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The next member to post here....

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 9.0K
  • Goto:
Lvl 22
True Learned A Lot
the next 20yrs. younger
they were(teacher)
Lvl 20
False, the closest I've come to that is 10 yrs.

The next poster believes that the next U.S. President will actually bring about change for the better in America.
Lvl 8

The next person listens to classical music.
Lvl 13
True (I have eclectic tastes)

The next poster has Sinatra moods
Lvl 22
True very moody
the next was a tremendous beatles fan
Lvl 13
False (What do you mean WAS? )

The next poster HATES country music! With a passion.
Lvl 22
false,I like all music

but,the next probably hates it
Lvl 18
false i love all music
the next poster wants a chili dog
Lvl 13
False - Chili and I don't get along.

The next poster wants a polish sausage and sauerkraut instead
Lvl 18
false ive already got a huge sausage
the next poster likes to disco dance
Lvl 22
false,but sounds good(just ate)
the next orders from the dollar menu
Lvl 18
false ew mcdonalds
the next poster has smelly feet
Lvl 8
I hate to admit it, but true.

The next person eats the cream out of oreos but not the cookie.
Lvl 13
Used to be true, but is now false

The next poster remembers Frito Lay Wow chips
Lvl 18
false (unless they are the one that caused anal leakage)
the next poster loves video games
Lvl 22
the next is a real winner at them
Lvl 9
true, I do dominate at the video games

the next has absolutly no idea what a 4-6-3 double play is
Lvl 18
true and i dont care
the next poster has some awesome bud
Lvl 9

The next thinks that Vida Guerra has an absolutly breath-taking hinny and wants to be friends with it.
Lvl 18
Friends with it. When I die I want buried in it.

The next poster is googling Vida Guerra
  • Goto: