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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 44.9K
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Lvl 27
Breaking Wind" which was on a 5 year mission to ...
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
rid the multiverse of...........
Lvl 27
technology thieving interdimensional travelers who ...
Lvl 22
.....through no fault of their own............
Lvl 27
had placed the earth in grave peril by ...
Lvl 28
.. disrupting the earth's spin through a world wide wind shift, that left earth...
Lvl 22
...desolate except for one small island where...
Lvl 27
beautiful women roamed accompanied by a few ...
Lvl 19
other women who were the only other humans on the island. in perfect harmony. end of story......

( Don't be shy peeps ! That deserves an "Awesome", no ?)
exocet, Notech_The_Abbot find this awesome.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by F1098
other women who were the only other humans on the island. in perfect harmony. end of story......

( Don't be shy peeps ! That deserves an "Awesome", no ?) talked me into giving you an awesome
Lvl 27
Originally posted by F1098
other women who were the only other humans on the island. in perfect harmony. end of story......

( Don't be shy peeps ! That deserves an "Awesome", no ?)

until a thousand zombie men rose from the dead and ...
Lvl 19
saw that there was nothing there for them, so in a hail of coconuts the male zombies set off for.........
Lvl 27
the planet Boobelicious where all of the women had three breasts and misandry was punishable by death, there they ...
Lvl 22
...quickly responded to the thought that...
Lvl 27
they had left the oven on back on earth ...
Lvl 22
...and quickly set back only to find...
Lvl 27
that the women on earth were using it to bake macaroons for them and welcomed them back with open arms, bearing gifts of ...
* This post has been modified : 8 years ago
Lvl 28
...spread legs and pouty lips that...
Lvl 27
would entice any man to ...
Lvl 22
...join in the fray but then suddenly...
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