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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 11 years ago Views: 65.6K
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Lvl 21
I think it's been like four years since I started a spam thread. Wheeeee!
Lvl 19
I should be so lucky....sniff.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by hydrahead
I think it's been like four years since I started a spam thread. Wheeeee!

Maybe yours will have better luck than mine did, or at least die faster

Hugs for F... sorry for the reach around butt grab. can't help myself when consoling a hot woman
Lvl 21
So, no pics.....sniff.
Lvl 21
So, I'm going out for my first beer of the weekend. and some dinner.

Make me proud you guys.

For my part I will try and not embarrass us while I'm out.
Lvl 27
Go ahead, do your best to embarrass me, I bet you can't
Lvl 19
Wouldn't want to try to. And as for shennanigans, I have a movie date with my girlfriend.

No. We're going to watch one, not make one.
The last time I went belly surfing, I got throat cancer.
Lvl 19
You and Michael Douglas. (Whoooda thunk it ?)
Lvl 59
I think you guys are talking about vaginas.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by F1098
Wouldn't want to try to. And as for shennanigans, I have a movie date with my girlfriend.

No. We're going to watch one, not make one.

You just demolished the hopes and dreams of millions of porn surfers.
Lvl 19
Belly surfing went well.

*hang ten*
Lvl 21
*high five*

Damn you Bangles.
Lvl 59
lol Bangles

I wonder how much I would ask to drink a bottle of spit.

I think it depends on whose spit it is.
Lvl 71
So Bangles writes in pink ? Totally suits the V-neck style
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 19
The consequences of a fashion forward personality, no ?
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Originally posted by omuh
So Bangles writes in pink ? Totally suits the V-neck style you mentioned, there are the v-necks....also he hangs around with a bunch of men...sweating and grunting a lot.
Lvl 19
Actually, this is the image that comes to mind....slightly altered to add v neck sweaters etc.
Go Bangles !
Lvl 28
I am loving how F just totally ignored the butt grab.
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