Originally posted by thegame14
you just keep proving my point over and over, by failing to address the real issue, not minority wants equal rights, they want equal rights of the majority while retaining their minority rights. And that is the height of hypocrisy. And it is not just gays it is every minority
Blacks, you want equal treatment, fine drop everyt program desigend to benefit your group, no more NAACP, no more wik, no more EBT, no more affirmative action, no more equal opportunity employment, no more Al Sharpton or that other idiot. Drop all of those and you will get equal treatment. all or nothing, no picking and choosing, no excuses
gays, you want equal treatment, drop the entire gay culture and anything that makes you distinguished as being gay. No more butch women, no short haircuts and tattoos. no more liz phair, no more parades, no more gay clubs, no more rainbow anything. No lisps, not over the top emotional you go girlfriends or finger snaps, nothing. You have to act like a straight person in ever facet of your life, except your own private bedroom, then you will get equal treatment. But it is all or nothing. you have to drop anything that would let anyone know you are gay, anything....
women, you want equal treatment fine, no maternity leave, no guys paying for drinks at bars, no guys paying for yoru meals, no flowers or candy on valentie's day, no talking about chivalry, and being treated like a princess. No more calling out of work cause you have a "migraine" or a "headache" cause you are having your period. Start working more dangerous jobs like construction, mining, etc. instead of teachers and secretaries... Drop every advantage you get for being of the female sex, then you will get equal treatment... Again, all or nothing, no picking and choosing, no excuses
spanish people, you want to come here and enjoy our jobs, school system and healthcare, fine, but you will learn english, never speak spanish, dont own any flag but an american one, dont have visuva or whatever those soccer horns are, dont talk about boriqua or anything related to your old country, dont send money back home and take it out of the american economy, and be here legally and pay your fair share of taxes, and then you will be treated equally.
Just when I thought your posts couldn't get any more ridiculous, you post this and totally blow me away. That post is full of the most stereotypical bullshit I've ever seen all in one place.
To cite just a few examples, WIC isn't a "black" program. It's available to all low-income women, infants and children in the US. I know white women who have been on it. Your insinuation is racist, to be honest. Women with short haircuts are not all gay. A majority of women with tattoos are not gay. And if you're going to denounce gay parades, I hope you also denounce St. Patrick's Day parades (it's religiously affiliated). And, I hope you realize that telling people they can't speak spanish EVER is basically dropping your pants and taking a big shit all over that little thing called the first amendment to the US constitution. I also hope you don't eat tacos, quesadillas, tortillas, chili, or anything else that happens to originate from another country - which, unfortunately for you, is just about every fucking thing you eat.
Basically, everything you've said is either factually wrong, racist, xenophobic or bigoted.
Diversity is a good thing, in all aspects of life. In fact, diversity is essential for life. You, apparently, abhor anything that doesn't conform to what YOU think is the "normal american" standard. First, nobody anointed you king of the US to set these normal standards. Second, what you're arguing here is ridiculous and antithetical to everything the founding fathers were fighting for. They were escaping a regime which punished non-conformity. They wanted people to be free to practice the religions of their choice, allow for views contrary to the "norm" to be held and advocated, and generally were distrustful of majority rule, which is why the US is a Federalist nation, and does not rule by majority. They specifically were wary of mob rule - the tyranny of the majority - which is exactly what you're arguing FOR.
And you never addressed the question as to why you're ignoring the Declaration of Independence's statement that "All men are created equal."
Apparently, in your world, straight, white, protestant(?), natural-born Americans are more equal than every other human on the planet, who might have been born somewhere else, have a different color skin, speak another language, or love people of the same gender.