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How Bad Is American Health Care...Really?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.2K
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Lvl 11
the thing that sucks for america is that our president hates us all so much
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Assman!

...I just find it amusing that you guys have nothing better to do than worry about whats going on in my Country! I know this place is the best and you all look up to the GREAT LEADER! One day your homeplace will be as great. OK we know thats not gonna happen!! But keep hope alive!

The fate of the US healthcare system has a very large impact on the healtcare systems of the rest of the world. That's at least one reason why it makes sense for "foreigners" to pay attention to it and form an opinion.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Assman!

...Im glad you know so much! She has juvenile onset has had it since she was 4 years old!!!!! She is very healthy other than the disease she was born with and far from over weight! Edit she was 3. Alot can be prevented but dont throw everyone into one group do some homework before you start assuming shit that you obviously have no knowledge of!

Thanks Ass Man. "Doing my homework" does not include requesting your family health profile before discussing the upsurge in lifestyle caused diabetis. We have had a juvenile diabetic in our family as well.

My point was more about your disgust in having to pay $50/month for your wife's meds. Don't understand your point...should someone else pay for it ? Is she not worth it ? Do feel some entitlement about this ? Should the goverment that you hate pay for it or is your disgust at the insurance company ?

I pay more than $50/ month for my meds but to whine about it on a forum ? Where are you coming from on this ??

Maybe I just misinterpreted your comment and you were being sarcastic.
Originally posted by 888SPO


Thanks Ass Man. "Doing my homework" does not include requesting your family health profile before discussing the upsurge in lifestyle caused diabetis. We have had a juvenile diabetic in our family as well.

My point was more about your disgust in having to pay $50/month for your wife's meds. Don't understand your point...should someone else pay for it ? Is she not worth it ? Do feel some entitlement about this ? Should the goverment that you hate pay for it or is your disgust at the insurance company ?

I pay more than $50/ month for my meds but to whine about it on a forum ? Where are you coming from on this ??

Maybe I just misinterpreted your comment and you were being sarcastic.
I dont hate the government. I think maybe its more so the drug companies. No $50 is chump change but to still have to pay that on top of what is already paid out for her Health Insurance is what I was getting at
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Assman!

...I dont hate the government. I think maybe its more so the drug companies. No $50 is chump change but to still have to pay that on top of what is already paid out for her Health Insurance is what I was getting at

And what I am getting at is just this....what is it that you should be paying for your wife's health ? $20/month ? Nothing ?

You are getting quite the deal and isn't enough. Maybe a full on socialist plan ( like Cuba) would make you happy ? Like I said...count your blessings. And stop whining at your good fortune.

We americans are such a race of whiners. No wonder any sensible health plan will likely go down in flames.

Whine whine whine.
Lvl 16
I love how people seem to believe health care is immune from normal economic factors. New doctors and new products are going to magically appear even without any financial incentive involved. Most of the problems with US health care were created by the government anyway so how is more government going to fix it?

Brutal honesty. If you don't think your health and life is important enough to spend your own money on, then I don't think you are important enough for me to spend my money on your care. If you don't value your life and health as much as you value spending money on something else, then I don't care either. This isn't about fairness or anything else. This is about taking care of yourself instead of wanting others to take care of you.
Lvl 18
spoken like a person who just doesn't get it. Obviously you have plenty of money to spare freeworld. A lot of people in this country are just scraping by with food, rent, electricity and necessities. Health insurance plans are fuckin outrageous if you don't work for a major company who can negotiate a great deal for you.

You obviously live in a bubble and are totally protected from what the reality is for a shitload of people in this country. Lucky you.
Originally posted by 888SPO


And what I am getting at is just this....what is it that you should be paying for your wife's health ? $20/month ? Nothing ?

You are getting quite the deal and isn't enough. Maybe a full on socialist plan ( like Cuba) would make you happy ? Like I said...count your blessings. And stop whining at your good fortune.

We americans are such a race of whiners. No wonder any sensible health plan will likely go down in flames.

Whine whine whine.
You obviously dont get it we are already paying several hundred a Month for Health Insurance and then $50.00 on top of that for her insulin not to mention co pays for Doctors visits and more money for any other medication that may be needed. No fifty a month is not bad BUT WE ALSO PAY FOR INSURANCE!!! Do you get it now?
Lvl 16
Originally posted by J-Swiss

spoken like a person who just doesn't get it. Obviously you have plenty of money to spare freeworld. A lot of people in this country are just scraping by with food, rent, electricity and necessities. Health insurance plans are fuckin outrageous if you don't work for a major company who can negotiate a great deal for you.

You obviously live in a bubble and are totally protected from what the reality is for a shitload of people in this country. Lucky you.

Must be nice to assume anyone who is against eh government running their lives must be rich. I live paycheck to paycheck. I am the sole breadwinner in a house of 5 people. I just don't expect anyone else to bail me out because I refuse to count on everyone else for something I can provide.

You know why insurance is so expensive outside of a major employer? Because the government has made it that way. You can only get tax breaks if you get your insurance from your employer. You can't band together with other people and purchase insurance as a cooperative. And you can't cross state lines and buy a cheaper policy in another state. Without the government passing laws to keep you from buying your own insurance reasonably you get screwed. But somehow government is the answer to the problem government created.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Assman!

...You obviously dont get it we are already paying several hundred a Month for Health Insurance and then $50.00 on top of that for her insulin not to mention co pays for Doctors visits and more money for any other medication that may be needed. No fifty a month is not bad BUT WE ALSO PAY FOR INSURANCE!!! Do you get it now?

Great. Want some cheese with that whine ?

Thanks for your telling us about your totally unique situation. Sorry you didn't get ( for whatever reasons ) a plan that covered everything all of the time.

Your plan sounds pretty much like my own plan with it's premiums, co-pays, shared costs etc. Health insurance is going to cost you something. What part of that don't you get or would you prefer to just accept a higher direct tax bill or insurance premiums to get the mythical "E" ticket for every doctor or hospital call ?

I hate whining. It dilutes the debate on where the real costs of insurance are and what can be done to lower them. Want that "E" ticket ? Move to Cuba.

For you it is the $50. For me the issues in health insurance are the exclusionary policies on pre-existing conditions and catastrophic costs of hospitalization. Literally putting someone on the street for necessary spinal surgery ( long story...details not relevant here) is not acceptable. Like I said....$50/month ? Count your blessings.
Originally posted by 888SPO


Great. Want some cheese with that whine ?

Thanks for your telling us about your totally unique situation. Sorry you didn't get ( for whatever reasons ) a plan that covered everything all of the time.

Your plan sounds pretty much like my own plan with it's premiums, co-pays, shared costs etc. Health insurance is going to cost you something. What part of that don't you get or would you prefer to just accept a higher direct tax bill or insurance premiums to get the mythical "E" ticket for every doctor or hospital call ?

I hate whining. It dilutes the debate on where the real costs of insurance are and what can be done to lower them. Want that "E" ticket ? Move to Cuba.

For you it is the $50. For me the issues in health insurance are the exclusionary policies on pre-existing conditions and catastrophic costs of hospitalization. Literally putting someone on the street for necessary spinal surgery ( long story...details not relevant here) is not acceptable. Like I said....$50/month ? Count your blessings.
Lvl 18
@Freeworld: Either you have plenty of extra money or you work for a massive company with negotiating power. I work for a tiny company of 7 people with no health insurance and with business the way it is I'm blessed to even have that. I only say you have extra money because it seems to stump you how people are fucked in this situation and you seem to think it's so easy to obtain health insurance and these people are just choosing not to. That's ridiculous and so ignorant I can't even find words to describe it.

Insurance is expensive because the people who run it are greedy fuckin assholes who post MASSIVE profits yearly while raising premiums, denying claims and dropping customers. Period. The fact that they profit off peoples health IS the problem, if you remove the middle men (private insurance companies) who make profits for doing nothing and providing no product you instantly lower costs MASSIVELY. It should not be acceptable for people to profit off of other peoples health. It's just stupid and if you get down to the very simplest facts it's straight up fuckin evil. These guy live in 20 million dollar houses, float around on yachts all day while other people are going bankrupt or suffering simply because they got dropped or because their bullshit policy didn't cover a necessary surgery or because they couldn't afford the over priced shit to begin with.

You wanna rip people off and profit off of luxury items and shit GREAT that's capitalism that's what it's about. But peoples health should not be considered a fuckin commodity.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 14
In the USA if you make six figures ($100,000) or more you have health care.
If you make less, you're fucked.
And the guys in government (except for a few) could care less, they're covered.
Lvl 16
I never said I did not see how people have issues with this system. What I said is that I don't understand why I am supposed to care about paying more taxes out of my pocket for your health care when you don't seem to think your own health care is important enough to spend money on. I have been without insurance. I have had crappy insurance. Right now I am paying full price for a medication because my insurance won't cover it, on top of all of the co-pays and everything else. I have tons of medical bills. But I prefer this to the government coming in and fucking things up worse. You trust the government all you want. I will trust myself.

Recently, there was an attempt by Republicans to pass a law allowing small businesses to band together into large cooperatives in order to have as much buying power as the large companies. Democrats blocked it because it would "hurt the working man". Otherwise, people like you could have insurance just like people working for big companies. Want to tell me they are still looking out for you? They have been working toward taking over your entire life for years.

As far as denying coverage, have you ever looked at medicare or medicaid and seen their denial rates? Or how much co-pays are with those? You can't even think that a government provided plan is going to be cheaper. All you want is for someone else to pay for your care.

Your comments show a level of ignorance I won't even attempt to delve into. You can only see that someone makes money so that is wrong. Remember that when what you do for a living is deemed too important for you to make a profit at it.

I would rather die poor than have to rely on the government to take care of me.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Seryano

In the USA if you make six figures ($100,000) or more you have health care.
If you make less, you're fucked.

Bullshit. I had terrific coverage when I only made $20,000 a year. Better than I have now when I make more.

EDIT: Actually, I will go you one better. Where I work now, the same coverage exists for entry level as well as those all the way up to the CEO. We pay a percentage of income and get the exact same coverage.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld


Bullshit. I had terrific coverage when I only made $20,000 a year. Better than I have now when I make more.

EDIT: Actually, I will go you one better. Where I work now, the same coverage exists for entry level as well as those all the way up to the CEO. We pay a percentage of income and get the exact same coverage.

You are a fortunate man and you are not in the Majority. Most people
can't afford American health care. Especially now in a great recession.
Lvl 16
Most Americans have insurance or government coverage for the poor. Fact.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Seryano

In the USA if you make six figures ($100,000) or more you have health care.
If you make less, you're fucked.

That's a pretty general (and ignorant) commnet, which I can attest is hardly accurate

Originally posted by Seryano

You are a fortunate man and you are not in the Majority. Most people
can't afford American health care. Especially now in a great recession.

... and that's why the government stepped in during the Great Depression and provided everyone that fell on hard times compensation equal to what the most privileged had ... that's is how it happened... right?
Originally posted by J-Swiss

@Freeworld: Either you have plenty of extra money or you work for a massive company with negotiating power. I work for a tiny company of 7 people with no health insurance and with business the way it is I'm blessed to even have that. I only say you have extra money because it seems to stump you how people are fucked in this situation and you seem to think it's so easy to obtain health insurance and these people are just choosing not to. That's ridiculous and so ignorant I can't even find words to describe it.

Insurance is expensive because the people who run it are greedy fuckin assholes who post MASSIVE profits yearly while raising premiums, denying claims and dropping customers. Period. The fact that they profit off peoples health IS the problem, if you remove the middle men (private insurance companies) who make profits for doing nothing and providing no product you instantly lower costs MASSIVELY. It should not be acceptable for people to profit off of other peoples health. It's just stupid and if you get down to the very simplest facts it's straight up fuckin evil. These guy live in 20 million dollar houses, float around on yachts all day while other people are going bankrupt or suffering simply because they got dropped or because their bullshit policy didn't cover a necessary surgery or because they couldn't afford the over priced shit to begin with.

You wanna rip people off and profit off of luxury items and shit GREAT that's capitalism that's what it's about. But peoples health should not be considered a fuckin commodity.
well said!
Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld

I never said I did not see how people have issues with this system. What I said is that I don't understand why I am supposed to care about paying more taxes out of my pocket for your health care when you don't seem to think your own health care is important enough to spend money on. I have been without insurance. I have had crappy insurance. Right now I am paying full price for a medication because my insurance won't cover it, on top of all of the co-pays and everything else. I have tons of medical bills. But I prefer this to the government coming in and fucking things up worse. You trust the government all you want. I will trust myself.

Recently, there was an attempt by Republicans to pass a law allowing small businesses to band together into large cooperatives in order to have as much buying power as the large companies. Democrats blocked it because it would "hurt the working man". Otherwise, people like you could have insurance just like people working for big companies. Want to tell me they are still looking out for you? They have been working toward taking over your entire life for years.

As far as denying coverage, have you ever looked at medicare or medicaid and seen their denial rates? Or how much co-pays are with those? You can't even think that a government provided plan is going to be cheaper. All you want is for someone else to pay for your care.

Your comments show a level of ignorance I won't even attempt to delve into. You can only see that someone makes money so that is wrong. Remember that when what you do for a living is deemed too important for you to make a profit at it.

I would rather die poor than have to rely on the government to take care of me.
Well said! I agree with the both of you just in different ways
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