrific car accident of anyone i know, i'm still a crazy driver
8. i have a need to wear the pants in my relationships, the only time i was ever REALLY deep in love is the one relationship where i wasnt the one in control
9. i could eat chinese food every single day of my life
10. i have an insatiable love for hip hop, r&b, and reggeatone
11. i'm only mushy when no one is looking
12. i say "blow it our your ass" so much you'd think i have a daily quota to hit
13. as much as i bitch about it and try to hate my job, i actually really like it
14. my favorite television series ever is HBO's Deadwood
15. my biggest fault is procrastination

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 51
1. favorite color: blue
2. my favorite actors are robert de niro and al pacino so i love they movies
3. i love to be loved but sometimes i hate it
4. i like to be productive but i like to have some lazy time too
5. i love coffee, i hate tea
6. my principal fear is to be married, i think because my parents are divorced...
7. i hate to drive, i prefer to walk
8. my relationships are simple: one date, one kiss, two girls.... the bed
9. i love pizza.... my favorite food
10. i love almost any kind of music... but i hate hip-hop
11. i would give my life for my mom, she is everything for me.... I HATE YOU DAD!
12. i'm not a crying person... i just cry when i lost my pencil
13. my favorite clothes are just a simple shirt and my old levis... i'm a simple person
14. my favorite t.v. series was seinfeld, i love that fuckers
15. i hate to answer stupid questions, my life is more important than your bullshit


16. I love girls.... they are the best thing in this fucking world
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24
very nice mistral we have number 11 in common, i would give my life for my mom too
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 51
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 27
1. favorite color is BLUE
2. i love my coffee, drink it 24-7
3. i love to laugh, it keeps me young
4. people think i'm a prick, when actually i'm a very nice guy that would do anything for about anyone
5. i love my truck, owned a truck since i was 16 and will never be without one
6. i'm head over heels in love with my girl, i love her to death
7. i'm bull headed as hell and stuborn as a mule
8. the only right way to do something is my way
9. i absolutely hate money and what it does to people
10.i'm to damn sensitive for my own good boys mean the world to me
12.i treat people the way i want to be treated and expect the same in return
13.i could eat pizza every day, i love it
14.i'm self employed and love my work, (most of the time)
15.i'm also very impatient, when i want something done i want it done yesterday
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24
*eyes number 4*

demon, you prick

jk, of course. love the list
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
1. My favorite color is red and yellow
2. I am a counselor in a level 5 state prison
3. My favorite movie the is the crow starring brandon lee
4. My favorite food is cheese
5. I like all music but the new pop country
6. My favorite show on tv atm is Smallville
7. My greatest fear is failure
8. I workout everyday
9. I love tequila
10. I look like johnny depp, orlando bloom and ed norton ....what a combo
11. I dont like to cuss unless I have too
12. I love boobs haha
13. I love cartoons
14. I am a vampire
15. I hate driving
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 27
Thanks FeFe, its mostly my family, they all go through my girl to get to me and i don't know why, i guess i'm just mean
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24
@ crackur - thats a very interesting list youve got there
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28
1. my favorite color is blue
2. movies are good, don’t really care what genre
3. ive fallen in love, but only once
4. I swear, sometimes I think procrastination will be the death of me
5. I love iced tea, but cant make it for shit
6. I have a quasi-fear of snakes
7. im a very safe driver…when there are cops around
8. im relationships, the woman can wear the pants, but she’s sure as hell not going to tell me what I will and will not do.
9. I love Chinese, but I can be persuaded into Italian just as easily
10. i can listen to almost any type of music, but I prefer(at the moment) hip-hop and rap
11. i come off mushier that I mean to, but almost only in private
12. the one thing that pisses me off more than anything is being ignored
13. I hate my job, and everyone there, but it accommodates my school so im stuck
14. i love the tv show 24
15. sarcasm is a wonderful tool
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
1. my favorite color is red
2. i hate lazy people, and am a clean freak
3. caffeeine is my saviour, specially no-doze
4. Im a Canberra Raiders fan and a Brumbies fan
5. im in love with myself
6. my wife and my son are my whole life, i do what i have to for them both
7. i work too much
8. im moody...with angry/paranoid/stubborn and horny been my common moods
9. i tell you how it is, i hate to beat around the bush....if i think youre talking shit, i tell you
10. Im passionate about my beliefs, whatever they may be
11. i hate to wait, and i HATE queues
12. ive been told i take too long in the bathroom and too long on my hair
13. i love alcohol, and come out of my shell more when intoxicated...without it, im a real quiet person
14. i always wanted to be a pilot
15. ive ran over 2 people in my life and both times it was intentional
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24
@ tinobear - i couldnt have described you any better, thats for sure
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 27
Latino, i can relate to number 8 that is so me also
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
1. My favorite color is blue

I'll post more when I can think of them.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
1. Amber is my favorite color. (See what I did there? Hurr!)
2. I don't give a fuck what you, your friends and family or anyone else thinks.
3. I have no excuses - and even fewer regrets.
4. I see the big picture on things - and try to think outside the box.
5. I've got direction in my life - and that direction is complete chaos.
6. I feel that "if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough" is the most true lyric ever written.
7. I have no material belongings that I would give a shit if I lost.
8. Music is most important to me - and the only language that everyone understands.
9. I drink Jager like they have threatened to stop making it.
10. I can play guitar, write a love poem - but still kick your head in.
11. I trust a half dozen people - and if you have to wonder who those people are - you aren't one of 'em.
12. I like to mix alcohol to see how far I can go before I black out. Its a war of attrition.
13. Belief about love and war: One is filled with long lasting mental and physical damage - and the other is war.
14. I'm fiercely loyal to those I love - but I'll throw you under the bus as soon as you cross me.
15. I hate things like myspace surveys and shit - and this qualifies. Right now im wondering why I bothered filling it out, and I've got no answer.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
@ fefe - im sure you could have added a few more there
@ DM - yeah, well thats me when im in a good mood...

i forgot to add..

16. Im NOT a people person, and hate people in general
17. i love my cars and joined WBW for the cars
18. im homophobic
19. women are my weakness
20. i have cut the brake lines to cars which WERENT mine way too many times to remember
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 19
01. My favourite colors are black and blue
02. I'm a huge movieholic, I've been watching movies since 6-year old
03. I drive a Honda civic (boomin!) which is metallic dark blue
04. I love coffee and tea. I drink both every day
05. I'm single (damn)
06. I'm 187cm tall
07. I love driving a car, if someone asks, I'm on it!
08. I'm IT-professionalist
09. Pasta foods are my special favourites
10. I'm always ready to help my mates, if they need a lift or just someone to listen
11. I don't watch many series anymore, it makes me too dependant. I download Lost episodes from the net though
12. I've listened LOTS of different genres separately during my life, and combined them nowadays. Electronic, jazz, blues, metal, hip-hop etc
13. I love dark clothes, usually black. I have some old school and new school on my look.
14. My word weighs as much as myself, I expect you to keep your word too
15. I'm a dull person
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 28
1. My favorite color is red
2. I love Sheri Moon & Rob Zombie
3. My favorite movies are usually comedys and horror
4. My favorite food is pizza
5. I like all music
6. I love the TV show Seinfeld
7. My greatest fear is living alone
8. I never get enough sleep
9. I love Corona
10. I spend way too much time trying to please other people
11. I love my mom
12. I have road rage WAY too often
13. and I've been told I'm usually sweet but can be a real smartass too
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 24
@ latino - of course i could. i knew youd have more than 15 to put in, you like talking about yourself too much to be limited to 15

@ jack - thank you for contributing i liked your list a lot, especially number 1

@ screwy - said to try you lazy fuck

@ ascaris - you and i definately have #2 in common!

@ bisthrn - wow, we have 1, 8, 11, & 12 in common
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Thank you for not saying that I'm trying to shit up the thread.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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