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Belly Surfing is just sexual innuendo about lesbian shenanigans, right? SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 11 years ago Views: 65.6K
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Lvl 21
I just got done re-assembling the weight machine I brought home the other day.

Thus concludes my workout for this evening.
Lvl 59
I bought a lottery ticket. Does that count as a workout?

Couldn't do much more. Calf is kind of sore from last night's run.
Lvl 21
I have some tickets also. I call the lottery a tax on the stupid.

The amount of your tax is directly tied to the level of your stupidity.

My tax is about 10 dollars per week.

Heading to the bar for a few beers.
Originally posted by EricLindros
Lots of haters doing their thing here.

You didn't see me criticizing that lesbian tiddlywinks video, now did you.

pffft...I wasn't hating on you....and not really hating on baseball either...its just kinda boring. I've enjoyed it when actually at the game, but its been 28C out, having a drink, eating a hot dog....stuff like that. Its just not what I'd call an exciting afternoon.
Originally posted by hydrahead
I just got done re-assembling the weight machine I brought home the other day.

Thus concludes my workout for this evening.

Maybe you'll be able to open water bottles now.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie

pffft...I wasn't hating on you....and not really hating on baseball either...its just kinda boring. I've enjoyed it when actually at the game, but its been 28C out, having a drink, eating a hot dog....stuff like that. Its just not what I'd call an exciting afternoon.

yeah, to each their own.

you watch footyball (canadian ones, to boot!) and attending those games doesn't do much for me.
Lvl 59
So I came across a random tube site this evening and saw a couple old girls gone wild videos.

I think the douchcanoes who film those things are quite possibly the most annoying people on earth with their inane commentary and annoying blather. Nothing ruins two chicks making out than some fucking mongrel who keeps opening his mouth trying to tell them to do thigns they're already doing, like a brain-dead porno Stephen Spielberg.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Maybe you'll be able to open water bottles now.

On TV. Like a baws.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by EricLindros


No. I mean word.
Lvl 27
I just saw R.I.P.D. at the theatre. Highly entertaining!
Lvl 8
So...wrecked my truck on the highway Saturday night. Didn't die. Nobody else did either. Hoping Allstate goes for the total loss. I'm tired of that truck.
Lvl 27
Sorry to hear that. I hope they cover it.
Lvl 19
Shark week on TV
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 5
Lvl 5
Is it one here my penis erect
Lvl 5
Lvl 5
Is it one here my penis erect
Originally posted by F1098
Shark week on TV

I'm glad you added the "on tv" bit...otherwise I'd have to post that video again. ;p
Originally posted by Davey45
So...wrecked my truck on the highway Saturday night. Didn't die. Nobody else did either. Hoping Allstate goes for the total loss. I'm tired of that truck.

Sorry to hear that, but glad nobody is hurt. I just had my car repaired and it kinda sucks because part of it is all shiny and new, and the rest isn't.
Lvl 25
Are you erect SP?
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