Sarkozy say France to ban Muslim Veils
WHO Investigating possible Smallpox Outbreak in Uganda - Likely not smallpox though, which was eradicated in 1979. More likely chickenpox or something.
California Teacher Arrested for Drunken Teaching - TUI: Teaching Under the Influence
California to Consider Legalizing Marijuana for Recreational Use:
The initiative would allow those 21 years and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana, enough to roll dozens of marijuana cigarettes. Residents also could grow their own crop of the plant in gardens measuring up to 25 square feet.
The proposal would ban users from ingesting marijuana in public or smoking it while minors are present. It also would make it illegal to possess the drug on school grounds or drive while under its influence.
Local governments would decide whether to permit and tax marijuana sales.
Proponents of the measure say legalizing marijuana could save the state $200 million a year by reducing public safety costs. At the same time, it could generate tax revenue for local governments.
Just a few points on that last one:
1. If the Feds keep it illegally federally, people can still be arrested for possessing it, and prosecuted under Federal Law.
2. For some odd reason the article makes no mention of helping to curb a (albeit small) portion of the drug trade - which has been ravaging Mexico as of late. [This won't fully dissipate, of course, but it's a start]
Those who grow and sell it illegally fear legalization would drive down the price and force them to compete against corporate marijuana cultivators.
lol, OH NO! Government-created black marketers upset with possible market forces booting them and their exorbinant profits (which finance all sorts of violence) outta the market! Call the whaaaaaambulance.
DISCLAIMER: I am not Woody Harrelson.