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The next member to post here....

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.1K
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Here's how it works.

The poster post something and the other guy says true (if it is true) and false (if it is not true) I will start it out

The person below came here because a cool car pic with the WBW logo on it.

If someone beats you to a post, please delete yours so the game can carry on more easily and people don't get confused about what the are posting after
* This post has been modified by DEMO : 2 years ago
Lvl 24
Ummm... C. None of the above?
Lvl 22
the next is fishing
Lvl 13

The next poster has a machete somewhere in their house.
Lvl 14

the next is wet out of the shower
Lvl 27
True, I'm always wet when I get out of the shower

The next is visiting a purity forum

Next poster is scratching their back
Lvl 10
True -(I got a misquito bite on my back, it is like the South Carolina State Bird)

the next poster sticks his/her finger up his/her ass when they masturbate
Lvl 28

The next poster had sex with a girl who weighs over 160lbs..
Lvl 13

The next poster has a dog
Lvl 10

The next poster has had an affair with a married person
Lvl 13
True. (Meat is still legally married, but separated)

The next poster has had an affair with a friends significant other
Lvl 10
true - omg

the next poster has chewed someone elses chewed gum
Lvl 22
the next has chewed someones ass
Lvl 27
true, in more ways then one

the next poster has had sex while sky diving
Lvl 10
False, damn

The next poster has thought about FeFe naked
Lvl 13

The next poster owns a pair of bellbottoms
Lvl 10
True - I had to go out of my way to get them too (hangs head in shame)

The next poster wants an autographed scarf from Honda
Lvl 27
TRUE, oh how I've dreamed of that moment, watching him sign a scarf...

The next poster wants an orgy with the dutchy crew
Lvl 24

the next poster isn't as cool as Honda, EL, and myself
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