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Discuss how demonic possession and other supernatural things are possible.or not

Starter: NightCruiser Posted: 10 years ago Views: 14.2K
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Lvl 8
With all that sweetness, my head will feel like it got hit with a 3 week old baguette. Thanks for the info though. I'm not as worldly as I would like to be and I feel that one of the bests ways to experience the culture of other lands is to drink with the locals. That's why I got hammered on cheap American beer at the redneck bar the other night.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by Davey45
With all that sweetness, my head will feel like it got hit with a 3 week old baguette. Thanks for the info though. I'm not as worldly as I would like to be and I feel that one of the bests ways to experience the culture of other lands is to drink with the locals. That's why I got hammered on cheap American beer at the redneck bar the other night.

This is not something we usually drink though.
Beer, basic cocktails, wine as well as demon souls are still the top drinks ^^
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by NightCruiser

For a good many people the paranormal/supernatural is real and documented. Multiple Universes possibilities are being studied by "real" scientist. Study up on Cosmology. I grew up in a Christian home so the Bible is real for me. Some of it is "out there" ie the Book of Revelations, which I don't think should have been included in the Bible. Other things that i don't think are inspired by God. But you really can't openly question any of it if you want to belong to any Church. So I drifted away from Church 15 years or so ago. Baptist do not believe in Ghost but believe in Demons. When you die, you go straight to Heaven or Hell, there is no in between in the Baptiste faith. But Eric, until you can tell us why we are here. What our purpose is? What was here before the Big Bang? Why did the Big Bang happen when it did? What set if off? Why does the Universe arrange itself so life can exist? Why is there no other life in our Solar system? You don't have any of the answers to these questions but you think you know it all. Yea you are not even a speck in the Universe but you think you have it all figured out. Mocking those that try and find answers. I for one don't rule out any possibilities

For a good many people the Holocaust didn't happen. Your point is invalid.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
Demons ? Yes, I've seen demons.

Isn't that what drinking absinthe is all about ?
EricLindros finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
Using religion and calling it "trying to find answers" is ridiculous. It's the exact opposite of trying to find answers. Years ago, there were a bunch of questions people had no answer to. To answer these questions, some people came up with magic fairy tails to explain the unexplainable. Why is that there? "God put it there, now that's the end of it." As science has found answers to many previously unexplainable things, religion has fought tooth and nail, calling anything that goes against the what they say "blasphemy". Now there are still a few almost unexplainable phenomena and religious people cling to them with all their might as if because science hasn't totally disproved every single religious idea, the religion could still be correct. The truth is: There might very well be demons and ghosts but going on science's track record for proving things versus religion's...I'll stick with the one that actually uses facts and proof.
Althalus, [Deleted], F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Althalus
For a good many people the Holocaust didn't happen. Your point is invalid.

The Holocaust is valid and documented as well. Pictures and mass graves. That is the problem. Some believe only what they won't to believe and use the excuse that if they didn't see it then it didn't happen
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Davey45
Using religion and calling it "trying to find answers" is ridiculous. It's the exact opposite of trying to find answers. Years ago, there were a bunch of questions people had no answer to. To answer these questions, some people came up with magic fairy tails to explain the unexplainable. Why is that there? "God put it there, now that's the end of it." As science has found answers to many previously unexplainable things, religion has fought tooth and nail, calling anything that goes against the what they say "blasphemy". Now there are still a few almost unexplainable phenomena and religious people cling to them with all their might as if because science hasn't totally disproved every single religious idea, the religion could still be correct. The truth is: There might very well be demons and ghosts but going on science's track record for proving things versus religion's...I'll stick with the one that actually uses facts and proof.

So you think Scientist have facts and proof about what happened 14 Billion years ago? They can't forecast the weather accurately a week in advance but they know what happened 14 Billion years ago? Here is what evidence they have about the big bang--they see radiation in the Universe that might have come from an explosion. The Hubble telescope showed stars and planets moving away from us. We are not the center of the Universe. Anyway that just just about all the evidence they have
Lvl 8
So because research on the big bang is limited, we should all just sit around believing an invisible man in the sky created everything? Why does science have to prove everything down to the smallest detail but people will blindly follow religious theories with no proof what so ever. What I'm saying is that a lot of things people used to write off as spiritual or otherworldly are now easily explained through science.
[Deleted], Althalus find this awesome.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by NightCruiser

For a good many people the paranormal/supernatural is real and documented. Multiple Universes possibilities are being studied by "real" scientist. Study up on Cosmology. I grew up in a Christian home so the Bible is real for me. Some of it is "out there" ie the Book of Revelations, which I don't think should have been included in the Bible. Other things that i don't think are inspired by God. But you really can't openly question any of it if you want to belong to any Church. So I drifted away from Church 15 years or so ago. Baptist do not believe in Ghost but believe in Demons. When you die, you go straight to Heaven or Hell, there is no in between in the Baptiste faith. But Eric, until you can tell us why we are here. What our purpose is? What was here before the Big Bang? Why did the Big Bang happen when it did? What set if off? Why does the Universe arrange itself so life can exist? Why is there no other life in our Solar system? You don't have any of the answers to these questions but you think you know it all. Yea you are not even a speck in the Universe but you think you have it all figured out. Mocking those that try and find answers. I for one don't rule out any possibilities

You are the worst philosopher I've ever read.
Bangledesh, [Deleted], F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Davey45
So because research on the big bang is limited, we should all just sit around believing an invisible man in the sky created everything? Why does science have to prove everything down to the smallest detail but people will blindly follow religious theories with no proof what so ever. What I'm saying is that a lot of things people used to write off as spiritual or otherworldly are now easily explained through science.

I lean toward science on my things BUT science becomes like a Religion in many ways when you start talking Billions of year ago about anything. They have ice cores that go back 100,000 years or so. Layers of sediment here on Earth. But Billions of years? You have to have faith in them. I don't think God is a he or she. I think God is a powerful being of Energy. A being of Light. Strange how Scientist say all the Universe energy will eventual be used up. Well the Bible states after the End that God will replace the Sun as the light of the world
Lvl 4
Originally posted by EricLindros

You are the worst philosopher I've ever read.

Try and focus on the topic. Not me personally-thanks in advance!
Originally posted by NightCruiser

For a good many people the paranormal/supernatural is real and documented.

Because you ignore my posts constantly I'm gonna write big for you.


I asked you to before, but as usual you ignore my posts....hmmm...maybe you're not ignoring me; the more likely situation is that you in fact can't show me one, because none exist.
Althalus finds this awesome.
Originally posted by NightCruiser

So you think Scientist have facts and proof about what happened 14 Billion years ago? They can't forecast the weather accurately a week in advance but they know what happened 14 Billion years ago? Here is what evidence they have about the big bang--they see radiation in the Universe that might have come from an explosion. The Hubble telescope showed stars and planets moving away from us. We are not the center of the Universe. Anyway that just just about all the evidence they have

I'll take that evidence over the story of an all powerful being creating us and the universe and then never interacting with us again...leaving us to our own devices, creating evil horrible diseases, allowing us to murder and rape each other, allowing someone like Hitler to live. No thank you. And if in the slight chance that god does exist, then I'll be the first in line to tell him to go fuck himself.
Lvl 59
science becomes like a Religion in many ways when you start talking Billions of year ago about anything. They have ice cores that go back 100,000 years or so. Layers of sediment here on Earth. But Billions of years? You have to have faith in them.

You know we can actually see things from billions of years ago, right? That's, you know, what the HST does. Do you know what the CMB is? You know that's it's radiation left over from the big bang, that we've been measuring since astronomers from Bell Labs first detected it in the 1960s, right?

You also know that we can, through scientific backdating, determine the age of various planets, stars and other celestial bodies? They're not pulling these numbers out of a hat.

Strange how Scientist say all the Universe energy will eventual be used up.

It's actually the complete opposite. All current theories suggest that energy won't be all "used up," dark energy will continue accelerating the rate at which the Universe expands until the Universe as we know it will be torn apart, as the force of dark energy far exceeds the gravitational attraction which keeps all matter together.

But please, continue spewing your ignorance, just forgive me if I continue to make snarky remarks because it's not really worth my time to deconstruct every stupid thing you say. There's just too much of it, and my time here is limited.
Bangledesh finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Because you ignore my posts constantly I'm gonna write big for you.


I asked you to before, but as usual you ignore my posts....hmmm...maybe you're not ignoring me; the more likely situation is that you in fact can't show me one, because none exist.

I think Ghost Hunters/Taps is one of the most realistic fact finder shows. They don't always see or hear Ghost. Some of the shows are pretty boring. But every now and then they do get paranormal activity on video and tape. Keep in mind there only need to be one ghost on tape. One means that they exist imo
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I'll take that evidence over the story of an all powerful being creating us and the universe and then never interacting with us again...leaving us to our own devices, creating evil horrible diseases, allowing us to murder and rape each other, allowing someone like Hitler to live. No thank you. And if in the slight chance that god does exist, then I'll be the first in line to tell him to go fuck himself.

First of all, we are talking about a Superior being. A being that set in motion and added the ingredients to make the Universe what is is today. An infinite ever expanding Universe that Creates Stars to give us light and life. What do we do to inferior life here on Earth? We slaughter and eat many of them ie cows, pigs etc. I am sure if a pig could talk, he will tell us to go fuck ourselves . God is a zillion, trillion more times Superior to us. In the Bible, God said his ways are not our ways. That we see things through a stained glass. When the first Humans ate of the fruit he told them to stay away from then he said we would be like Gods, knowing right from wrong. We then had the right and ability to choose. Before that everything was perfect. There was no hunger and no death and no babies, for the first Humans. But I think that was Gods plan to create beings that could choose. A lot of the Bible is symbolism, I think.
God could have prevented Jesus death and suffering but he(it) didn't. Jesus was nailed to a cross and hung until he died. Pain and suffering seems to be a good thing to God. I guess if you know what is on the other side then death wouldn't be all that bad. Jesus brother was dieing and people begged him to hurry back and save his brother. Jesus took his time and his brother died. Then the people begged Jesus to bring him back to life. Jesus was very reluctant to do it but did. Symbolic that Death and what comes with it, is many times over better than life??
Before Jesus died on the cross God destroyed his entire creation in a fit of rage. God was on pissed off Sugarpie in the sky Proving God can be a hot head. God killed a lot more people before that--even babies. God is highly superior and the human body is highly inferior. But after Jesus died we all got a highly superior being in us. This eased Gods disdain for his creation IMO This Spirit is the true us and it never suffers physical pain.
Humans though are our own worst enemy. We have a right to choose and we(some of us) seem to always choose violence, killing, raping and murdering. God would smote all of us again if it weren't for that Spirit in us IMO
Lvl 4
Originally posted by EricLindros

You know we can actually see things from billions of years ago, right? That's, you know, what the HST does. Do you know what the CMB is? You know that's it's radiation left over from the big bang, that we've been measuring since astronomers from Bell Labs first detected it in the 1960s, right?

You also know that we can, through scientific backdating, determine the age of various planets, stars and other celestial bodies? They're not pulling these numbers out of a hat.


It's actually the complete opposite. All current theories suggest that energy won't be all "used up," dark energy will continue accelerating the rate at which the Universe expands until the Universe as we know it will be torn apart, as the force of dark energy far exceeds the gravitational attraction which keeps all matter together.

But please, continue spewing your ignorance, just forgive me if I continue to make snarky remarks because it's not really worth my time to deconstruct every stupid thing you say. There's just too much of it, and my time here is limited.

That is just one theory of many. The theory I am talking about is the one that states the Universe will use up all it's energy and go dark. There will be no more energy to make Stars. The Hubble telescope see's Stars burning out every day. The Big Stars burn out faster than the smaller stars ie our Sun. The go Super Nova and explode. Our Sun, being a small Star will not explode but it will expand and consume almost the entire Solar system before becoming a dwarf Star.--another theory of course. Yea the Universe will keep on expanding...You do know there is more than one theory on this subject--don't you???? Calling someone ignorant because they don't agree with the theory you subscribe to is just arrogant. Scientist have plenty of theories. One is there was just enormous big bang. Another one is there is a lot of small explosions.
I don't even disagree with the explosion part creating the Universe. But who created what exploded? Who set the Explosion off? Why would an inanimate structure like the Universe, spread life? Some theories now say meteors, comets and asteroids brought life/water to Earth. The basic building blocks of life crashed into Earth. Probably did the same things to other planets.
So many things have to line up perfectly for their to be Human life on Earth. A perfect distance from the Sun and moon for example. Planned?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by NightCruiser

That is just one theory of many. The theory I am talking about is the one that states the Universe will use up all it's energy and go dark. There will be no more energy to make Stars. The Hubble telescope see's Stars burning out every day. The Big Stars burn out faster than the smaller stars ie our Sun. The go Super Nova and explode. Our Sun, being a small Star will not explode but it will expand and consume almost the entire Solar system before becoming a dwarf Star.--another theory of course. Yea the Universe will keep on expanding...You do know there is more than one theory on this subject--don't you???? Calling someone ignorant because they don't agree with the theory you subscribe to is just arrogant. Scientist have plenty of theories. One is there was just enormous big bang. Another one is there is a lot of small explosions.
I don't even disagree with the explosion part creating the Universe. But who created what exploded? Who set the Explosion off? Why would an inanimate structure like the Universe, spread life?Some theories now say meteors, comets and asteroids brought life/water to Earth. The basic building blocks of life crashed into Earth. Probably did the same things to other planets.
So many things have to line up perfectly for their to be Human life on Earth. A perfect distance from the Sun and moon for example. Planned?

Bold part #1: You call every person that don't agree with your ideas grabbed from thin air ignorant and arrogant...

Bold part #2: Who created God? Why did he create a sun if he would just light up the whole thing himself?

Bold part #3: Ever heard of chance? Probability? How many planets do you think there's out there with various sun sizes and distances from that sun? One is BOUND be get it right. Also who's to say that the "Goldilocks zone" is the only one viable to ever produce life? What if we, the human race, is the 20th variation of what could be considered life? Maybe not even the 10th carbon based life form?
Originally posted by NightCruiser

I think Ghost Hunters/Taps is one of the most realistic fact finder shows. They don't always see or hear Ghost. Some of the shows are pretty boring. But every now and then they do get paranormal activity on video and tape. Keep in mind there only need to be one ghost on tape. One means that they exist imo

"Evidence" like this?:
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Althalus
Bold part #1: You call every person that don't agree with your ideas grabbed from thin air ignorant and arrogant...

Bold part #2: Who created God? Why did he create a sun if he would just light up the whole thing himself?

Bold part #3: Ever heard of chance? Probability? How many planets do you think there's out there with various sun sizes and distances from that sun? One is BOUND be get it right. Also who's to say that the "Goldilocks zone" is the only one viable to ever produce life? What if we, the human race, is the 20th variation of what could be considered life? Maybe not even the 10th carbon based life form?

I think you're talking about Moss. I never used the word Ignorant in any post. First time I used the word arrogant
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