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my stop smoking journal

Starter: DEMO Posted: 10 years ago Views: 21.5K
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Lvl 27
I know this may seem unconventional, but I don't know any other ways to try, so I'm gonna try this.

I had my first cigarette 36 years ago when I was just 9 years old, (I ran around with the older kids in my neighborhood) since then I have developed what is essentially a 2 pack a day habit, costing me upwards of $4,000.00 a year.

I've tried numerous times over the years to quit, tried cutting down, tried gum, tried the patch, even tried cold turkey a few times, once with the most success, I quit for 3 months about 15 years ago. Well, today I'm gonna try again, and I'm gonna succeed with the help of this thread.

It's where I will post when I need something to occupy my hands and to maybe vent my frustration, and or anger, I know how I get when I don't smoke, I sometimes get downright mean...

So without further talk, here I go, I had my last smoke after dinner, about 45 minutes ago...

Wish me luck, or don't,
SydneySinbad, Jullexxx, [Deleted], EricLindros and 11 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 30
What I found helped me many years ago, was just go Cold Turkey, but you have to prepare yourself. Like, deliberately run out of cigarettes, say 9pm, and there is no way you can refresh your supply, so firstly you gain some 12 hrs. Then I found, set yourself a date (not the usual Jan 1 date, but say a birthday date), and try to give up before the 'dreaded hour'. So more time gained.
Forget the chewing gum, I found perhaps sucking on a peppermint is a taste to help you forget the habit. Next thing (so far you have gained some 12 or so hrs) is to go for a walk, relives the tension, and no one to complain to. If you make it the first 24 hrs, try and do say 30 hrs, then the second day. It does work. Main thing is to NOT have another smoker in your house, NO visitors who smoke, if so, they smoke down the back. It works, but you have to be persistent, no IFS or BUTS (BUTTS?) but don't give up hope! I lasted the regulartory 36 hrs, then a week, and the rest is History. Upfalls...feel better, smell food that you thought that you knew the smell of, require a new taste for food. Like I had an apple and asked what the different taste was? Yes, an apple! put on weight (who cares, even with our age, we put on weight). You argue with the wife, kick the dog, bite the canary's head off, but after a few weeks, you are a different person. You meet new friends (NON Smokers?), your clothes don't smell (Yes, they did!), but most of all, as you save MEGABUCKS!!! I have been a NON-smoker for 14 years now, a cranky old fart, but feel better, get excellent Health Checks, and dread the day I even started Smoking. Try it DEMO, worked for me, and what is even better now, is that I have NO inclination to have a smoke, let alone sniff someone's toxic fumes. Remember, Life is short...make the most of it! Syd.
DEMO, jenngurl23, Jullexxx, musicplr and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
This isn't just good for you Demo, it is GREAT for you to do this. Syd gives the best advice I ever saw in print. Get mean about it. Get onery about it. But most of all, just continue to renew the commitment. Every morning when you get up, and every time you think of it. Some of the related behaviors will never go away. My dad still reached for a cigarette in his shirt pocket every time he sat in front of his ham radio, and that was 40 years after he quit, but he still didn't relapse. It takes about a little while for your neurology to rewire so you won't need it any more, but do it anyway. Get mad at the cigarettes and don't let them win. Syd is right. Everyone around you will be better for it, but especially do it for you.
SydneySinbad, DEMO find this awesome.
Lvl 27
Thanks guys, I truly appreciate the words of encouragement.

And yeah, I am kinda mad at the cigarettes, so I'll definitely use that one
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
As it turns out, the only predictor of success in quitting smoking is the number of times you quit. The research is quite conclusive about this. All the gums and patches and other aids out there might help for some things, but it still comes down to quitting. The more times you resolve to quit, the more likely you will succeed. Even if you pick one up again, don't get mad at yourself for it. Just move on, and resolve to quit again. And again. And again. And then be sure to start exercising soon. You need to replace the habit with something, so do it with something you need to do anyway. It will speed the quitting process, and help you feel better in a month.

Either way, you'll get there!! ;-)
DEMO, SydneySinbad find this awesome.
Lvl 27
I really have no idea how many times I've tried to quit, but yeah, I'm not giving up, I will do it...
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
Yeah, the toughest part of this whole deal is, the wife smokes also, and she's not ready to quit, so it's time to try to do some convincing...
Lvl 27
I'm kinda thinking, if I can cut back to say half a pack a day for a week, and try and convince the wife it's time for us both to kick the habit, I'll try to set the date for a week from today...
Lvl 30
Originally posted by DEMO
I'm kinda thinking, if I can cut back to say half a pack a day for a week, and try and convince the wife it's time for us both to kick the habit, I'll try to set the date for a week from today...

What say even better..2moz is my Birthday...young 67, think of this...SydneySinbad...SS...Stop Smoking! Good date to choose...gets us going sooner (and the better)! Also, as I found over the years...THE COFFEE MATE...just as bad, don't I remember the days of a Coffee & a cig....mmmm Memories...........
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 29
My uncle smoked over 40 years and then quit.. it was not easy but he did it, now he has not smoked over 20 years.. he says that even the smell is horrible..

Go for it DEMO..
SydneySinbad, DEMO find this awesome.
You can do it Demo! Both my parents smoked when I was a kid, my Dad quit while my mom still smoked, and then about 18 months later my mom quit. You, your kids, and a eventually your wife will all appreciate it.

DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 21
Demo don't wait till it's to late like I did..It took me getting COPD to make me quit,and believe me 3 heart attacks and emphysema is not the way you want to go
SydneySinbad, DEMO find this awesome.
Lvl 59
My suggestion: Jerk off every time you want a smoke.
DEMO, Snozz_69 find this awesome.
Lvl 27
Thanks guys and girls, for the words of encouragement and support
Lvl 52
Good luck Demo.

Shit I`ve been smoking over 40 years myself now
Lvl 8
Demo, I quit smoking about 8 months ago after 17 years. I know it sounds corny but I read this book and it worked. It's well worth the money and it's a pretty quick read. You just have to make sure you read the whole thing and don't skim through it even though it repeats itself a lot.[Blacklisted]sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1393427473&sr=8-2&keywords=allen+carr%27s+easy+way

I was able to stop cold turkey. No patches, no gum, no cheating. I will not lie, the first few weeks are tough but it gradually gets easier. I did not alter my life in any way. I still was around people who smoke and I still enjoyed drinking. You have to consider nicotine a drug in the same sense as heroin. You can't cheat or have one once in a while. The only minor negative to quitting was that I did find myself snacking a little bit here and there and I gained a few pounds. Not a lot, about 10 or so and I've already lost most of it.
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
I've ordered the book Davey, the short introduction makes a lot of sense, so what do I have to lose
Lvl 59
Have you started jerking off on my suggestion?, not "on" my suggestion, but, you know, based upon my suggestion. I don't want you to ruin your monitor or phone or whatever.
Lvl 27
Jerking off just leads to wanting another cigarette
Lvl 11
good job...I quit cold turnkey about 10 years ago...and haven't picked up one since. I've been wasn't easy though. My g/f smokes like a freaking chimney and it drives me nuts! Good luck!
DEMO finds this awesome.
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