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The next member to post here....

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.1K
  • Goto:
Lvl 9
false ( i wish )

the next poster slept with there fiends spouse
Lvl 13
false (NO interest on my part and I'm a better friend than that)

The next person has been hit on by someone more than 20 years older within the last 2 weeks
Lvl 16
So True

The next poster watches baywatch in slo-mo still.
Lvl 13

The next poster still remembers the words to at least the chorus of a New Kids On The Block Song
Lvl 16

The next poster will pardon my true answer, and not yank my man card, there just so engrained from the girls.
Lvl 13

The next poster knows how to make good bbq pork fried rice and will send me the recipe
Lvl 20

the next will have sex in the coming hour (no, not by yourself)
Lvl 16

The next poster will shoot me in the head and consider it a mercy killing...
Lvl 13

The next poster has an irresistible urge to click the link n00die link in my sig and pull out their debit card...
Lvl 20

the next wonders if NG has actually gotten anything from that link
Lvl 16

The next poster doesn't know how to see her nOOd..
Lvl 13
False (I just look in the mirror )

The next poster had been IN the circus

@ The Dragon - Bangles bought me a book last year.

Other than that, the only reason stuff comes off the list is because they don't have it available anymore.
Lvl 17
False - I've been on a catus (not pleasant)

The next poster loves chocolate...
Lvl 13

The next poster hates peanut butter
Lvl 25
True, so true I cant stand the stuff. the texture the smell the taste, yeuck!!!!

the next poster likes Blood pudding.
Lvl 12

the next poster is an amateur pornstar
Sadly false

The next poster owns fish
Lvl 10

the next poster has a side of the bed
Lvl 12
True, the outside.
The next poster talked a friend into eating an entire package of hot dogs, uncooked, or cooked.
Lvl 7

The next poster has got a german car.
  • Goto: