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2012 Presidential Election POLL

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 12 years ago Views: 18.2K
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Lvl 19
Lvl 6
Blunt Amendment ! What a great way to get millions of votes to pass it.

How many undereducated potheads will vote for this based on the name alone.
Originally posted by Honda_X

Produce what?

I kinda want Romney to win. The quicker your country goes to shit, the sooner I can rock over there and by discount land.
lmao your country has always wished it could be America! Btw we go to shit yooooo guuuuys will be speaking korean! Your yellow just like the french!
Originally posted by deathbyboredom

Romney and the republicans will help the rich, and screw whats left of the middle class. Thats what happen in the previous republican reign. And i agree with pantsman12 and gary johnson. We need to mind whats going on in America and get our shit in order.
The rich provide the middle class with jobs!! I agree with minding our own business! The high spending in military has kept us powerful and safer than anyone else! So lets cut the military and share the wealth tax the job producers your out of your fucking mind btw should tax payers buy birth control for you and pay for your health care? Its a NO BRAINER! Bums vote for democrats Hard working Americans that want to be rewarded for their success vote republican! Im broke but i deserve the chance to become rich by my own hard work not the next mans!!
Lvl 25
Originally posted by littlethick

I was not being racist in any form or fashion by using his middle name Paradise or Kanzen.

Then pray tell why note use the official and proper name "President Obama." Your statement had nothing short an inclination of your racist attitude. Tell us, why call him "Hussein" if not for the conotations of Saddam, or him being "one of those others."

Originally posted by littlethick

The same as many people referred to the prior president as "Bush".

He was called Bush because his last name, just like all the other presidents are stated as President <Last Name>. You intentionally picked out Obama's last name as a reference to a dictator we installed in Iraq. You know your reasoning is poor at best.

Originally posted by littlethick

Hmm, didnt hear any remarks thrown out about racism then.

Because there is no tangent to go off on GWB's last name. No one refered to him as Walker, did they? No. But then again, you have no reasonable logic.

Originally posted by littlethick

Probably because calling someone by their last name, middle name, is not racism.

Then why not call him by his proper title, President Obama. Oh wait, that's right, it doesn't bring up the mental image you want to associate with him. Right? Because he is some sort of secret Muslim that is planning on destroying the Nation.

Originally posted by littlethick

I dont see how you took it that way. Sorry, we cannot discuss this anymore, I will not argue. Kanzen you have a foul mouth bud but the internet is a great place to vent that with out getting hurt.

You don't see how. Despite the fact that all the Tea Partiers, and right-wing media always used it to insinuate if not directly state he was born outside of the US. You won't discuss it anymore because you are either trolling, and quite well, or you know that you don't have any logical basis to make your further assertions.


Originally posted by nemesis02

All of that to show that Obama has done nothing but increase government spending,

Spending that was required to halt the economic collapse that we were suffering. Nice of you to ignore that we were losing jobs at a rate of 800,000 a month. Why? Because Bush decided to cut taxes and give actual incentives to ship jobs overseas.

Originally posted by nemesis02

that he said he would cut in his first campaign.

Yeah, so he wasn't able to keep it. But what would you do in his place? Let the car industry collapse? Tens of millions more jobless? Or maybe let the Banking system go bust and suddenly our money is worthless and we have no system of selling goods or services. Yeah. That will work.

Originally posted by nemesis02

He has created more government jobs,

Nope. Flat out wrong. Labor Department statistics specifically state that government employment has decrease 608,000 since February 2009. Politifact covered to, "Half a million fewer Government Employees now that there were when Obama took office." NYTimes and Politico say the same, "More than 500,000 Public Sector Jobs Have Been Lost."

Originally posted by nemesis02

and instituted more government dependency programs, which taxpayers will shoulder the cost of.

Because what else should an organization of the people for the people do? Should we let everyone starve to death? Should we let them go homeless and jobless? Right. Nah, we should cut all the spending because less firemen and police, more joblessness, more starvation, and economic disparity is a better option. Right, all those Veterans returning from war? Fuck them right. They'll make it somehow.

Originally posted by nemesis02

Yes he has attained some of his goals, but at the cost of the American people.

Really? Tell me, what has it cost the American people directly. That statement is empty and meaningless. Are you talking about the National Debt? Well, that was put in place by Bush. Or do two wars, and tax cuts not suddenly count?

Originally posted by nemesis02

Solar and Wind energy are decades from being feasible for large scale production of electricity and long line transmission,

Yeah, totally unfeasable. That is why Denmark, Germany, the UK, Japan, Brazil, China, Spain, Australia, and *gasp* United States already use Wind and Solar. Right now.

Originally posted by nemesis02

and seeing as only a portion of the United States has the required annual wind or sun to make local energy production useful,

Wrong again. Harvard already ran a study in 2009 that there is U.S. Wind Resources could power the nation ten times over.


Originally posted by nemesis02

you are not solving anything with the wasted money on "renewable" energy.

So yeah, you think we should depend on the finite resource of oil. Then what happens to our climate and then our world when we burn through everything? I guess you might like Mad Max a lot. Or maybe you don't think the environment, which we all live in, doesn't matter.

Originally posted by nemesis02

Further more, more regulation does not mean that the economy will be better off or that people will be any safer from speculators.

It means the inhabitians will be better off. Or do you think LA thirty years ago when you could fucking taste the air wasn't an issue. Regulation is there to protect the consumers and the people. Or maybe we should disband the EPA. Yeah, let all those companies just pour whatever they want where ever they want.

Originally posted by nemesis02

The economy was flushed by many politicians not just Bush.

He and his administration had a huge hand in causing the economy failing.

Did you forget him deregulating portions of the Banking industry? Deregulating the housing market? How about Citizen's United? Starting two wars? The tax cuts?

Originally posted by nemesis02

The housing bubble was the fault of the Fed forcing the interest rates down and also making banks give sub-prime loans.

The government did not force banks to make sub-prime loans. They did it to increase their cash flow since they weren't making as much as they were before. How did they get around this? With the regulation that lead to the crisis. Again, under Bush's watch.

Originally posted by nemesis02

The government itself is the worst enemy of the people they supposedly represent and protect. Regardless of who wins the presidency Congress is the ones with all the power. Blame Bush all you want, but most of the blame should be put on the Congress where it rightfully belongs.

Then tell me why right-wingers are so quick to blame everything on Obama? Government is not the worst enemy of the people. Corporations with all the money, control, and resources in the hands of the few plutocrats are the bigest threat. I would suggest reading Lawrence Lessig's Republic, Lost. But you know. Obama's fault right.


Originally posted by gordo9094

what you have here is the difference between a "community organizer" and a real businessman,,,,, the last thing we ever needed was a community organizer trying to run this country!

Yeah because we want a business man, whose idea of "fixing" a company is firing off the employees and selling the assets. Right. Congrats, you are just parroting those empty and errorenous political ads.


Originally posted by littlethick

Good ol pari. I am a "littlechicken" older than you. (That is if by Paridise 50, you intend to disply that you are 50 years old?)Nice name you renamed my profile name too by the way. Take you very long to come up with these? Look, I'm not going to argue with you, I can go to the local bar and argue with drunks all night, so I wont do it here. Have a good rest of your arguing time.

Funny how people always equate age with wisdom. Despite I can think of quite a few old idiots.


Originally posted by Dr.GoodHands

Kanzen is boorish and a chat-room bully who doesn't appear to see anything objectively. And his snarky remarks to Bust are the same types of reactions his Mentor BHO gave to Romney in the last debate. Shame on you Kanzen. When you run out of things to say --- just ATTACK! You are a knee-jerk reactionary and its no wonder you have been so blinded by your (presumed ) party.
I voted for change the first time, Now im ashamed to have helped make us worse off. Mitt is not perfect but at least he has run successful endeavours and I trust him to do the same for OUR country.

Funny. You cannot refute a single point made. But that is it. I am responding in the same fashion that right-wingers treat anyone else. Empty statements from an empty mind. You can't name a successful endeavour of Mitt's that didn't either require outside assistance (SL Olympics) or ended up costing others (Massaschuetts/Bain-Capital).

I trust Romney to gut the middle-class and give Corporations even more power.


Originally posted by Davey45

The Republican party stopped being fiscally conservative way before I could even vote. They remain socially conservative though. You know, keep government out of everything except our private lives. I am voting for the only candidate who is both fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Governor Johnson's campaign slogan is " Live Free". I do not trust either candidate of the two major parties. Hopefully, my vote will help the Libertarian party reach the 5% of the popular vote this year. Maybe next election the other 95% of the people out there will actually get a chance to see and hear a 3rd party members' stances on issues.

While it is a great thought. It will never happen. Every simulation done of a First Past The Post guarantees that it will always boil down to two parties. I would love for Johnson to become a serious contender, but it just won't happen.


Originally posted by Bustmall

Are you serious? What do you want, names of companies involved and time cards. Get real.

Wait, so it isn't fair to do to you as you do to others? Wait, when it is other people it's "their facts" but when it comes to you, they are just facts. I'm just doing what you are doing. You countinue to bring in stories instead of actual evidence to refute claims. At first I took Eric's comments about your processes humorously. But now I see how truly horrifying it is, instead of a direct line of logic--ancedote. But please tell us how wrong we are, and how you shoulder the burden of everything.


Originally posted by Lia

Obama had his chance and the country is worse off than it was four years ago. And I dont have a problem with birth control pills, I do have a problem with the murder of innocent babies. I'am jus sayin', maybe I am a little to old fashioned

Wait, so let me get this straight.

× You don't care about birth control.
× But the republicans are set at removing forms of birth control.
× You don't want the "murder" of innocent babies. (Do you eat meat, poultry, fish, etc?)
× Repubs want to protect life until it is born, then fuck you, you are on your own.

If you are old fashioned, why are you on WBW? A site devoted to deviancy?


Originally posted by SugarPie

What do you mean you don't have a problem with birth control pills? Meaning what? You don't have a problem getting them, taking them??

Romney supports the Blunt amendment, a bill that was introduced to restrict access to birth control by allowing any employer the right to deny health insurance coverage for any benefit based on a moral conviction.

How any woman could possibly support that, AND then also be opposed to abortion is absolutely beyond me. a outsider looking in...explain how the country is worse off now than it was 4 years ago?

Well Romney also spoke of revoking Roe vs. Wade. So you know, a bunch of old white guys know what is better for women than women know. The funny thing is, they know this will lead to an increase in population. And with the rapid increase of population, comes a rise in joblessness and crime.


Originally posted by Assman!

The rich provide the middle class with jobs!!

Holy shit. No. Did you read any of the previous posts or look at any of the long term studies? Trickle Down Economics does not work. If it worked we wouldn't be here now. The rich have the lowest taxes since 1930.

Originally posted by Assman!

I agree with minding our own business! The high spending in military has kept us powerful and safer than anyone else!

Yeah, so safe. Tell that to the people who were in the Twin Towers, or all the soldiers that have lost their lives in the middle east. Our military is bigger than the rest of the world's combined. Tell me exactly why do we need more. Do you think suddenly, out of nowhere, a madman with his own robot army is going to attack us?

Originally posted by Assman!

So lets cut the military and share the wealth tax the job producers your out of your fucking mind btw should tax payers buy birth control for you and pay for your health care? Its a NO BRAINER! Bums vote for democrats Hard working Americans that want to be rewarded for their success vote republican! Im broke but i deserve the chance to become rich by my own hard work not the next mans!!

This is asinine. Also, if you think you are suddenly become rich under a Republican rule, you are out of your mind.
Originally posted by nemesis02

The housing bubble was the fault of the Fed forcing the interest rates down and also making banks give sub-prime loans.

Originally posted by Kanzan

The government did not force banks to make sub-prime loans. They did it to increase their cash flow since they weren't making as much as they were before. How did they get around this? With the regulation that lead to the crisis. Again, under Bush's watch.

If you guys really want to know who is responsible for the housing collapse, take a look in the mirror. Maybe not you two guys specifically, but Americans got greedy. You bought houses at reasonable prices, then there was a housing boom, you guys borrowed against them and bought cars, boats, computers, RV's...whatever you wanted. You created a false economic boom based on borrowing equity from your home. Then when the market started to return to all panicked because now all of a sudden you were "losing money" on your house. Bullshit. You bought the house for $200K It went up to a $400K borrowed equity against the $400K value, and have the nerve to say your losing money when all of a sudden the house is only worth $300K.
Lvl 25
Yeah, my wording could of been better on the subprimes. The banks made alluring offers with the subprime and the buyers were in way over their heads on it.
Lvl 12
Over a trillion dollars defecit every year since he took office-- and 6 trillion added to the debt during Obama's first term. For what?

Groceries cost more. Gas costs more. Unemployment is higher. Housing prices have continued to tank, and the only folks left holding the bag are the future generations. It might not sound like much. A trillion here, a trillion there. It doesn't pain anyone right now. It won't pain anyone until it's truly time to pay the piper...

My son was born in March 2009. At the time, his birthright of being born American was his share of a slice of the National Debt pie-- just over $30,000 at the time. Now, just a mere 3.5 years later, his slice has increased to over $48,000. I don't know if Romney will do any better, but after a first Obama term, I couldn't imagine a second, unrestricted (unaccountable) term...

Hammer me, tax me, and lean on me to cover your spending all you want, you bastard Prez-- but you should leave future generations of Americans better than you found them. You certainly haven't done that to date-- why should I believe your silver tongue now?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Assman!

... lmao your country has always wished it could be America! Btw we go to shit yooooo guuuuys will be speaking korean! Your yellow just like the french!

Oh yeah, us wannabes over here, with our strong dollar and economy.

Also, most of the world likes us.

America is that rich jock everyone hates. They only hate him because he's so cool and badass, right?

Anyway, I think I'll go to the hospital. Get myself checked out, you know, with our wacky socialist health care.

UR country sucks right now bro. Mitt is just gonna add more weight to a sinking ship.
Lvl 8
@Sugarpie: Thank you. I have felt the exact way about the housing bubble since well before it popped. Kanzen, I will not argue with facts but the current two party system is essentially a one party plutocracy. F, you are correct in so many ways I am jealous of your insightfulness.
Lvl 25
@ Davey45: It would amaze you how many people were ignorant of the fact that George Washington absolutely abhored the idea of a political party system.

Originally posted by GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
Originally posted by Honda_X

Oh yeah, us wannabes over here, with our strong dollar and economy.

Also, most of the world likes us.

America is that rich jock everyone hates. They only hate him because he's so cool and badass, right?

Anyway, I think I'll go to the hospital. Get myself checked out, you know, with our wacky socialist health care.

UR country sucks right now bro. Mitt is just gonna add more weight to a sinking ship.

You forgot to mention its also free. :p
Lvl 23
When I see bumper stickers with Obama on them I immediately assume the person is an idiot!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Kanzen


Wait, so it isn't fair to do to you as you do to others? Wait, when it is other people it's "their facts" but when it comes to you, they are just facts. I'm just doing what you are doing. You countinue to bring in stories instead of actual evidence to refute claims. At first I took Eric's comments about your processes humorously. But now I see how truly horrifying it is, instead of a direct line of logic--ancedote. But please tell us how wrong we are, and how you shoulder the burden of everything.

Au Contraire, grasshopper. Instead of pulling charts off the internet, barking infantile chatter that fits well in a game room and regurgitating professors, I speak from my personal life experience.

I shoulder no more burden than has been placed upon me, and far less than many. In fact, I'm told the Bible says somewhere that God shall give no man more than he can handle, and if that's true, then I must be very weak, for I have been greatly blessed in my life. I'd like to think it's been due to good choices and hard work.... but I get the impression you guys would attribute it to nothing but blind, or in my case, DUMB luck.

That's alright. I no longer expect any more than that from either of you. To EL's defense, at least his arguments demonstrate a degree of intelligence before frustration kicks in and the personal attacks start.

I've got big shoulders. If you guys are wasting your time on me, at least your not fouling up someone else's day.

Lvl 28
Originally posted by Sugarpie



If you guys really want to know who is responsible for the housing collapse, take a look in the mirror. Maybe not you two guys specifically, but Americans got greedy. You bought houses at reasonable prices, then there was a housing boom, you guys borrowed against them and bought cars, boats, computers, RV's...whatever you wanted. You created a false economic boom based on borrowing equity from your home. Then when the market started to return to all panicked because now all of a sudden you were "losing money" on your house. Bullshit. You bought the house for $200K It went up to a $400K borrowed equity against the $400K value, and have the nerve to say your losing money when all of a sudden the house is only worth $300K.

That's huge part of the problem for sure. It started with Clinton, and Bush should have ended it, but he was no conservative and was riding the train for all it was worth.

I knew we were in trouble in 2004 when an employee couldn't get a loan for a 50K fixer-upper, but could get one for a 180k new home. The banker looked him right in the eye and said "We expect you to default on the new house, and we'll profit from the appreciation, but we have no interest in the other house". True story.

Caused me to make some savings decisions that turned out pretty good. Banks are as dangerous as our gov't in many ways. Just one of many predictions our founding fathers wrote about that pointed to the pickle jar we are now soaking in.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Paige80

When I see bumper stickers with Obama on them I immediately assume the person is an idiot!

Most people with bumper stickers are jackasses.
Lvl 6
you can't keep on doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.destroy america from within the boarders and destroy america outside the boarders. 4 years of failure, dont want 4 more years of the same. not excited about Mitt but, also not interested in a president who allows americans to die because he is too busy politicing. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Originally posted by Kanzen

@ Davey45: It would amaze you how many people were ignorant of the fact that George Washington absolutely abhored the idea of a political party system.


Where's George when we need him? Probably asleep in the gutter enjoying his hair pillow
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Early results have Romney leading with 57% of the vote.

Think this trend will continue?

'Sure hope so... ...'to Obama >
Lvl 59
Wow, a few days without power and this thread happens.

Anyway, a lot of you are really misguided about...well...a lot of things, but that's not particularly surprising.

Obama is very, very likely to win, barrings some crazy unforeseen circumstance - he currently has about an 81% probability of winning. Sometimes the math is kind of abstract to a lot of people, think of it this way: Obama and Romney are playing poker and they both go all in on a hand before any community cards are dealt. The odds are basically equivalent to Obama holding aces while Romney has a ten and a jack. Romney has outs, but the chance he'll win that pot is not great.

That being said, the difference between the two is pretty small (did you see the foreign policy debate? It was essentially Candidate 1: "I'll do this!" Candidate 2: "No, that's wrong, I'll do that same thing faster and better!", so I'm not sure it matters at all anyway. Foreign policy is essentially the same, healthcare is essentially the same, civil liberties are ignored by both candidates, etc. It's really just a dog and pony show that you folks are getting all riled up about.
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