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Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 14 years ago Views: 13.3K
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Lvl 26
Originally posted by 888SPO

Sounds like you are losing traction on this subject Thamuz. Frankly I would be interested in how many women have applied for those units. Women don't have some particular strengths that men do ( notably body strength) but does every body need to lift a telephone pole and run along the beach with it ?

No matter. It will be interesting to see how all of these things work out in the field without the bozo influence and yapping of congress.


Grr yeah that's why I deleted it. I didn't realize how off topic I got until I posted it but oh well I guess it will live on forever through you. Thanks

It also sounds kind of sexest which I wasn't going for. Also to answer your question. No everybody does not have to do that or be incredibly strong to make it into these units. It's more of a mental thing, how much pain you can take, and if you can manage to not quit when they break your body down to nothing and sleep/food deprive you. What I liked about it is that their ethics are quite different from the regular Army.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Sugarpie


So why can't a straight soldier trust that a gay soldier has got his or her back? What some straight people don't understand is that they confuse being gay with having sex all the time and living some kind of deviant sex filled lifestyle. We are talking about regular people here that just happen to be attracted to the same sex, they will go through the same training just as any other soildier, but because they're gay they can't be trusted?

I do not trust a gay homosexual male soldier because if he is confused as to one of the most basic of natural instincts then how am I supposed to trust that he can actually emplace a claymore mine properly. Front towards enemy is not just a suggestion. Heads go inside hats, hands go inside gloves, penis' do not belong in another male service member's starfish. It's not about religion either. Save the liberal touchey feeley nonsense for the civilian community.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by doug5000


I do not trust a gay homosexual male soldier because if he is confused as to one of the most basic of natural instincts then how am I supposed to trust that he can actually emplace a claymore mine properly. Front towards enemy is not just a suggestion. Heads go inside hats, hands go inside gloves, penis' do not belong in another male service member's starfish. It's not about religion either. Save the liberal touchey feeley nonsense for the civilian community.

This is just what I needed. Someone to make everyone forget about my previous not so tasteful comment.
Originally posted by doug5000


I do not trust a gay homosexual male soldier because if he is confused as to one of the most basic of natural instincts then how am I supposed to trust that he can actually emplace a claymore mine properly. Front towards enemy is not just a suggestion. Heads go inside hats, hands go inside gloves, penis' do not belong in another male service member's starfish. It's not about religion either. Save the liberal touchey feeley nonsense for the civilian community.

Oh yeah, great argument...because he or she is gay; they're retarded? I may not know how to emplace a claymore mine properly, but I know that the pointy end of the gun goes forward...or it backwards? I'm not too sure now because I obviously got retarded when licked that other girls boobies.
Lvl 19
Well Doug, I just don't understand you even though I try. And I really do.

By your logic, if I were walking ahead of combat you would be thinking more about my ass than the safety of the unit.
What a guy. What a soldier ! You are a danger to all those around you.

Please spare our forces your inability to distinguish carnal lust from your sworn duty.

Butt, if you are really interested in my "for girl's only" it is !

Originally posted by doug5000


I do not trust a gay homosexual male soldier because if he is confused as to one of the most basic of natural instincts then how am I supposed to trust that he can actually emplace a claymore mine properly. Front towards enemy is not just a suggestion. Heads go inside hats, hands go inside gloves, penis' do not belong in another male service member's starfish. It's not about religion either. Save the liberal touchey feeley nonsense for the civilian community.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by 888SPO

Thanks for the summary of some wonderful advances in our society as highlighted by the armed forces. It really is a different world than the one of our fathers and the challenges just keep coming.

I, for one, appreciate your service and the open mindedness that you represent here.


Thank you very much.
Lvl 22
It truly amazes me that I see the same arguments against this as I presented in nco school in 1976 against women going to combat!
(I won that debate)

I was a product of a different time, times change and so this will pass into you remembering when you were so closed minded too!

Lvl 13
im in the military. trust me. it will negatively affect combat capability and unit cohesion.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by cornpop

im in the military. trust me. it will negatively affect combat capability and unit cohesion.

Today, perhaps. Did you even read what I said? (I thought the same about women allowed to fight THEN)
Lvl 26
Hey it's called WLC now a days grandpa

Lvl 19
Originally posted by cornpop

im in the military. trust me. it will negatively affect combat capability and unit cohesion.

Worry not. "It will get better."

For everyone.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I'm happy for my gay American brothers and sisters, this is a huge step if you guys can just get behind the whole marriage rights, then I'll really be happy.

Are you hoping to live in the U.S.A. someday? Is that why you are so concerned?
Possibly, but not the only reason. I wouldn't join the military anyway, but I'm more interested in it from a human rights stand point.
Lvl 4
man I'd love to be part of a lesbian wedding. Just saying.
Originally posted by dyhart

man I'd love to be part of a lesbian wedding. Just saying.

Yeah me too.
Lvl 12
Yeah, that's why I quoted you about marriage ... and now I understand why you are so fiery about the whole issue (I remember your Prop 8 thread). You don't want to move to California anyway, they'll be bankrupt soon. Iowa is a beautiful place.

Just kidding ... you'd be welcome anywhere in our country. The two places I have lived (south Jersey/Philadelphia area and Minneapolis/St.Paul area) are very nice places ... and stonings of lesbians have recently been outlawed in these areas.
Good to hear stonings are on the decline. Its not that I have the desire to live in the US, but if I ever reach the so called pinnacle of my career, then it'll likely end up in either New York or LA. I can legally get married here in Canada, so it's not that I need to see gay marriage allowed in the US, but as I've touched on in this thread; a lot of the world looks to the US to either set an example or follow other countries around the world in doing the right thing.

If I was moving to the US just because I wanted to live there my choices would be:
1) Hawaii
2) South Florida
3) Oregon coast
Lvl 59
That's kind of a silly line of argument anyway.

I'll never be black or Muslim, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't have an opinion on whether they should be discriminated against.
Lvl 13
it shouldn't have been up to the rest of the country it should have been up to the military personnel. im hetero, but Ive had gay friends. i have nothing against them. the military is just not the place for them. but hey you wanna serve your country that's awesome. i commend that. but from my experience in the military, this place draws people out of the woodwork of this country. people who haven't even seen a black man let alone a homosexual. you get bigots, and arrogance is rampant. the military is not ready for that. this country needs work done on it first. and as for the whole gay marriage thing.. that's a whole other topic.

just my views being in the military.
Lvl 59
So, you're saying that because there are bigots in the military, gay people shouldn't be allowed to serve their country?

That makes no sense. It's the bigots who should have to conform to sensible society, not the other way around.
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