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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 11 years ago Views: 65.5K
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Lvl 8
I would like to apply the awesome/unawesome button to reality. People need to know when they're not being awesome.
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
* wonders if the one star rating of this thread is awesome or not...*
You should be able to unawesome all posts...even if you haven't previously awesomed it. I can think of so many posts I'd unawesome.
Also...I feel that we've just butchered the English language.
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Sugarpie
Also...I feel that we've just butchered the English language.

I not care, I is no english, ahah omelette !
DEMO, [Deleted] find this awesome.
Lvl 27
I like omelets
Lvl 59
For the people I didn't text about this, my sister got a new car.

She gets the price and fills out all the paperwork and is approved for the loan and all that stuff. So the salesman comes back and says that she can come back in the morning once she's updated her insurance and bring in the down payment check for $12,000 that she said she'd put down. Remember, this is after all the paperwork and all that is all done.

Her response: "Oh, well, I'm not sure. I'll have to check. I know it's between $11,000 and $12,000, but I'm not sure how much money is in my account."

He also tells her to bring in her W2 tax form so that they can verify her income and if it's larger than she was guestimating then they might be able to get her a lower interest rate. So she looks for her W2 for like 10 minutes at home and then says, "I think I threw it away. I already did my taxes so I don't need that."

[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 20
A $12,000.00 down payment? Did she buy a motorhome?
Lvl 20

Why can't Helen Keller drive a car?

Because she's a girl.
omuh finds this awesome.
When did you choose to be straight?

F1098, jenngurl23 find this awesome.
Lvl 27
Girls can't drive cars...
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Sugarpie
When did you choose to be straight?


At least they change their mind when the guy make his point

On a more serious level while I get his point, there is a slight difference in being strictly gay : you can't reproduce. And as it's one of the main animal needs (and we are still animals), it's still a good question to wonder what can make someone "abandon" this need whether it be consciously or not (some animals have homosexual behaviour but from I've seen they are often "bi" ). I'm not saying it's a bad thing though, we're already too much humans on the planet so maybe the answer is there : it's not longer a real need to reproduce.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by hydrahead

Why can't Helen Keller drive a car?

Because she's a girl.

None of the girls Awesomed this. hrmmm.
Lvl 19
You are correct in your observation Sir ! Please revert to your previous good manners.

Originally posted by hydrahead

None of the girls Awesomed this. hrmmm.
omuh finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by hydrahead
A $12,000.00 down payment? Did she buy a motorhome?

A Nissan Rogue.
Lvl 27
Why is Helen Keller's leg always wet?

Because her dog is blind too.

Bada boom
omuh finds this awesome.
Lvl 70
Day 1 : I've observed the first effects of the "awesome treatment 2013" on subject hydra. After one quick exposure to an awesome agent, capacity to think about what he's done and analyse the consequences has increased. The general behaviour didn't change though. Maybe more exposure needed to obtain an irreversible change. Will try that later. For now, I need to test the agent on the feminine population. F1098 chosen for this purpose as she shows signs of hostility toward the first subject (also her name suits perfectly an experimentation. Won't have to change that in the final report, awesome !). One dose of the agent has been introduced into her post flow. Will check results later.
hydrahead, DEMO, F1098, EricLindros and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 19
F1098 found this awesome as well. Could be the sign of a true attention slut. Which, in itself is most awesome. And not hostile. And piss on your dog's leg Demo. But I did laugh !!

Originally posted by omuh
Day 1 : I've observed the first effects of the "awesome treatment 2013" on subject hydra. After one quick exposure to an awesome agent, capacity to think about what he's done and analyse the consequences has increased. The general behaviour didn't change though. Maybe more exposure needed to obtain an irreversible change. Will try that later. For now, I need to test the agent on the feminine population. F1098 chosen for this purpose as she shows signs of hostility toward the first subject (also her name suits perfectly an experimentation. Won't have to change that in the final report, awesome !). One dose of the agent has been introduced into her post flow. Will check results later.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by omuh
Day 1 : I've observed the first effects of the "awesome treatment 2013" on subject hydra. After one quick exposure to an awesome agent, capacity to think about what he's done and analyse the consequences has increased. The general behaviour didn't change though. Maybe more exposure needed to obtain an irreversible change. Will try that later. For now, I need to test the agent on the feminine population. F1098 chosen for this purpose as she shows signs of hostility toward the first subject (also her name suits perfectly an experimentation. Won't have to change that in the final report, awesome !). One dose of the agent has been introduced into her post flow. Will check results later.

Simply observing an object changes the properties of the object being observed

F1098 finds this awesome.
Originally posted by omuh
At least they change their mind when the guy make his point

On a more serious level while I get his point, there is a slight difference in being strictly gay : you can't reproduce. And as it's one of the main animal needs (and we are still animals), it's still a good question to wonder what can make someone "abandon" this need whether it be consciously or not (some animals have homosexual behaviour but from I've seen they are often "bi" ). I'm not saying it's a bad thing though, we're already too much humans on the planet so maybe the answer is there : it's not longer a real need to reproduce.

I have zero desire to reproduce and can honestly say that I never have. I don't believe it to be a choice that I've made at any time. The belief has always been there, whether to ACT on the belief is the only choice. I think its another genetic quirk...something you're born with...the desire to reproduce or not. I know lots of gay people who do want children, just as I know straight people who don't.
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