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Discuss how demonic possession and other supernatural things are possible.or not

Starter: NightCruiser Posted: 10 years ago Views: 14.2K
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Lvl 4
I have been really busy and the weather has been too nice to be indoors. I can't get the quote deal to work half the time. Sugarpie, I am sure there is great pressure to make every ghost show entertaining. But it looks to me like there are a good many shows that produce unexplainable events
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Althalus
Bold part #1: You call every person that don't agree with your ideas grabbed from thin air ignorant and arrogant...

Bold part #2: Who created God? Why did he create a sun if he would just light up the whole thing himself?

Bold part #3: Ever heard of chance? Probability? How many planets do you think there's out there with various sun sizes and distances from that sun? One is BOUND be get it right. Also who's to say that the "Goldilocks zone" is the only one viable to ever produce life? What if we, the human race, is the 20th variation of what could be considered life? Maybe not even the 10th carbon based life form?

Who created God? According to the one did.< Exod 3 verse 3: [14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. >
Eric says the Bible has no scientific value. The Bible said the Universe had a beginning--"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth". Scientist now say the Universe had a beginning--the big bang. :

"The idea that God created time, along with the physical universe, is not just some wacky modern Christian interpretation of the Bible. Justin Martyr, a second century Christian apologist, in his Hortatory Address to the Greeks, said that Plato got the idea that time was created along with the universe from Moses:

"And from what source did Plato draw the information that time was created along with the heavens? For he wrote thus: 'Time, accordingly, was created along with the heavens; in order that, coming into being together, they might also be together dissolved, if ever their dissolution should take place.' Had he not learned this from the divine history of Moses?"1
God exists in timeless eternity

How does God acting before time began get around the problem of God's creation? There are two possible interpretations of these verses. One is that God exists outside of time. Since we live in a universe of cause and effect, we naturally assume that this is the only way in which any kind of existence can function. However, the premise is false. Without the dimension of time, there is no cause and effect, and all things that could exist in such a realm would have no need of being caused, but would have always existed. Therefore, God has no need of being created, but, in fact, created the time dimension of our universe specifically for a reason - so that cause and effect would exist for us. However, since God created time, cause and effect would never apply to His existence.Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries in Astrophysics Reveal about the Glory and Love of God
God exists in multiple dimensions of time

The second interpretation is that God exists in more than one dimension of time. Things that exist in one dimension of time are restricted to time's arrow and are confined to cause and effect. However, two dimensions of time form a plane of time, which has no beginning and no end and is not restricted to any single direction. A being that exists in at least two dimensions of time can travel anywhere in time and yet never had a beginning, since a plane of time has no starting point. Either interpretation leads one to the conclusion that God has no need of having been created.
Why can't the universe be eternal?

The idea that God can be eternal leads us to the idea that maybe the universe is eternal, and, therefore, God doesn't need to exist at all. Actually, this was the prevalent belief of atheists before the observational data of the 20th century strongly refuted the idea that the universe was eternal. This fact presented a big dilemma for atheists, since a non-eternal universe implied that it must have been caused. Maybe Genesis 1:1 was correct! Not to be dismayed by the facts, atheists have invented some metaphysical "science" that attempts to explain away the existence of God. Hence, most atheistic cosmologists believe that we see only the visible part of a much larger "multiverse" that randomly spews out universes with different physical parameters.2 Since there is no evidence supporting this idea (nor can there be, according to the laws of the universe), it is really just a substitute "god" for atheists. And, since this "god" is non-intelligent by definition, it requires a complex hypothesis, which would be ruled out if we use Occam's razor, which states that one should use the simplest logical explanation for any phenomenon. Purposeful intelligent design of the universe makes much more sense, especially based upon what we know about the design of the universe.Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions
What does science say about time?

When Stephen Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose extended the equations for general relativity to include space and time, the results showed that time has a beginning - at the moment of creation (i.e., the Big Bang).3 In fact, if you examine university websites, you will find that many professors make such a claim - that the universe had a beginning and that this beginning marked the beginning of time (see The Universe is Not Eternal, But Had A Beginning). Such assertions support the Bible's claim that time began...."
Lvl 4
Talk about Timely. Restaurant says it caught Ghost on Camera:
Originally posted by NightCruiser
I have been really busy and the weather has been too nice to be indoors. I can't get the quote deal to work half the time. Sugarpie, I am sure there is great pressure to make every ghost show entertaining. But it looks to me like there are a good many shows that produce unexplainable events

Then show me just one. Just one clip of any TV show or scientific recording that proves ghosts exists. Surely if ghosts are real, then someone somewhere in the history of recorded data someone has captured lets see it.
Originally posted by NightCruiser
Talk about Timely. Restaurant says it caught Ghost on Camera:


Do you really believe thats proof that ghosts exist? A blurry, fuzzy shape on security camera lens, that could as easily be a bug on the lens? And some paper dishes falling off a shelf? I will agree that the dishes falling is a little more unexplainable, but just because something is unexplainable doesn't mean its supernatural. Without seeing the video in its entirety, its hard to say what caused the dishes to appear to jump off the shelf, but maybe something behind them tipped causing them to fall over. As for the footage of the "ghost", I'd say that its much more likely a bug on the lens than a supernatural being.
Lvl 8
There are and never have been such things as ghosts, regardless of whatever so - called tv shows or documentaries people produce, there is no scientific evidence for ghosts or spirits because when you die you cease to exist, many human beings are so arrogant/ignorant in their own existence as to think that there has to be more to life than the 60+ odd years most of us have on this rock that they are given to inventing things to help support this belief (gods, ghosts, demons etc). Human beings are, like the dinosaurs before us, just the current dominant species running around this rock. When the human races time comes, and it will, as all things must end, and we all become extinct then the next species will take over and become dominant, whether that is cockroaches, rats, or whatever, we, as a species are simply another step in the life cycle of this rock and when we shuffle off this mortal coil, all that we are stops dead. it ceases, there is nothing. We are here for a good time, not a long time.
Althalus finds this awesome.
Originally posted by Neonzero
the next species will take over and become dominant, whether that is...

Its apes...obviously apes.

Does no one pay attention to my posts?
[Deleted], Davey45 find this awesome.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Neonzero
There are and never have been such things as ghosts, regardless of whatever so - called tv shows or documentaries people produce, there is no scientific evidence for ghosts or spirits because when you die you cease to exist, many human beings are so arrogant/ignorant in their own existence as to think that there has to be more to life than the 60+ odd years most of us have on this rock that they are given to inventing things to help support this belief (gods, ghosts, demons etc). Human beings are, like the dinosaurs before us, just the current dominant species running around this rock. When the human races time comes, and it will, as all things must end, and we all become extinct then the next species will take over and become dominant, whether that is cockroaches, rats, or whatever, we, as a species are simply another step in the life cycle of this rock and when we shuffle off this mortal coil, all that we are stops dead. it ceases, there is nothing. We are here for a good time, not a long time.

RTB I guess you died and found out for sure? There have been some who have been pronounced Clinically dead and then came back to life and say different
Lvl 28
Clinically dead and DEAD is not the same thing.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Its apes...obviously apes.

Does no one pay attention to [Link]

Or dolphins... Everybody thinks the Hitchhiker's Guide is fiction, but there is evidence it isn't...


Don't panic!
Lvl 8
Nightcruiser I don't need to die to be a realist and not live in a fantasy world of sky fairies, ghosts and demons, if you choose to believe such fairytales then that is your own choice, I just feel sorry for all those who place far too much importance on human beings as a race, we are just creatures walking the earth, like any other creature that does the same, we are no more important than an ant and to think otherwise is not only foolish, but also very misguided. Show me one single documented scientific report to the contrary that has been wholly validated and passed the closest scrutiny and I will gladly admit I am wrong, however as no such report exists I stand by my comments 100%.
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
There is no scientic proof that there is life on any other Planet . Why? Because we will never be able to reach any earth like planet
Our scientist are no match for Gods science
blah blah blah blah blah....just show me the so called proof you claim to have seen.
Lvl 19
OK., bout Sasquatch ?
I still say that I don't have enough faith to be an atheist. It is takes a much greater leap of faith to believe that everything happened by random chance than to believe in God.

NightCruiser finds this awesome.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Lia
I still say that I don't have enough faith to be an atheist. It is takes a much greater leap of faith to believe that everything happened by random chance than to believe in God.

Well... "because it's easier" probably isn't the best reasoning for religion.
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Well... "because it's easier" probably isn't the best reasoning for religion.

It may be easier but it's all that I have, it's the only reason that I still have my sanity.

Lvl 9
Originally posted by Lia
It may be easier but it's all that I have, it's the only reason that I still have my sanity.

Fair call. It seems nearly impossible for most of us to get our heads around the really big (but fundamental to our existence) ideas. The human brain is just not equipped to deal with concepts such as infinity.

"Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose." - JBS Haldane
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 4
Originally posted by F1098
OK., bout Sasquatch ?

Their is no scientific proof that Sasquatch exist or that UFO's even exist
Lvl 28
Originally posted by NightCruiser

Their is no scientific proof that Sasquatch exist or that UFO's even exist

Same thing goes for God, ghosts, demons etc.
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