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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 11 years ago Views: 65.5K
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Lvl 59
Too bad Perry just called another special legislative session, this one lasting up to 30 days, to ram that SB5 bill through again.

It's going to pass despite Wendy's best efforts.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros
Too bad Perry just called another special legislative session, this one lasting up to 30 days, to ram that SB5 bill through again.

It's going to pass despite Wendy's best efforts.

So are you saying that they [the regressives] are fixated on creating incredibly invasive big government to enforce their own beliefs on other people's personal lives; despite saying they wouldn't? Better not let these ladies have control of their own lives, better have a bunch of rich old guys tell women what to do with their bodies.
Originally posted by F1098
I'm crushing on Wendy Davis of the Texas legislature. That girl is beautiful.

I thought her shoes were cute.

F1098 finds this awesome.
Originally posted by Kanzen

Better not let these ladies have control of their own lives, better have a bunch of rich old guys tell women what to do with their bodies.

I'm just a girl I need someone to make decisions for me
Lvl 19
I'm guessing that they don't stink either....

Originally posted by Sugarpie

I thought her shoes were cute.

Lvl 25
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I'm just a girl I need someone to make decisions for me.

They have just decided that you are no longer lesbian, you love the penis, will not have access to birth-control, and no support afterwards. Also, you have to pay the people that have decided this for the rest of your life.
Lvl 19
I'm sick. Summer cold. Like any of you care....sniff, sneeze. Repeat.
Feel better F.
Lvl 59
Dogsitting a giant white dog, in addition to the three I already have. They have commandeered my bed. I have been relegated to the couch.
DEMO finds this awesome.
Thats a lot of dogs.

Lvl 59
Yes. It's like the pound here. Except none of them are scheduled to be killed. or...wait, I'm not really sad about that, so...
Lvl 59
here's a strategy for you lonely cats.

If you've not had sex in a long time, and have trouble finding people with whom you might have sexual relations, go hang out at the liquor store and be friendly. Crack a couple jokes or whatever. Liquor store babes (customers, obv) seem to be really receptive to just a few kind words.

*Disclaimer: I haven't tried to finalize the deal myself, but the openings seem really, really solid in my experience. Like, you can even crack shitty jokes and the middle-aged lady buying a bottle of Nickolai vodka is going to laugh and give you the sexy-eye. Just hope it's not 100% because of her lazy eye or ocular herpes or whatever.
Lvl 27
I've been to the liquor store on a number of occasions,, never seen any women there that caught my interest, just some fat smelly dudes mostly...
Lvl 59
I didn't say anything about the quality of the ladies there.
Lvl 8
Depends on the liquor store you go to. Obviously the one in the hood that cashes checks isn't the best place. Either is the one in the suburbs where the oldies buy their hooch.
Lvl 20
You have the best luck at those trendy singles only liquor stores where they play the technocore music and there are hot chics in small black shorts selling you the Natural Light.
Lvl 20
Also, here's one of those cute cat videos that are so popular on the internet.
Lvl 19
Oh great. I'm sick as a dog and you post a vid of puking cats.

Someone please shoot me. *borrows Bangles two pistols and lifts them to my temples....*
Originally posted by hydrahead
Also, here's one of those cute cat videos that are so popular on the internet.


I enjoyed that much more than I should have.
Lvl 59
Welp, at least they went out happy, sorta:
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