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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 11 years ago Views: 65.5K
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Lvl 19
....there is no designated "wife" or "husband". Still working out all that straight society gender role stuff, Davey. None of that vocabulary seems to fit very well

But as to the rest....yeah. Maybe. Boring and such......

Originally posted by Davey45
Now you can get married and refer to your wifey as "the old ball and chain" or "my old lady".
I would like to formally request a name change to this Spam thread.

The new name; I'd like to punch Michele Bachmann in the fucking throat.
Lvl 19
She and that woman from Alaska have got to be the worst possible representitives of the conservative philosphy available on this continent. Even my Repub friends twist their faces outta shape at the mention of those women.
Palin looks like a radical left winger when compared to Bachmann.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie
Yay California!!

F, I'm happy for you that you can now legally do what most straight people take for granted and that what you do in the privacy of your own home, and what shouldn't be anyone's business except your own will no longer prevent you from marrying someone you love.

Just you wait until people are marrying goats and end tables all because of this*

*This is what I've been led to believe is the natural result of allowing gay couples to marry by some very apoplectic people on the teevee.
F1098, Davey45 find this awesome.
Lvl 20
I happen to have a very attractive end table, thank you.
Davey45, F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by EricLindros

Just you wait until people are marrying goats and end tables all because of this*

Don't forget incest too.
We have the same idiots in France and as the law is still fresh we had the same arguments.
The funny thing being one of the leader of the opposition to gay marriage was married to her cousin
Lvl 25
I now know what happened to Bangs.

Originally posted by Bangles

4:48PM BANGLES: K, you gotta help me. I woke up this morning and I got a summons to be forcibly gay married. Tell Rams that he means nothing to me. He's not even cute.
F1098 finds this awesome.
It just boggles my mind that slightly altering the definition of marriage is such a big deal. Changing it doesn't mean that its now open to marry any animal, plant or mineral. And freaking Michele Bachmann saying that marriage wasn't created by man, so it can't be changed by man is just retarded.
Lvl 59
Is it incest if you marry your own goat? I mean, you're sort of like a surrogate father to it, feeding it and caring for it and all that stuff.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie
It just boggles my mind that slightly altering the definition of marriage is such a big deal. Changing it doesn't mean that its now open to marry any animal, plant or mineral.

But really, how can you resist potassium?! It's so awesome and shiny and sexy, especially when it slips into that lovely ionic form. K+ ooh yeah.
F1098 finds this awesome.
Originally posted by EricLindros
Is it incest if you marry your own goat? I mean, you're sort of like a surrogate father to it, feeding it and caring for it and all that stuff.

Only if the goat doesn't try to find his or her birth parents.
Lvl 25
DISCLAIMER: If you take religion seriously, don't read the rest of this post.

Originally posted by Sugarpie
It just boggles my mind that slightly altering the definition of marriage is such a big deal. Changing it doesn't mean that its now open to marry any animal, plant or mineral. And freaking Michele Bachmann saying that marriage wasn't created by man, so it can't be changed by man is just retarded.

Okay, number one, only the most deranged people would actually believe that stuff. We are talking about the fringe of that side. Most of those that spout it know that is bullshit, but use it because it is better than spouting, "I don't want you to be happy. Fuck you for being different and making me feel uncomfortable with my life, sexuality, and self." They just can't come out and say it. Second there is a portion that believes that Bronze Age mysticism is real, and think that only their beliefs should be used as the measure of morality.

Originally posted by Lindros

> wincest

It's only incest if it is biological relatives.
Lvl 19
All of you guys are awesome today. Talk to you tomorrow. There are going to be some smiles to share tonight. If we stumble upon Bangles we'll buy him a drink.

Lvl 27
This seems to have become some type of twisted beastiality spam, what with teh goat sechs and all...

You people are some sick mofos...
Lvl 70
Originally posted by DEMO
You people are some sick mofos...

Lvl 27
I think I'm gonna need more beer...
Originally posted by DEMO
This seems to have become some type of twisted beastiality spam, what with teh goat sechs and all...

You people are some sick mofos...

I told you...I wanted to change the name of the thread. I'm sure that'll fix it.
Lvl 25
SP just wants to stuff her massive burrito down a couple of well known politicians' throats and asphyxiate them.
Lvl 19
I'm crushing on Wendy Davis of the Texas legislature. That girl is beautiful.
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