Yes, it does make you a bigot that you would terminiate a friendship based on sexual preference.
No, it is not your choice to prefer women. It is your nature as much as it is the nature of the gay soldier to prefer women. It is not a choice for you any more than anyone else here.
The decision was in the hands of those who choose to protect us. The jury is in and blacks and women and homosexuals are the ones who are protecting it as we speak.
To repeat something that has been mentioned over and over here....these silly arguements are the same ones that were used to block the admission of blacks and women to the forces. Stated with great sincerity and conviction. Stated from their point of view and stated with nothing more than their personal philosophy to deny others the same priviledge of serving their country. And I am sure that there will be no more fuss about the integration of open gays in the military than that of the aforesaid groups, though a few will still take their stand with those whom history has passed by.
You sir, are truly on a small island of mistaken belief.
Service now, and marriage on a state by state basis in the future. We are part of our country.
Originally posted by bustMall
Accepted, and thank you. I have many Canadian friends, both professionally and personally. I travel to NE Ontario on a semi-regular basis. I have had military conversations with most of those friends, and not a one would argue that without the US, either the Russians, the Germans, the ChiComm's or a threat that never became known, would have probably taken over long ago. There was no insult intented for the military members of any free nation, nor was it insinuated. None of us would trust an OB-GYN to perform brain surgery. Capabilities are what they are, and I don't think it's wise to mess with the internal harmony of our military. The freedom of far to many nations may depend on it. I hope that clears it up.
As for gays in the military, and here's where anyone is welcome to call me what they want, because I will say make my feelings clear. I don't have any openly gay friends. If they go open, our relationship stops. I love women. I love how they feel. I love how they smell. I love how they act. I cannot comprehend a man being gay, I don't want to comprehend it, I don't want to understand it, and I don't want to be around it. Do I care if my neighbor is gay? Not in the least. But we won't be friends. We won't be enemies either. The simple truth is our contact would be limited to "as needed", and nothing else.
Does that make me a bigot? Personally I don't think so, it just means I have made a choice, as did he. My right, his right. I can also say that I appreciate the rule of law, and the rights of the majority. When the majority of those serving in the military agree that it is a non-issue, then I will agree also. But I don't care what the opinion of the general public is, when it comes to military protocol. I would much rather put the decisions that will dictate the fate of my freedoms in the hands of those that are protecting it, than those that just want to complain about it.
And thanks again. I hope we can just agreeably agree to disagree.