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How Bad Is American Health Care...Really?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.2K
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Lvl 12
I pay $200 a month for health insurance offered by my employer. It only covers me, my wife has her own plan provided by her employer, she pays $110. My plan covers dental as well, I go to the dentist twice a year and there is no out of pocket expense. I had to get about 10 stitches a couple years ago, again, no extra cost. I had an MRI a year ago, and I payed 10%, which turned out to be $180.

When I get a paycheck, I get to keep about 74% of it. I'm curious to see how much you Canadians, Brits, Aussies or others with national health care are able to keep when you get paid. If you are at the same level, then sure, I'm all for government care. If not, I'll stick with what we have in the U.S.
healthcare here sucks no insurance or if you dont have a fat ass bank account your screwed! But if you are lucky enough to get care then you are in some of the best hands we have some of the best docs in the world! Its our governments way of getting rid of losers Yeah It Sucks!!
Lvl 24
No system is perfect. But there is little doubt anywhere that America has the finest level of professional health care in the world. Having said that, I know there are plenty of horror stories out there that would try to put the lie to that statement. Health care does cost too much, but the private health care system in America produces better doctors, better facilities and healthier people than anywhere else. Not meaning to hop up onto my soap box here, it's worth pointing out that if Obama and his gang of tax-dodgers, underachievers and loudmouths have their way, our entire way of life - not just our health care - will come under central government domination...yes, that is the correct's a bit more dramatic than "control" and there's a reason. Obama has no benevolence in his agenda...he espouses universal health care because it is a popular notion. He doesn't give a twit if you die, or if your parents or children die...He is all about controlling everything in our lives through the federal government. He is on a power trip the likes of which we have not seen before in this country...If would be even worse if he'd gotten elected by a landslide margin last year. Sarah Palin injected enough energy in the opposing campaign that his margin was cut to a much thinner majority. Health care is but one area in which Obama wants to control our culture and our choices...what cars we can build, and what we can drive, what kind of homes we can have, what kind of rationed energy we can use...and how much. If you are 70 and need a hip replacement, will you be worth the cost to the Federal Government, or will the cost-effective thing to do be to let you suffer until you die...How much compassion have you seen out of this man and his administration?...any?...
I was not in favor of the old man of the sea (McCain) becoming president, but I was totally against the overly ambitious young black man and his equally-ambitious spouse occupying the White House. Some say he is the thing is for certain, he will destroy this nation. His idea of good government is a government so vast that literally nothing falls outside it's pervasive grasp and influence...And brother are we going to pay for it... He has, in six months, made speaking in terms of trillion$ of dollar$ of national debt a common term...the more commonplace that becomes, the more accepting the brain-dead populace becomes of the idea of terminal debt...crushing and killing American life. We are being numbed into acceptance of all this perverse infiltration and domination by government through the nattering nabobs of the main stream media, who are so in Obama's pocket that it's rather easy for them to get tingles up their legs every time they hear his name or his voice...The press and media are turning us into a nation of sheep, and Obama is self-cast in the role of our shepherd...leading us all over the edge into the abyss...If this man has eight years to accomplish his agenda, he will have unraveled our entire 230+ year history, and our nation will be unrecognizable, and dead in the water...
Be afraid, America... ... be very afraid...for we have seen the enemy, and it is us.
'Sorry about the speech, folks, but I am deeply concerned about our nation's direction, and I firmly believe these things need to be said. Feel free to not read it it bothers you not...
Through awareness can come understanding, and with understanding can come constructive action...through constructive action, we just may save ourselves and make the world a better place for our children.
Originally posted by hornithologist

I pay $200 a month for health insurance offered by my employer. It only covers me, my wife has her own plan provided by her employer, she pays $110. My plan covers dental as well, I go to the dentist twice a year and there is no out of pocket expense. I had to get about 10 stitches a couple years ago, again, no extra cost. I had an MRI a year ago, and I payed 10%, which turned out to be $180.

When I get a paycheck, I get to keep about 74% of it. I'm curious to see how much you Canadians, Brits, Aussies or others with national health care are able to keep when you get paid. If you are at the same level, then sure, I'm all for government care. If not, I'll stick with what we have in the U.S.

I get to keep around 76% of my income..
after paying my taxes, my 1.5% medicare levy and my private health insurance..

Unlike nerph, I get the same cover in the public all the other stuff in the private system.....although i DO know that the system obama is suggesting is nothing like our system, so i couldnt say that I agree with it. But im quite happy with our system.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Brogette


dude... I would consider myself middle class (less than $50,000/year). And I've NEVER had issues with health care in the US. I pay $15 for my co-pay and the rest is paid for by the insurance company.

I'm not sure what the big freakin deal is about un-insured people...why don't you get some damn insurance! That's like people complaining after a car accident that they don't have insurance... YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID FOR THE DAMN INSURANCE!!!

Obviously your job pays for insurance or covers some of the cost, mine doesn't. You ever price private health insurance without being under your bosses umbrella to help cover it? It's cheaper to pay for a fuckin funeral. There's no tax break if I purchase my own insurance. There's nothing whatsoever to make it even possible. I'd be living in a fuckin cardboard box cause I couldn't pay my mortgage but I'd have health insurance! That's just fuckin stupid. I make too much money to receive any kind of government assistance but not enough money to pay for health insurance and all my other bills at the same time. The shit isn't the least bit affordable.

Originally posted by bargerer

So, yes, as bad as Healthcare costs can be in the USA, there's at least freedom of choice and ready availability of care.

Apparently you didn't bother to read Honda's post. He has a freedom of choice with whatever doctor he chooses and he clearly stated there's no problem with availability that he's seen. Most criticisms I hear from Americans about how bad the UK and Canadians healthcare systems are they get from bullshit propaganda and even once they hear straight from the mouth of Brits and Canadians that they don't see these problems in their system they completely ignore it. I honestly thought the UK and Canadian systems were a disaster right up until I started reading stuff people from those countries write and none of them seem to agree with what these Americans repeat over and over.
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Apparently you didn't bother to read Honda's post. He has a freedom of choice with whatever doctor he chooses and he clearly stated there's no problem with availability that he's seen. Most criticisms I hear from Americans about how bad the UK and Canadians healthcare systems are they get from bullshit propaganda and even once they hear straight from the mouth of Brits and Canadians that they don't see these problems in their system they completely ignore it. I honestly thought the UK and Canadian systems were a disaster right up until I started reading stuff people from those countries write and none of them seem to agree with what these Americans repeat over and over.

dont forget us aussies

were always forgotten
Lvl 12
Originally posted by nerph

I'm currently pocketing 77.5% of my income after tax and medicare,

I have the choice of getting private health insurance to cover many of these services which would take around 1% to 2% more off my income, bringing my pocket money to 76% or 76.5% depending on this --->[ Link ] which will determine the type and cost of the cover I choose. btw, I had my nose bitten off in a drunken brawl a few years ago and the surgeon did such a nice job putting it back on, in fact it's better looking than it was in the first place that I didn't need plastic surgery so three days in hospital i.v. drips, x-rays etc didn't cost a cent.

Well with Latino also backing up Nerph, It seems like Australia's system is not bad at all ... plus, you both pay less taxes than me. Maybe I'll have to move there if things get too bad here. Wait a minute, your toilets flush backwards ... But, you do have those lovely Abby Winters girls.

I'm still waiting for a Canadian or European to chime in on their tax rate.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by J-Swiss


Obviously your job pays for insurance or covers some of the cost, mine doesn't. You ever price private health insurance without being under your bosses umbrella to help cover it? It's cheaper to pay for a fuckin funeral. There's no tax break if I purchase my own insurance. There's nothing whatsoever to make it even possible. I'd be living in a fuckin cardboard box cause I couldn't pay my mortgage but I'd have health insurance! That's just fuckin stupid. I make too much money to receive any kind of government assistance but not enough money to pay for health insurance and all my other bills at the same time. The shit isn't the least bit affordable.


Apparently you didn't bother to read Honda's post. He has a freedom of choice with whatever doctor he chooses and he clearly stated there's no problem with availability that he's seen. Most criticisms I hear from Americans about how bad the UK and Canadians healthcare systems are they get from bullshit propaganda and even once they hear straight from the mouth of Brits and Canadians that they don't see these problems in their system they completely ignore it. I honestly thought the UK and Canadian systems were a disaster right up until I started reading stuff people from those countries write and none of them seem to agree with what these Americans repeat over and over.

So, basically what you're saying is that you want other people to pay for your health insurance.

Lvl 18
nah that's not what I'm sayin. I'm sayin a country is only as strong as it's weakest link and in a civilized world healthcare should not be reserved for the wealthy or for the people lucky enough to be employed at a job that provides it for them. I'm not worried about myself. If I die tomorrow, good, this life was fuckin overrated from day one anyway. I'm worried about the single mom who's in my same exact position and can't provide adequate healthcare for herself or her children without going bankrupt or so far in debt she'll never recover. The lady who knows something is wrong and needs to see a doctor but won't for fear of the bill she'll receive after putting herself and her family in jeopardy of losing her.

Countries work best when the population works together. All this "me, me, me, my money, my money, my money" bullshit is the problem. Nobody gives a fuck about the next guy who's in a tighter spot. We've got insurance CEO's sittin on more money then God off the PROFIT their scam of a company makes yet they want to constantly raise rates and fuck people over instead of slightly lowering the massive amount of profit they make. To hear them tell it they're going fuckin broke yet they consistently post massive profits. Health care should not be controlled by profit driven monsters like every other industry. Capitalism and healthcare flat out don't work together with the correct intentions in the forefront. We're not talking about fucking big screen tv's here and ferrari's we're talking about Americans quality of life. Families that work hard but still can't afford health insurance. There will always be people who take advantage of any system but to just ignore the people in this country who have been and continue to suffer and DO work hard is fuckin ridiculous and incredibly selfish.
Lvl 19
The medical industry probably made great ming money on this operation. Nothing will come out of Congress that doesn't make plenty of money for industry ( med and pharma).

Originally posted by rocknthefreeworld

One thing a lot of people aren't grasping is that the system Congress and the President are trying to aim toward is scary for Americans due to what Congress and the President are saying. When you have the President saying people have to get used to less care it isn't good. The constant talk of what is most economically appropriate versus what is best for the patient worries people. And rightfully so since one of the arguments against the current system is that it makes decisions based on finances rather than patient care.

In a recent exchange you can find on YouTube, he told a woman whose mother had a pacemaker at 99 (and is now 105 and still alive) that she probably should have not gotten it and should probably have gotten just some pain pills. In other words, he admitted he cares more about money than people. This has been a constant with this administration and would not be tolerated from any health insurance executive.
Lvl 18
Rocknthefreeworld. What health insurance executive's are you talking about? All they give a fuck about is money. Which is why they post massive profits every year but still raise costs on the consumers whenever they feel like it. They run insurance like they're selling a luxury item not like they hold a life saving product that people desperately need. Congress consistently has proven they don't mind spending money they don't have so I argue that we're way better off having them run the system and just throwing money into it then some greedy fuckin asshole of a CEO who has stock holers to report to and wishes you would just die already so he doesn't miss his next payment on his private plane.

Where have you been the past 20 years? Decisions by HMO's and MANY private insurance companies have been and will be for the rest of time made based on financial decisions rather then patient care. Insurance companies tell doctors what procedures are acceptable instead of the other way around. All the time Insurance companies lower what they'll cover and raise prices. They drop people. They deny claims. The last thing on their list of concerns is you or your health.

I gotta get outta this thread, this topic just pisses me off too much.
Lvl 19
I agree to a point.

But it is totally invalid if you have been dropped by your insurance company or are "not qualified" if you have a pre-existing condition. Up the creek without a paddle, no ?

Originally posted by Brogette


dude... I would consider myself middle class (less than $50,000/year). And I've NEVER had issues with health care in the US. I pay $15 for my co-pay and the rest is paid for by the insurance company.

I'm not sure what the big freakin deal is about un-insured people...why don't you get some damn insurance! That's like people complaining after a car accident that they don't have insurance... YOU SHOULD HAVE PAID FOR THE DAMN INSURANCE!!!
Lvl 8
Originally posted by J-Swiss


Obviously your job pays for insurance or covers some of the cost, mine doesn't. You ever price private health insurance without being under your bosses umbrella to help cover it? It's cheaper to pay for a fuckin funeral. There's no tax break if I purchase my own insurance. There's nothing whatsoever to make it even possible. I'd be living in a fuckin cardboard box cause I couldn't pay my mortgage but I'd have health insurance! That's just fuckin stupid. I make too much money to receive any kind of government assistance but not enough money to pay for health insurance and all my other bills at the same time. The shit isn't the least bit affordable.


Apparently you didn't bother to read Honda's post. He has a freedom of choice with whatever doctor he chooses and he clearly stated there's no problem with availability that he's seen. Most criticisms I hear from Americans about how bad the UK and Canadians healthcare systems are they get from bullshit propaganda and even once they hear straight from the mouth of Brits and Canadians that they don't see these problems in their system they completely ignore it. I honestly thought the UK and Canadian systems were a disaster right up until I started reading stuff people from those countries write and none of them seem to agree with what these Americans repeat over and over.

Sorry, but informed Americans know from listening to other Canadians (Honda excluded) that Canada is a police state in every sense and the deluded Canadian public simply goes along with things under blue skies and smelling the scent of pine trees. I disagree with Honda based on what I hear from many other Canadians that call in to Alex Jones.

Where does the truth lie?
Lvl 8
Oh, and another thing while I'm at it -- I don't believe in having other people pay for me. I also know the Federal Income tax is against the U.S. Constitution, the IRS is all but the Mafia in name, the Federal Reserve is a private banking institution that answers to nobody and is trying like hell to avoid being audited (Ron Paul is leading the charge on this with good results right now) and on and on and on.

The U.S. government has been compromised long ago. Globalists are attempting to destroy our sovereignty to force an EU format down our throats along with Canada and Mexico. Now you know why the borders never get protected and illegals are running around here like water down a fall: it's intentional.

I need to go buy more ammunition.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by hornithologist


Well with Latino also backing up Nerph, It seems like Australia's system is not bad at all ... plus, you both pay less taxes than me. Maybe I'll have to move there if things get too bad here. Wait a minute, your toilets flush backwards ... But, you do have those lovely Abby Winters girls.

I'm still waiting for a Canadian or European to chime in on their tax rate.

After my CPP, taxes..and such, I would bring home roughly 78% of my wage.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by bargerer


Sorry, but informed Americans know from listening to other Canadians (Honda excluded) that Canada is a police state in every sense and the deluded Canadian public simply goes along with things under blue skies and smelling the scent of pine trees. I disagree with Honda based on what I hear from many other Canadians that call in to Alex Jones.

Where does the truth lie?

Well, it's cool to disagree with a Canadian, about the Canadian health care system, if you want to sound like a retard.

You see what I did there? I turned it all around on you.

The only thing about Canada that has ever pissed me off is the new street racing legislation that allows them to take my car if I'm in excess of 50kmph over the speed limit. I mean, it makes sense to enforce the rules, but being able to impound my car without any sort of trial rubs me the wrong way. Although it had never come up in my life, as I rarely race, it just seems like bullshit.

I'm going to make this very clear...I've had to deal with the health care system quite a lot, and I don't know who is feeding you what bullshit, but I'll break it down, just for you. (Take off your helmet, this is important.)

Where many Americans cannot afford health insurance, to the point where some can die because of it...EVERYONE in Canada is covered for pretty much everything.

You can see whatever doctor you like, you can see specialists, spend time in the hospital, ambulances...the works, you pay nothing. Like I said, I bring home roughly 78% of my wage after taxes and my pension, and I know if right now, (I'm unemployed) if I had a heart attack, or needed any major surgery..I would be covered, and it would cost me nothing.

I can't imagine how terrifying it must be for some Americans to know if they get badly injured, they're either in debt for years, or going to flat out fucking die....excellent system, perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass. There is no percentage we pay for services, (like someone said earlier he had to pay 10% of his MRI) wait times for doctors appointments are fair, like I said, usually ranging from 1-2 weeks..and the wait time in the emergency room here is usually less than a half hour, if it's serious you just go in.

Like, even with some health insurance in America, like a lot have said, can still not cover you in some circumstances, you know how fucking pissed off I would be if my kid needed a heart transplant, and it turned out to be more affordable for the insurance company to fight you about it until my kid just dies. Shit like that happens there, shit like that does not happen here.

Like pretty much everyone has said, no health care system is perfect, so I can understand that the odd Canadian chap might be mildly disgruntled, I can't see why, but it makes sense occasionally some people are unhappy with their system, so yeah, no system is perfect, but Canadas is a hell of a lot closer to it than Americas..

Also, I have no problem with part of my wages going into universal health care, if we all pay into it, and we're all's a lot better than some of us being covered, and some of us getting raped financially or dying.

Although my dad is British, and he says their system is superior to ours.
Lvl 13
This is a serious answer to your question:

As we all know, Max Baucus (D) Mont. is the head of the "7 Blue Dog Democrats" that are blocking any public option health insurance. We also know that Baucus has NOT talked to fellow Democrats, but he does consult and twitter with Republicans. You can see all his tweets if you want. Interestingly his tweets with Senator Grassley (R) are all about killing any health care reform with any public option...and they always start with these three letters PTL.

PLT stands for Praise The Lord. Somehow they seem to think denying a public option health insurance is tied into being Christian. I guess Jesus doesn't want us to have a public health insurance option.

Did you see Jon Stuart last night? He had Bill Kristol on. You really should see it. Bill Kristol admitted that Congress and Veterans have government run health care that works just great. He admitted that government run health care works. He also said...get this...that "we the people" don't deserve the same health care as Congress and Veterans know, that government run health care that works great. He literally said we aren't worth as much as they are. Fracking amazing. Here's the should watch it.

Well, here is a chart showing how Max Baucus is tied via lobbiests to health insurance companies, big Pharma, for profit hospitals and the like. There is no wonder why he's against any public option. Max Baucus has received $2,604,524 from these groups. That's not chump change.

Also, according to the group American Family Physicians, Health insurance premiums are projected to consume one third of family income by 2010, and all of it by 2025.

I certainly hope you believe we need a public option health insurance care plan or the for profit insurance companies will consume all our income in less than 16 years. This is based on the rate at which premiums are going up each year.

This just happened in our practice last week: An example of how cold blooded these companies are. A new women to our practice came in last week. She has recently been diagnoses with breast cancer. As soon as that diagnosis was made, her health insurance was cancelled. WHY? Because she had had acne in her past. They determined that acne constituted a pre-existing condition which allowed for them to then terminate her policy when she developed breast cancer. This lady is screwed. All she can do is consume any savings she has and then lose her house and go broke paying for all her treatments. Once she's totally broke, then she can get MediCal.

Here is another example of why we need a public option: My next door neighbor is newly retired. He and his wife moved into the house next door only about 1 1/2 years ago. Well, the are on COBRA, which costs them a fortune. But it will run out soon. They can't get health insurance because of their ages (60 year old...won't be eligilble for Medicare for five years) and because his wife has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. So, he is smart. His house is in his son's name. Because he knows if there is any health problems, once his COBRA stops...they would lose everything.

But here is the real deal. His son lives in Southern California. He is HIV postive (he isn't gay, in case you wondered). His son, therefore, can not get health insurance. His son became ill a couple of months ago...big fevers over 103 degrees. After a week went by, his son's ex-girlfriend took him to the emergency room, because without insurance that's your only option. After several hours waiting, they basically just blew him off. Another week and a half went by...still the big fevers. His ex-girlfriend again took him to the emergency room...same thing happened. A few days later...after three weeks of high fever...he went into massive convulsions. He ended up back at the hospital. This time they kept him there for a week. He was released after his vital signs were stable. But he was really messed up. They thought he had possible permanent brain damage. He couldn't be left alone. He couldn't even remember where he lived. If he walked out the door, he couldn't find his way back again.

His father, my retired neighbor, went down and stayed with his son for a month. Slowly his son got better to the point he could be left alone again and not be a danger to himself. It is fortunate his father could do that, being that he's retired.

If this poor guy (only in his mid-thirties) had been able to get health insurance, this situation would not have occurred. He could have gone to a doctor that actually cared, instead of the emergency room where you're likely to simply get blown off unless your vital signs are unstable.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by paradise_50

Also, according to the group American Family Physicians, Health insurance premiums are projected to consume one third of family income by 2010, and all of it by 2025.

I certainly hope you believe we need a public option health insurance care plan or the for profit insurance companies will consume all our income in less than 16 years. This is based on the rate at which premiums are going up each year.

Even for the most corrupt, power seeking health insurance company in the world, that doesn't seem like a very good business decision. They wouldn't have any clients left. It seems to me, food and shelter may rank higher on the list of needs for most people.

I asked earlier about tax rates for those countries with government health care. It seems Australia pays about the same in taxes as the United States (roughly 25%) , and is able to provide a public option. Canadians, Europeans ... how much of your checks are you able to keep?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by hornithologist

I asked earlier about tax rates for those countries with government health care. It seems Australia pays about the same in taxes as the United States (roughly 25%) , and is able to provide a public option. Canadians, Europeans ... how much of your checks are you able to keep?

See my post above. *is Canadian*
Lvl 15
Originally posted by paradise_50

This is a serious answer to your question:

As we all know, Max Baucus (D) Mont. is the head of the "7 Blue Dog Democrats" that are blocking any public option health insurance. We also know that Baucus has NOT talked to fellow Democrats, but he does consult and twitter with Republicans. You can see all his tweets if you want. Interestingly his tweets with Senator Grassley (R) are all about killing any health care reform with any public option...and they always start with these three letters PTL.

PLT stands for Praise The Lord. Somehow they seem to think denying a public option health insurance is tied into being Christian. I guess Jesus doesn't want us to have a public health insurance option.

Did you see Jon Stuart last night? He had Bill Kristol on. You really should see it. Bill Kristol admitted that Congress and Veterans have government run health care that works just great. He admitted that government run health care works. He also said...get this...that "we the people" don't deserve the same health care as Congress and Veterans know, that government run health care that works great. He literally said we aren't worth as much as they are. Fracking amazing. Here's the should watch it.

[ Link ]

Well, here is a chart [ Link ] showing how Max Baucus is tied via lobbiests to health insurance companies, big Pharma, for profit hospitals and the like. There is no wonder why he's against any public option. Max Baucus has received $2,604,524 from these groups. That's not chump change.

Also, according to the group American Family Physicians, Health insurance premiums are projected to consume one third of family income by 2010, and all of it by 2025.

I certainly hope you believe we need a public option health insurance care plan or the for profit insurance companies will consume all our income in less than 16 years. This is based on the rate at which premiums are going up each year.

This just happened in our practice last week: An example of how cold blooded these companies are. A new women to our practice came in last week. She has recently been diagnoses with breast cancer. As soon as that diagnosis was made, her health insurance was cancelled. WHY? Because she had had acne in her past. They determined that acne constituted a pre-existing condition which allowed for them to then terminate her policy when she developed breast cancer. This lady is screwed. All she can do is consume any savings she has and then lose her house and go broke paying for all her treatments. Once she's totally broke, then she can get MediCal.

Here is another example of why we need a public option: My next door neighbor is newly retired. He and his wife moved into the house next door only about 1 1/2 years ago. Well, the are on COBRA, which costs them a fortune. But it will run out soon. They can't get health insurance because of their ages (60 year old...won't be eligilble for Medicare for five years) and because his wife has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. So, he is smart. His house is in his son's name. Because he knows if there is any health problems, once his COBRA stops...they would lose everything.

But here is the real deal. His son lives in Southern California. He is HIV postive (he isn't gay, in case you wondered). His son, therefore, can not get health insurance. His son became ill a couple of months ago...big fevers over 103 degrees. After a week went by, his son's ex-girlfriend took him to the emergency room, because without insurance that's your only option. After several hours waiting, they basically just blew him off. Another week and a half went by...still the big fevers. His ex-girlfriend again took him to the emergency room...same thing happened. A few days later...after three weeks of high fever...he went into massive convulsions. He ended up back at the hospital. This time they kept him there for a week. He was released after his vital signs were stable. But he was really messed up. They thought he had possible permanent brain damage. He couldn't be left alone. He couldn't even remember where he lived. If he walked out the door, he couldn't find his way back again.

His father, my retired neighbor, went down and stayed with his son for a month. Slowly his son got better to the point he could be left alone again and not be a danger to himself. It is fortunate his father could do that, being that he's retired.

If this poor guy (only in his mid-thirties) had been able to get health insurance, this situation would not have occurred. He could have gone to a doctor that actually cared, instead of the emergency room where you're likely to simply get blown off unless your vital signs are unstable.

The first thing is Congress and the veterans do not have the same health care. Congress has there own which is better than the veterans care. I believe they have blue cross blue shield. With this Obama plan its also good enough for everyone else but he and Congress will not be included in this plan. Why is it good enough for us and not for them.

I am an employer that supplies health care for my full time employees. In 1998 I paid their health care in full. For a single guy it cost $98.00 per month, Now it cost just under $500.00. For a family its up around $1500.00 per month. My wife went to work for a hospital just so we could get health care.

You can get coverage with pre-existing conditions. Blue Cross Blue Shield cant turn anyone down for coverage. But you will pay a big price for it. Don't get me wrong something has to be done and Obamas plan is not it.

The Canadians talk about free health care. They pay 15% tax on every thing the purchase. Plus there are luxury taxes on things like air conditioning. And what do they pay for gas. Some of that money has to go to health care.

I am afraid the people that elected Obama are clapping there hands at the fact he is "solving" the health care crisis but don't know that they are going to pay for it in TAXES.
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