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Starter: sexghost Posted: 18 years ago Views: 10.0K
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Lvl 8
at the window I saw a naked girl peeping at me
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Lvl 27
wearing nothing but a smile and ...
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Lvl 14
..a skintight mini-skirt that made her ass bounce like..
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8 a bowl of J=E-L-L-O.........and in walks Bill Cosby who saved this thread by waving a magic wand and reciting a spell...and alakazamm........he sat down,lit a cigar and started to talk about his wife Camille and spouting off about........
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Lvl 14 the 80's were HIS decade..then he said before he dies he really wants to...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 8 he wants to beat the daylights out of Gary Coleman w/ a shovel until he screams in pain and pleads for help...and steps.......
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Lvl 14
..Well what do ya steps Gary Coleman..and he rips his shirt off as loud rock music plays in the lights flash.and he looks Cosby in the eye and says "You want action!, You want some of this!"..and Gary punches Cosby square in the ...
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Ear causing his ear drum to explode, making Cosby lose balance and fall onto a...
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Lvl 14
...shovel..the same shovel he had to kill Gary with..but instead he fell on the edge of the shovel and cut off his..
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Lvl 8
... I now rate stupid shit for no stupid reason...
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Lvl 14
.... "I now rate stupid shit for no stupid reason" Cosby mubled in shock from the punch, as he fell on the shovel and cut off his...
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Lvl 6
balls, which makes one wonder if he had any before, cuz if he did, he would have banged...
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Lvl 14
...every woman he has ever worked with...but now he looked at his severed balls as Gary Coleman hovered over him and spit on his face saying.."I told you never to fuck with the...
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Lvl 27
security guard, they will fuck you up and leave you with a ...
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Lvl 14
...couple of severed balls...Gary Coleman then walked to his Cadillac Escalade as Cosby was bleeding in the street and decided to...
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Lvl 27
go back and collect the severed balls to hang from his rearview mirror as a reminder of ...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
...a reminder of what an ass whipping he had just laid on Cosby..While he was driving with Cosbys bloody testicals dangling from his mirror..a police officer stopped him and saw the balls and said "Sir, are those...
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Lvl 7
Bill Cosby's balls? "Yes officer and if you don't leave me alone yours are gonna be right up there with 'em!" said Gary. As he started to leave Gary Coleman noticed a little old lady crossing the street, he noticed in an instant that it was ..............
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Lvl 12
Estelle Getty, who'd been his wank dream for years when...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
a city bus just ran her over. In a blind rage, Gary Coleman sought revenge from the bus driver for killing his favorite Golden Girl. When caught up with the bus he was shocked to see the driver was R2D2 who was in the process of........
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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