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Don't ask, don't tell

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 14 years ago Views: 13.3K
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Lvl 14
and if every other gay person acted the same their chances of getting treated the same would be infinitely higher.....
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Sugarpie


Thats ridiculous. What if I was a straight female artist? Thats artsy? Is that different? What if I go to a women's only gym? Thats different too. What if I go to a straight club and its ladies night? I guess thats different again huh?

I don't think I am different than any straight female other than the fact the I'm attracted to other women, and occasionally tell people that I'm gay because people assume that I'm straight.

I might be interpretting this a tad differently but what I'm getting that thegame is trying to say is that if you act a certain way then you have to expect people to treat you that way. Now I'm not saying that you or all gay people act a certain way but those that do should expect people to treat them differently just the same as me when I wear a detroit red wings jersey out and I live in Chicago. I go out like that and I expect that people are going to treat me differently because they hate the red wings here. I wouldn't go out to a bar like that and demand that everyone there shut up and accept me for whatever I want to wear. I do it to be different and I accept that I'm going to be treated differently.

There's nothing wrong with going to a bar and turning a guy down by saying you're gay but if you do, you have to expect to hear some slightly different comments then if you were straight. It's life... and I agree with thegame because minorities do want the best of both worlds. You can say the same thing about women in general. Women have been fighting for equal rights for how long now? Yet when it comes to chivalry most of you still want doors opened for you, men to pay the bills, men to fix the toilet when it clogs and all the other shit that you don't want to do that in my opinion should come with the equal rights.
Lvl 5
"That is intellgient. How about the studies that prove that if you are raised in an environment with gay parents, the children are morely likely to be gay then children raised"

that comment, is absurd, outlandish and quite honestly retarded. its as debunked as the "vaccinations cause autism" guy.

Gays are humans, you are human, do you want to live your life the way you want it without fear of someone knocking on your door and shooting you in the face? i know i do, and im straight. the last i checked, humans as a whole arent minorities. there is no such thing as a minority when you wipe all this rhetorical bullshit from the slate. Gay guy walks down the street, i see him as a man(if he is transgendered, then i see them as their identified sex)

Point is grow up, normal to one is abnormal to another, which perpetuates hate, fear mongering and well lets go so far as to say the same thing happened to the country of germany from 1936-1945.....who wants that on their conscience?
Originally posted by Thamuz


I might be interpretting this a tad differently but what I'm getting that thegame is trying to say is that if you act a certain way then you have to expect people to treat you that way. Now I'm not saying that you or all gay people act a certain way but those that do should expect people to treat them differently just the same as me when I wear a detroit red wings jersey out and I live in Chicago. I go out like that and I expect that people are going to treat me differently because they hate the red wings here. I wouldn't go out to a bar like that and demand that everyone there shut up and accept me for whatever I want to wear. I do it to be different and I accept that I'm going to be treated differently.

There's nothing wrong with going to a bar and turning a guy down by saying you're gay but if you do, you have to expect to hear some slightly different comments then if you were straight. It's life... and I agree with thegame because minorities do want the best of both worlds. You can say the same thing about women in general. Women have been fighting for equal rights for how long now? Yet when it comes to chivalry most of you still want doors opened for you, men to pay the bills, men to fix the toilet when it clogs and all the other shit that you don't want to do that in my opinion should come with the equal rights.

I get what you're trying to say, but the difference between you wearing a red wings jersey in chicago, and me telling someone I'm gay are immeasurably different. For the most part, the comments you get from the other fans aren't hateful, they are good natured fun. I'm not saying that every guy storms off and calls me a fucking dyke, but its happened, and why should I have to say anything more than I'm not interested because I'm gay, but often I do. I shouldn't have to defend myself because I'm gay.

Your comment about women demanding that men fix the toilet and pay the bills is just as stupid as men demanding that women cook the meals and do the laundry.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Sugarpie
and why should I have to say anything more than I'm not interested because I'm gay

Why would you say you're not interested because you're gay? Just say you're not interested.

To Thamuz's first point .... this thread.
Lvl 26
Come on I thought you were from Canada, you should know how hateful hockey fans can get

I know the situations are completely different and one is a game and the other is life but they are both still choices that we make and how we make them determines how people treat us.

Originally posted by Sugarpie

Your comment about women demanding that men fix the toilet and pay the bills is just as stupid as men demanding that women cook the meals and do the laundry.

I don't know that many men that demand that anymore, it kind of went out the window at the beginning of the whole equal rights movement and now most men I know including myself cook more than the woman. Besides, this isn't the same thing. Men didn't demand to be treated the same as women and then demand that women still do all the womanly things so I don't see how this is relevant.
Originally posted by brownell

Why would you say you're not interested because you're gay? Just say you're not interested.

To Thamuz's first point .... this thread.

I usually do. I say "Thanks,I'm not interested." Guy says, "C'mon, why not" I say, "Because I'm gay" Guy says, "But you don't look gay." I say, "looks can be deceiving." I wish I was making this conversation up, but this happens on a fairly regular basis. And @ Thegame14 that is the reson why there are gay and lesbian bars...not to be different.
Originally posted by Thamuz

Men didn't demand to be treated the same as women and then demand that women still do all the womanly things so I don't see how this is relevant.

Women shouldn't have had to demand to be treated the same in the first place. So yes, its very relevant. We're getting way off topic with this argument, so I'll just say that I'm ok with there traditionally being tasks that men do and women do, but it doesn't mean that its right for everyone.
Lvl 11
Seriously, how do straight women reject men since they don't have the "gay card" to pull out? IMO, that's being loud and proud, and subjecting yourself to unnecessary hardship. If you're really saying that to guys, it's no wonder you're getting strange looks when they go back to their friend's table. You might as well tell them you're not interested because you're having a herpes outbreak.
Originally posted by brownell

Seriously, how do straight women reject men since they don't have the "gay card" to pull out? IMO, that's being loud and proud, and subjecting yourself to unnecessary hardship. If you're really saying that to guys, it's no wonder you're getting strange looks when they go back to their friend's table. You might as well tell them you're not interested because you're having a herpes outbreak.

And how else should I handle it?
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Sugarpie


And how else should I handle it?

The same way a straight person would blow-off someone they're not interested in.
gays should not be in the military period !!!!! If I ever serve again and have a faggot next to me in closed quarters he will know if he ever gets funny with me or acts stupid I wiil beat his gay ass sensless
Originally posted by SleepyTimey

gays should not be in the military period !!!!! If I ever serve again and have a faggot next to me in closed quarters he will know if he ever gets funny with me or acts stupid I wiil beat his gay ass sensless

Don't flatter yourself. What makes you think he'd want you?
Lvl 19
OK, I'm not a guy but I will "get funny" with you anyway....

" A horse goes into a bar and the bartender says ......So, what's with the long face....?"

Was I funny enough ? Yeah, I am not a comedian and you are not a serious adult. I wonder why SP bothers to try to discuss this with you.
Originally posted by SleepyTimey

gays should not be in the military period !!!!! If I ever serve again and have a faggot next to me in closed quarters he will know if he ever gets funny with me or acts stupid I wiil beat his gay ass sensless
Lvl 5
"if he ever gets funny with me or acts stupid I wiil beat his gay ass sensless" priceless. this is the most assanine thing ive heard. well except for the guy who said studies prove that children raised by gay parents will become gay, i dont know may be a tie.

that kind of comment is where "opinions" which are allowed, and outright blatent hate mongering begins. whatever makes you feel more secure about yourself...i personally hope you get a ninja fag to share your sleeping bag with. wouldnt you be in for a shock hahah.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by SleepyTimey

gays should not be in the military period !!!!! If I ever serve again and have a faggot next to me in closed quarters he will know if he ever gets funny with me or acts stupid I wiil beat his gay ass sensless

bigots should not be in the military period !!!!! If I ever serve again and have a moronic bigot next to me in closed quarters he will know if he makes stupid comments like that I will beat his bigoted ass sensless [sic]

Seems reasonable, no?

Originally posted by Lucy_Diamond

Game, are you saying that everyone should then drop everything that makes them different or unique? Should an Irish American no longer be allowed to fly the Irish flag, because everyone isn't Irish? Should someone from Boston have to change their speech to sound exactly like yours because they have an accent from an area other than yours? Should men and women start dressing the same so as not to be different from one another? Should someone of the Buddhist faith stop practicing their beliefs because it's not the most commonly practiced religion? Are you not proud to be of a certain nationality, and proud to show that off? Can you not appreciate that people from different regions have different accents? Can you not understand that people want to apply their religious beliefs?

Also. Not all gay people are shouting from the rooftops. Not all gay people have lisps, not all gay people are walking out of the homes garnered from head to toe in rainbows. Not all gay men are effeminate and not all gay women are butch. I bet you have been acquaintances with numbers upon numbers of gay people and you haven't even known it.

You are saying that there are gay people and there are straight people as if that is the only way to describe a person. Gay and straight are not the only two identities in this world. Everyone likes to be able to express who they are. Being gay is not choice, just as being of German descent is not a choice, just as being black, white, Hispanic, or Asian is not a choice. Someone should not have to hide who they are in order to make everyone else around them comfortable. Just as you are not hiding that you are a homophobic person, I should not have to hide that I identify as queer.

Any minority should be treated just as the majority. Just because the majority of Americans are white, does not mean that they are superior to those who are not. Whatever happened to "All Men Are Created Equal"?

And as SugarPie has pointed out a number of times, DADT is NOT questioning whether or not it is alright to be gay, nor is it saying that gays are now all of a sudden allowed to serve in our military. It is NOT saying that gays are now allowed to stand on the tables in the mess halls swinging a rainbow flag singing about being gay, nor does it allow gay soldiers to start hitting on everyone in their site. It is NOT giving gay soldiers the right to act any different than their straight counterparts. DADT is simply legislation stating that you can not be kicked out of the military for being gay.

Seriously, this.
Lvl 28
If I were all, in the army, and some queer was all "Sup Honda" and like, all feeling on me and shit, I'd be all "you had best STEP OFF QUEER...I'm just coolin."

Then I'd make the coolin face.

He'd be all "oh shit, I'm straight now, yo." Then we'd go out, and get some ladies to drop their zeros, and get wit us heroez.

You're welcome, US military.
Lvl 14
you just keep proving my point over and over, by failing to address the real issue, not minority wants equal rights, they want equal rights of the majority while retaining their minority rights. And that is the height of hypocrisy. And it is not just gays it is every minority

Blacks, you want equal treatment, fine drop everyt program desigend to benefit your group, no more NAACP, no more wik, no more EBT, no more affirmative action, no more equal opportunity employment, no more Al Sharpton or that other idiot. Drop all of those and you will get equal treatment. all or nothing, no picking and choosing, no excuses

gays, you want equal treatment, drop the entire gay culture and anything that makes you distinguished as being gay. No more butch women, no short haircuts and tattoos. no more liz phair, no more parades, no more gay clubs, no more rainbow anything. No lisps, not over the top emotional you go girlfriends or finger snaps, nothing. You have to act like a straight person in ever facet of your life, except your own private bedroom, then you will get equal treatment. But it is all or nothing. you have to drop anything that would let anyone know you are gay, anything....

women, you want equal treatment fine, no maternity leave, no guys paying for drinks at bars, no guys paying for yoru meals, no flowers or candy on valentie's day, no talking about chivalry, and being treated like a princess. No more calling out of work cause you have a "migraine" or a "headache" cause you are having your period. Start working more dangerous jobs like construction, mining, etc. instead of teachers and secretaries... Drop every advantage you get for being of the female sex, then you will get equal treatment... Again, all or nothing, no picking and choosing, no excuses

spanish people, you want to come here and enjoy our jobs, school system and healthcare, fine, but you will learn english, never speak spanish, dont own any flag but an american one, dont have visuva or whatever those soccer horns are, dont talk about boriqua or anything related to your old country, dont send money back home and take it out of the american economy, and be here legally and pay your fair share of taxes, and then you will be treated equally.
Give me an example of minority rights for gays.

On second thought...after reading your 3rd paragraph (my iPhone didn't load it at first) I'm done discussing this with you. I can't discuss something with someone so delusional as you that thinks a short haircut means you're gay.
Lvl 14
are you serious, have you ever worked a job? every US company has a gay, lesbian and transgender group that promotes gay rights and tries preferential hiring of gay people and they are more likely to get promoted and get a job in the first place, for the sole reason of them being gay, under the umbrella, of "DIVERSITY"....
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