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Interesting/Funny/Amusing News.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 51.2K
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Lvl 59
I'm starting this thread because almost daily I come across interesting/amusing/funny news articles that I have intentions of posting on the front page, but due to time constraints, am not able to.

It takes a surprising amount of time to get the article on the site in proper format, add some commentary, find a suitable picture, etc. Time that I don't have right now.

So, for now, I'm posting these links here. This thread may go away when I have more time, or it may not. I dunno. But it's here for now.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 59
Actresses with breast enhancements 'need not apply' for next Pirates of the Caribbean

Flat-headed cat of southeast Asia is now endangered - Weird looking thing.

N Korea 'executes' top official
Lvl 27
Good Stories.
Lvl 59
More stuff I don't have time to put on the front page:

Robbers Hold Up Taco-Bell. Demand Apple Pies instead of money.

Airport Security Worker Sexually Harasses Female Coworker Using X-Ray Scanners to Look Through Her Clothes; Comments on her "Gigantic Tits"

Runaway Grapes Cause Falls, Lawsuits at Chicago Grocery Stores
Lvl 59
Princeton Researchers Determine High-Fructose Corn Syrup considerably more Unhealthy than Regular Sugar

Octopuses prefer HDTV

DFAS to fire 62 Workers for having poor credit
Lvl 59
Wife Sues Husband's Mistress for "Alienation of Affection;" Wins $9 Million Dollar Verdict

Money Can Buy Happiness, So Long as you have more than your friends
Lvl 59
New Humanoid "Woman-X" Discovered

Actor Dennis Hopper Terminally Ill, Claims his Agent

Plastic Surgeon Allegedly Gives Woman 4 Breasts - She didn't actually get four breasts, she's just claiming that due to the botched job, there was excess skin above and below the implant area, which appeared 4-breast-like
Lvl 59
Sarkozy say France to ban Muslim Veils

WHO Investigating possible Smallpox Outbreak in Uganda - Likely not smallpox though, which was eradicated in 1979. More likely chickenpox or something.

California Teacher Arrested for Drunken Teaching - TUI: Teaching Under the Influence

California to Consider Legalizing Marijuana for Recreational Use:

The initiative would allow those 21 years and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana, enough to roll dozens of marijuana cigarettes. Residents also could grow their own crop of the plant in gardens measuring up to 25 square feet.

The proposal would ban users from ingesting marijuana in public or smoking it while minors are present. It also would make it illegal to possess the drug on school grounds or drive while under its influence.

Local governments would decide whether to permit and tax marijuana sales.

Proponents of the measure say legalizing marijuana could save the state $200 million a year by reducing public safety costs. At the same time, it could generate tax revenue for local governments.

Just a few points on that last one:
1. If the Feds keep it illegally federally, people can still be arrested for possessing it, and prosecuted under Federal Law.
2. For some odd reason the article makes no mention of helping to curb a (albeit small) portion of the drug trade - which has been ravaging Mexico as of late. [This won't fully dissipate, of course, but it's a start]


Those who grow and sell it illegally fear legalization would drive down the price and force them to compete against corporate marijuana cultivators.

lol, OH NO! Government-created black marketers upset with possible market forces booting them and their exorbinant profits (which finance all sorts of violence) outta the market! Call the whaaaaaambulance.

DISCLAIMER: I am not Woody Harrelson.
Lvl 59
A tiny island claimed for years by India and Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal has disappeared beneath the rising seas, scientists in India say. - The Ocean pulls a "King Solomon" Move. Or a Judge Smails, move. Whichever reference you prefer.

Youtube Halting Video Ripping

As Strawberry Prices Drop Farmers Letting Strawberries Rot
Lvl 59
Aye-Aye, Creepy Animal with long middle finger, Killed for Looking Creepy; On the Verge of being "Threatened"

WSJ Article: Women From Healthier Populations Prefer Feminine Looking Men

Related to that: WSJ Article Uses Picture of New York Times Publisher to Illustrate Article on Feminine Looking Men
Lvl 59
Gorillas in central Africa 'extinct in 20 years'

Amazon Package Can't be delivered because it was 'Eaten by an Alligator"

Textbook Illustration on how to resuscitate a lizard.

Man Assaults Police officer....with his Penis
Lvl 59
US Congressman thinks Guam might capsize if it gets too crowded:

Lvl 59
Endangered lizard with double-penis discovered
Lvl 59
Man Allegedly Purposefully Vomits on Little Girl at Baseball Game
Lvl 59
Resumed, because I come across more articles than I have time to post on the front page.

Mississippi Lawyer Jailed for failing to Recite Pledge of Allegiance

Military Angry with EA for making Taliban Characters Playable in new Medal of Honor Game; Bans Sales on Bases

Tennis Players' Grunts may help their Game.

Drunk Aussie Wheelchair-Driver Avoids Jail after Crashing Chair into Police Car

Woman Mistakes Superglue for Eyedrops; Superglues Eyes Shut
Lvl 22
I forgot this thread

Thanks for updating it EL !

Great laughs
Lvl 59
Irony: Head of Delaware's Alcohol Enforcement Agency charged with DUI

Idiocy: Senator Jim DeMint says Homosexuals and Unwed Mothers are Unfit to be Teachers.

Originally posted by Jim DeMoron

DeMint said if someone is openly homosexual, they shouldn't be teaching in the classroom and he holds the same position on an unmarried woman who's sleeping with her boyfriend — she shouldn't be in the classroom.

Confusing: Woman Arrested for Pretending to Be A Cop Pretending to be a Hooker

Unfortunate: Judge Rules Hookers & Porn are not tax Deductible as 'Medical Expenses'
Lvl 59
Thin Women Earn More than Heavy Women, Thin Men Earn Less than Heavier Men
Lvl 59
Lesbians Kicked out of Baltimore Ravens Game for Kissing, "Making A Scene"

The Older People Get, The Less they Wear Condoms


While 80 percent of teen boys under age 17 and 69 percent of teen girls in the same age range said they used condoms the last time they got busy, less than half of adults said they were as responsible.

Canadian Court Legalizes Prostitution
Lvl 12
Originally posted by EricLindros


While 80 percent of teen boys under age 17 and 69 percent of teen girls in the same age range said they used condoms the last time they got busy, less than half of adults said they were as responsible.

Well, when you take out a majority of people in a group, such as married adults ... that leaves you with less "responsible" subjects to poll.
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