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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 10 years ago Views: 65.5K
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Originally posted by EricLindros
Bad news, friends.

I stubbed the fuck out of my toe this evening.

Two toes in fact. They're all bloody and in pain. Not good. Send prayers.

I stubbed my big toe back in bled from under the nail...then turned purple. Its still purple now, and it doesn't grow anymore, but it doesn't hurt. Doctor said I'd lose my nail, but I haven't, and now I'm not sure I ever will. Forever doomed with a purple nail....thank good for nail polish.
Lvl 20
AVG says they protected me from several threats recently.

When I clicked on it it said numerous thousands of files scanned. Zero threats.

I think they are overstating their productivity.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I agree with you 99% of the time.


This is a particularly odd beer. My brain tells me that I should like it because well...its WATERMELON, but when I taste it, and it tastes like jolly rancher watermelon.

That's really funny to me because I have said the same thing about Fireball whiskey. Tastes like a Jolly Rancher.

Making a whiskey that taste like candy was a very dangerous thing.
Lvl 27
Budweiser, Black Crown, my beer of choice these days...
I thought Jolly Ranchers only came in fruit flavours, so I just researched it. I had no idea there was a cinnamon flavour until just now, I don't think I've ever seen it before, and in fact I'm now 99% positive that we don't get it in Canada. Jerks.
Lvl 20
Cinnamon is contraband. Canada is a strange and mysterious place.
Lvl 27
Cinnamon is energizing. We get hopped up on that stuff and start a fist fight with a moose!
Lvl 19
and, no doubt, agree that one time zone is quite enough
Lvl 15
Odd my package of cinnamon jolly ranchers says they were made in Canada and you can't find them there?
Originally posted by Goldseeker
Odd my package of cinnamon jolly ranchers says they were made in Canada and you can't find them there?

I've never seen them.

@ RiffRaff - So its kinda like Pilsner?

@ F - Pfffft ;p
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Sugarpie

@ RiffRaff - So its kinda like Pilsner?

Lvl 27
Yeah, same idea.
Lvl 27
Hrmmm new spam
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