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Don't ask, don't tell

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 13 years ago Views: 13.1K
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Repeal of don't ask don't tell - A good thing?

  • Yes

    61.58% (109)

  • No

    38.42% (68)

Votes: 177
Congratulations America, you're now on equal grounds with the rest of NATO. With todays official repeal of Don't ask don't tell today, the USA becomes the 2nd last country in NATO to allow gays and lesbians to openly serve in the military, leaving only Turkey as the last holdout...although Turkey unofficially has not be enforcing their law against gays in the military.

Seriously though...what's taken you so damn long America? Canada allowed gays in the military in 1992, Great Brittain in 2000. I might add that there have been no noticeable ill effects from these Countries policy's.

I'm happy for my gay American brothers and sisters, this is a huge step if you guys can just get behind the whole marriage rights, then I'll really be happy.

If I know my WBW family...there will be great debate about this....shall we begin?
Lvl 22
I voted Yes.
Since they let women in combat, why not let everyone in ? Women in the line of fire caused me more cause for thought than this issue.
Thanks for voting Notech, and actually having the guts to say how you voted and why.
Lvl 65
I think it is a fair and good decision and everyone has a right to do their part for their country. Now the battle begins so their peers treat them the same and that will be a struggle I think and it will take a long time.
Lvl 20
1992 isn't that long ago in the grand scheme of things. It takes a long time to make changes to the law in the US. Our government was designed that way to help prevent the whims of the public from affecting the larger flow of government. Also keep in mind that there are a lot of very conservative and pretend conservative people in the US and some of those people have a lot of money and influence. The fact that DADT was repealed is a huge deal. It means that a lot of people had to either open their minds, or get something in return. Tax cuts for the rich, anyone?
You're probably right Chase, but like you I agree that they should at least have the right to do so openly. I think once it's been around for awhile, everyone will realize that it really wasn't a big deal.
Lvl 65
Like BigJon said it is a big deal with the way the conservatives are in this country. You know it's like when you find out one of good friends is gay and your like what the hell but then after a while you don't even think about it and they are still your friend and most of the time you end up with a better understanding. So it will be left up to the people and only time will tell.
I totally understand the difficulty this was in getting it passed, and agree it's a huge deal...I'm just teasing in my opening statement. I think the US gay marriage debate also needs to be brought to the Federal level.
Lvl 20
It's only a matter of time.
Lvl 59
This is bullshit!! Next thing you know, they'll be letting goats and toasters into the military!
If I wanna marry my crockpot I should be allowed. She's never lead me wrong...always has dinner ready when I get home. I love her.
Lvl 59
I love my crockpot more. It makes my chili
Lvl 22
Originally posted by CHASE

You know it's like when you find out one of good friends is gay and your like what the hell but then after a while you don't even think about it and they are still your friend and most of the time you end up with a better understanding. So it will be left up to the people and only time will tell.

Well said!
Lvl 59
I have two reactions when I find out if my friends are gay:

1. I find out a dude I know is gay (although I usually spot this pretty well beforehand anyway) -

2. I find out a chick I know is gay -

2(b). I find out that same chick is actually GAY, and not bi -
<--Falls into the 2b category. Lol

Did I make you cry? Haha
Lvl 59
Just a little bit. On the inside.
Lvl 4
What you don't understand is that the military isn't the general public. They live together they sleep together they eat together and the kill together. There is a very tight trust that is formed and it is very fragile. Right or wrong it will not sit well with most of the military. Even after it is repealed they won't be able to serve openly. There will be many more blanket parties. Sorry liberals, it is just the way it is. I voted no. I used to be in the military.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by mereteck

What you don't understand is that the military isn't the general public. They live together they sleep together they eat together and the kill together. There is a very tight trust that is formed and it is very fragile. Right or wrong it will not sit well with most of the military. Even after it is repealed they won't be able to serve openly. There will be many more blanket parties. Sorry liberals, it is just the way it is. I voted no. I used to be in the military.

I'm glad someone has the guts an' brains to articulate the other side of this, uh, debate...I'm waiting to learn what "serving openly" will really mean in the US Military...If it weakens our military, it will fit into Obama's agenda well, as anything that has the longterm effect of weaking America as a nation seems to fit right into his plans for us...May GOD help us all to survive the Age of Obama...
Originally posted by mereteck

What you don't understand is that the military isn't the general public. They live together they sleep together they eat together and the kill together. There is a very tight trust that is formed and it is very fragile. Right or wrong it will not sit well with most of the military. Even after it is repealed they won't be able to serve openly. There will be many more blanket parties. Sorry liberals, it is just the way it is. I voted no. I used to be in the military.

So why can't a straight soldier trust that a gay soldier has got his or her back? What some straight people don't understand is that they confuse being gay with having sex all the time and living some kind of deviant sex filled lifestyle. We are talking about regular people here that just happen to be attracted to the same sex, they will go through the same training just as any other soildier, but because they're gay they can't be trusted?
Lvl 20
No one ever said things were going to change over night. There was a time when conservatives didn't want to fight side by side with African Americans or women (some still don't). I don't see how having more people willing to join the military and being able to do so without hiding their sexual preference will weaken the military. It's the equivalent of saying that allowing non-whites to join without painting their faces white, or allowing women in if they don't pretend to be male, weakens the military. When you've trained and fought next to another person, your respect for that person will be based on their individual actions, not their genetics.
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