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The next member to post here....

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.1K
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Lvl 10
true - i cant believe i can say that too

the next poster has been to a live football game

(The first time i got the pox it wasnt that bad, then when my baby sis got em i got the for real, and boy did it suck)
Lvl 12
the next poster can sick their whole fist in their mouth.
Lvl 13
False (almost, though )

the next poster can stick their whole fist in their GIRLFRIEND
Lvl 9
false [ i wish ]

next poster takes it in the ass
Lvl 13

Next poster had visited at least 3 other countries than the one they live in
false--I don't even have a passport

Next poster thinks that Michael Phelps will win 8 golds
Lvl 13

The next member had more than 4 pairs of footwear (socks not included!)
Lvl 16

The next poster will make out with there partner without sex, cause that's what needs to be done. And enjoy it.. please
Lvl 12

The next poster has a fender bass guitar that they never play.
Lvl 13

The next poster likes getting little "I love you" notes in their lunch from their partner
Lvl 10

the next poster takes lots of pictures
Lvl 13

The next poster has their window open (actual window. The thing you put curtains on...)
Lvl 6

The next poster is having a nice cold beer.
Lvl 13
False (oh, how I wish)

The next poster is fantasizing about peace and quiet
Lvl 9
false [about you]

next poster is naked

Next poster is drinking a beer
Lvl 13

The next poster will eat their girls pussy twice a week or more, given the chance
Lvl 6
TRUE (Twice a day or more if given the chance)

The next poster just finished eating their girls pussy
Lvl 16

The next poster is left handed
Lvl 13

The next poster has a knife in their pocket
  • Goto: