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The next member to post here....

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.1K
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False - but I did have a VWgolf once

The next poster has eaten soap
Lvl 25
True, it was a punishment for swearing at camp when i was a kid.

The next poster is addicted to the internet and on it at this very moment.
Lvl 17

The next poster likes to view the internet in his/her underwear...
Lvl 25

The next poster is embarreded of their middle names(s)
Lvl 12
False, I am not embarreded of my middle name(s), I just think my middle name is stupid!
The next poster has shouted at everyone he met, Billy Mays style, for an entire day.


The next poster has altered their avatar in line with the new superhero theme.
Lvl 27
False, my avatar was a superhero before we decided to do theme weeks again

The next poster keeps copies of car and driver in the bathroom

Originally posted by Xandar

True, but there is a NO NUDITY law in the fun forum and lounge

Only in the lounge, nudity is welcome in the Fun Forum

Tina, your pic is fine
Lvl 30
True, along with others.

The next poster never returns messages.
Lvl 12
True. Phone ones anyway.
The next poster uses their pets name as at least one password.
The next poster spends more than 4 hours each day at wbw
Lvl 10

the next poster got A's in school
Lvl 9

the next poster is horny right now
Lvl 30

the next poster is going to get laid tonight

Next person hasn't gotten laid in over a month
Lvl 13

The next poster has a dog and a cat
Lvl 30

the next poster is insanely bored, listening to music while surfing wbw
Lvl 12

The next poster is borely insane and eats while surfing wbw.
Lvl 13

The next poster has NOT had the chicken pox
Lvl 10
false -one and a half times

the next poster has had a std
Lvl 13

The next poster knows how to tie a windsor knot without a mirror

@ Strichnine - How do you have the chicken pox a half a time?
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