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2012 Presidential Election POLL

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 12 years ago Views: 18.1K
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What I find most interesting about the actual poll here, not the debate is that in a poll anyway...a little over 9% of you would either vote Johnson or independent. I would be greatly surprised if this was the case on election day.
Lvl 59
WBW demographics generally skew toward a younger group which is much more likely to vote for a non-traditional candidate than are elderly voters who make up a huge portion of actual Election Day voters.
Lvl 6
As a Canadian looking in from the outside, Mitt Romney would be my man. Mr. Obama has no plans except simple cliche sayings. What the hell is "Forward!" ???? Like Sarah Palin said last year (no fan of her)..."how's that 'change' thing going for ya?"

It is as dumb as seeing sports fans holding signs that read "We Beleive"...f'ing goofy.

Vote for a businessman, not a life long politician like Obama.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Early results have Romney leading with 57% of the vote.

Think this trend will continue?

Are you Mitt Romney? . American politics is very entertaining to watch. It's just an absolute circus. When Obama went to Ottawa, there were so many people there to get a glimpse of him it was insane. It's funny how we as Canadians get absorbed into the madness.
Originally posted by Sugarpie


What do you mean you don't have a problem with birth control pills? Meaning what? You don't have a problem getting them, taking them??

Romney supports the Blunt amendment, a bill that was introduced to restrict access to birth control by allowing any employer the right to deny health insurance coverage for any benefit based on a moral conviction.

How any woman could possibly support that, AND then also be opposed to abortion is absolutely beyond me. a outsider looking in...explain how the country is worse off now than it was 4 years ago?

In my case I have to take birth control pills because of a severe hormone imbalance, PCOS. And I will not judge other people, and I am Catholic. Being I probably can never have a child, I would be more than willing to adopt a child and share everything I have with them. And I am not going to get way deep in this but since when is murder healthcare, and I am guessing that you are pro-choice, when is the baby given a choice. And maybe you haven't noticed the way all of the unemployment figures are skewed, they do not count all of the people who are no longer elegable for unemployment compensation, those people are jus ignored totally. This country now gives more food stamps than at any previous time in history. Does that seem like an improvment in our nation?

I still luv you all.. Lia
Originally posted by Lia


In my case I have to take birth control pills because of a severe hormone imbalance, PCOS. And I will not judge other people, and I am Catholic. Being I probably can never have a child, I would be more than willing to adopt a child and share everything I have with them. And I am not going to get way deep in this but since when is murder healthcare, and I am guessing that you are pro-choice, when is the baby given a choice. And maybe you haven't noticed the way all of the unemployment figures are skewed, they do not count all of the people who are no longer elegable for unemployment compensation, those people are jus ignored totally. This country now gives more food stamps than at any previous time in history. Does that seem like an improvment in our nation?

I still luv you all.. Lia
[ Image ]

Do you receive your birth control under a health care plan? And yes, I am pro-choice. I don't believe a 6 week old fetus is a human being at that point, and its my body to decide if I want to continue with the pregnancy or not. Not like its ever going to happen anyway, but I believe every woman deserves that chance. No...I don't personally believe that abortion should be used as a birth control method for irresponsible women, but unfortunately you can't pick and choose who should be allowed and who shouldn't.
Lvl 18
I am staying out of this, though I did already vote for Obama. I couldn't actually tell where Romney stood on any one issue. Man is like Derek Jeter in that he seems to cover all the bases, eh?
Lvl 59
Derek Jeter in 2001 maybe. Dude has no range at all now.
Lvl 18
What evs. I hate the Yankees. I was totally voting for the Orioles.
Lvl 13
So, since I got some in a response of "bullshit" when I posted a comment about the change in white voters for Romney vs. Obama since the last election between McCain and Obama...I will now do an update.

Since the Sandy Hurricane hit, Obama has had a swing in his direction in the polls.

Previously, the white vote was 23% more less for Obama this election as compared to the election in 2008. This is all age groups of white voters.
Since Hurricane Sandy hit...and Chris Christy praised Obama and FEMA while Mitt Romney bought $5000 of canned foods that he then had folks pick-up and hand to him for a photo op in Ohio (pathetic to buy the stuff so your "supporters" can then be seen "donating" that stuff for relief efforts)...

...there has been as shift amount white voters who classify themselves as "likley to vote:" Obama support among white women (across all age groups) now stands at 44%...down from 46% in 2008. That is a swing of only 2% points. Obama's support among white men (across all age groups) now stands at 32%...down from 41% in 2008. That is now a swing of only 9% points.

So, the total shift of white voters is now down by 11% with 3 days to go until the election...since Hurricane Sandy...whereas it was 23% down three weeks ago.

Of course, this may not matter at all. In the past weeks and days severeal things have happened in the "swing states" controlled by GOP legislatures. Virginia....GOP caught read handed throwing out over 100,000 registrations of Democrats. The Attorney General (top legal dog) in the state...a Tea Party Republican...declines to press any charges...AND also disallows those tossed registrations to be gotten out of the trash. Florida, GOP caught red handed throwing out 120,000+ absentee ballots (ballots cast and sent in the mail) from Democratic counties...Attorney General, again a Republican...refuses to do anything about it...AND...lets those tossed votes stay in the trash.

Two days ago in Ohio, 100,000+ votes from early voting...controlled by the GOP legislature of Ohio...caught telling Democratic voters where to vote (i.e. what church to go to, what school to go to, what firestation to go to) the wrong polling place. Even though wrongly informed of where to vote, all these votes were tossed out because "the voter voted in the wrong polling place." Federal Judge orders these votes to be counted. Republican Attorney General refuses to do so. The case goes to the 6th Circuit Court. A panal of three Republican Judges refuses to let the votes be counted stating, "we don't want to set a precident where votes made at the wrong polling place count."

The next and final step is the US Supreme Court...not enough time (weekend and then Monday).

So, the ONLY voter fraud has been massive and done by the GOP in the vary states controlled legistatively by the GOP...the very same states that decided to do "voter suppression" of registered Democrats because of the fear of voter fraud.

This will be an extremely close election. With the potential of millions of votes cast for Obama being thrown away...and legally registered Democratic voters being denied the ability to vote...even though the white vote is now 11% points less for Obama than in 2008...Mitt Romney stands an excellent chance of stealing this election.

We shall see...Oh, and Texas now has stated that any UN voting observers will be arrested on site (so much for American Democracy!!!)
Lvl 24
Originally posted by paradise_50

...Oh, and Texas now has stated that any UN voting observers will be arrested on site (so much for American Democracy!!!)

IMHO, the United Nations is just about the most f'd up organization on the planet. Most of the members of the UN aren't even real democracies and most of them to not have free and open elections...who are they to observe and (no doubt) critique our elections? They obviously invited themselves, as I doubt even Ozero would have taken that step.
'Just my opinion, mind you....
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ricky_baby100

Mr. Obama has no plans except simple cliche sayings.

Are you living in some sort of bizzaro universe? It is the exact opposite, Romney is the one who hasn't given a specific plan on how he will "create 12 million jobs". Hell any time an actual journalist has asked for specifics the entire campaign has said "we'll show you after we win."

The little they have shown about their financial plan has made every since Economist scream in terror.

Originally posted by ricky_baby100

Vote for a businessman, not a life long politician like Obama.

Except, Romney became a life long politican as he took him money from Bain. A businessman whose job it was to buy up companies, fire the workers, and send jobs overseas and then sell the company.

I didn't realize that Canada had a Fox News Subsidiary.
Originally posted by Kanzen

I didn't realize that Canada had a Fox News Subsidiary.

Let me just clarify this now. Canada does in fact receive Fox News and has so since 2004. It has not been banned as many people have suggested.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Sugarpie


Let me just clarify this now. Canada does in fact receive Fox News and has so since 2004. It has not been banned as many people have suggested.

I thought Canada was a logical, friendly place, where everyone respects each other's views and opinions.
Originally posted by Kanzen


I thought Canada was a logical, friendly place, where everyone respects each other's views and opinions.

I think we are, and I think we do. We're so polite that we allow everyone's opinion...even if it is wrong.
Originally posted by Sugarpie


Do you receive your birth control under a health care plan? And yes, I am pro-choice. I don't believe a 6 week old fetus is a human being at that point, and its my body to decide if I want to continue with the pregnancy or not. Not like its ever going to happen anyway, but I believe every woman deserves that chance. No...I don't personally believe that abortion should be used as a birth control method for irresponsible women, but unfortunately you can't pick and choose who should be allowed and who shouldn't.

As I already said, I am not anyones judge so you will not get any judgement from me. I consider you to be a friend and I want it to stay that way. I pray for all of my friends at all times...
luv you all.. Lia
Lvl 26
WHOOPS I CANT FOLLOW THE RULES! This election is clearly about those of us who WORK for our pay checks & those of you who VOTE for yours.
Stop living on the tax payers put on your big boy pants, pull up your boot straps on and support yourself.

No personal attacks.
* This post has been modified by EricLindros : 12 years ago
Lvl 26
Remember obama HOPE is not a plan, we saw where that got us the last 4 years so stop insulting the working people.
obama is a great speaker & thats it! He should be a college teacher since all he does is speak & never gets anything accomplished.
He absolutely doubled our debt & NO that was not Bush's fault. He stood with his HOPE plan 4 years ago and told us he would in 2 years CHANGE the economy around....FAILED!!!!
I am so sick of all of this politics crap, I cant wait for Wednesday morning. I am gonna make my vote on Tuesday morning, it is the responsibilities of each and every American voter to know the issues and the "REAL" facts of what has transpired in this country. And to forget bout all of the partisan propaganda which both side spew. Jus focus on the facts, are we better off, or deeper in the hole. Is one side or the other trying to eliminate our religious, health, taxpayer, or civil rights. Dont listen to everyones opinion, all of the facts are on public record, READ IT!!!!!

And those who dont want you to read the public record are the ones that you dont vote for.........

I luv all of you.. Lia
First of all moss, I'll warn you that personal attacks, and name calling isn't appreciated in the forum.

Second, I'm not sure where you get your statistics, but the United States Bureau of Labor clearly shows that unemployment rates have dropped year over year since 2009. True, they are not at 2007 levels, but they are dropping.

Third, Homeowner rates, while again not as high as pre recession numbers, have been slowly climbing the past year.

So I'm not really sure how he's failed. The economy can't change overnight, it isn't a quick fix, but it's changing and getting better...all on Obama's watch.
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