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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 11 years ago Views: 65.5K
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so like my city is being flooded right now, saying it could be the worst flood to hit the city since they started keeping records. 100,000 (8% of the population) people being evacuated due to flooding, and an estimated 40,000 homes have some degree of flooding. I'm safe, but the entire city is in chaos. Crazy.

Here's a pic of a mountain stream about 40 miles from me. One pic taken on June 19th, the other on June 20th; both pics of the same creek.

Also...I like your smiling dog EL
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Sugarpie
so like my city is being flooded right now, saying it could be the worst flood to hit the city since they started keeping records. 100,000 (8% of the population) people being evacuated due to flooding, and an estimated 40,000 homes have some degree of flooding. I'm safe, but the entire city is in chaos. Crazy.

Here's a pic of a mountain stream about 40 miles from me. One pic taken on June 19th, the other on June 20th; both pics of the same creek.


I have friends and family in Edmonton and Red Deer, I heard about it first from them and the news. It's sad. I hope you and any friends and family if your in Calgary are safe and hopefully property is well too.
Lvl 27
Holy crap, that ain't no stream no mo SP, that's pure craziness right there...
Lvl 70
I hear the news : "Cougar creek flooded : there were more squirting women than anticipated".

Good luck with the flood though.
Lvl 19
Glad you are safe but such grief for your city. So sad.
Lvl 59
Apparently there's a Sesame Street character whose father is in jail now.

What a goddamn joke of a justice system the US has that it's CHILDREN'S FUCKING MUPPET SHOWS have to incorporate the massive prison state into their show in order to accurately describe the world in which they live.

It's tragic and shameful.
Lvl 25
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. Things are getting worse. Downtown is now flooded and an additional 100,000 people being evacuated, there is no bottled water left in the city, and while the tap water is undrinkable, at least we can shower with it, but now it sounds like we'll be losing that. For you hockey fans out there, the Saddledome is flooded up to about the 10th row of seating, and the grounds where they hold the Calgary Stampede are completely washed away.

Lvl 59
But at least you can still internet!

Cool pics.

Maybe go fishing?
Lvl 59
Also, I don't think it's a real stampede if you plan it. A honest-to-goodness stampede should be spontaneous and, perhaps, a bit dangerous. That's what makes it fun
Its not so much a "stampede" as it is a rodeo/state fair/opportunity to get an std.
Lvl 59
More like a trampede, AMIRITE?!
Davey45, FamilyGuy find this awesome.
I'll pretend I haven't heard that one before and lol
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 25
Remember SP, its a dog-eats-dog world out there now. Kill or be killed. Take only what you need. Be light. Keep moving. No stragglers.
FamilyGuy finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
I've been humored.

Lvl 27
@ SP Take only one B.O.B
Lvl 59
B.O.B? The guy who sang that Airplanes song?

Lvl 20
Take only one base on balls?
Lvl 59
I don't think you're allowed to take more than one base on balls.
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