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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 44.9K
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Lvl 18
Sorry, This stupid
Lvl 28
Originally posted by wildcatman

Sorry, This stupid

Lvl 8
Sorry lol!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Notech_The_Monk

As the Monk is flying back from his serious chat in the Vatican for the last two days he chuckles and thinks that if only....

...a frog had wings, it might not bump it's ass on the ground, which of course made him think of F...
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and the way she always...
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...shakes that ass on the dance floor, which could only be described as...
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fetish of the Monk's. But there was still this distinct....
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...distinctively unusual question about the frog. Would it bump it's ass on the ground if it had wings? As the monk pondered...
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...pondered the sematic, aeronautical and mechanical implications of a trail dragging frog. in truth, most frogs I've met were elegant dancers. while I am not French, I do dance. Apache preferred.

(duh !)
Lvl 28
But Geronimo was not available for this dance, so F had to...

Lvl 19
( oh please)

F did have to leave. Even though she was well rested from Lupercalia she needed to get her act together for Carnivale.....wheee !

See ya'll in Rio !
Lvl 28
So as the ravishing F climbed aboard her Gulfstream, all systems "go for Rio", with visions of bountiful Brazillian booty calls, she forgot about the very quiet recently Deucie, who seemed to be sulking in a corner of the dance hall for some reason...
Lvl 19
But it would only be a moment before the limo called for her. Only an overnight bag was needed between the weather and the wonderfull costumes that F has prepared for them, it would be outrageously wonderful and they were well outside the range of the B man who had always threatened their.......
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relationship with the wise old Monk. Now it seems his hopes of hitching a ride to Rio are....
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... over, but in the end, that's OK too, because all he ever really wanted in life was a little quiet time with Princess D along a lonely stretch of sand, where the whisper of the wind through the sea oats and the chirping of the shore birds were heard between the soft crash of the rolling waves. But will she chose Rio? Is this the question she's sulking over? Or maybe she just wishes that stinky ol' bait-boy would kick the bait-bucket? Only time will tell...
Lvl 19
....but time is telling little as the G-V speeds south to carioca land and the happy couple imagines the fun to come, and not what was left behind...
Lvl 22
the little convenience store just outside the airport could be found and then...
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... then sold to Bust, for the travel itinerary and reservation slips contained in this little package could be worth a tidy little sum to the desperate man...
Lvl 8
Who will fight to no end to win...
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... the love of his heart's deepest desire, and to rid the world of the evils that follow in the wake of the Ravishing F....
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