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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 21.9K
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Lvl 19
choose one:

a. there is always room for improvement

b. that's not what you said last night

c. is there such a thing as a 24 hr. lesbot ?

, F.
Lvl 8
I'm going to go with

(you're too funny F, I totally wish you lived where I do)
Lvl 19
you picked C. ?

oh goodie goodie goodie !

and you will never think of boy bait again
Lvl 8
Yes, but Deucie finally says "F, I know you like women, bit would you be interested in a threesome with a man?" ...
Lvl 19
Oh no.....
Lvl 8
Says F. She says (in a firm voice) Miss D...
Lvl 19
...why limit your pleasure, especially when I have a proper, ready and willing 'third' right here, she says with a wry grin on her face and wonders why this Deucie is so coy when we have already had our moment in the front of all these total strangers who........
Lvl 8
Adore her. F, Deucie says, I do like penis too you know. Yes I had fun and I think you should have fun with me too...

(still luv me )
Lvl 19 we're breaking up ????
Lvl 8
No.. I just thought I did for you, you can do for me..
Lvl 22
..because the YoungMonk is MIA and TheMonk says that....
Lvl 8
He wants to join that party in his place, but that we should keep quiet because...

( hi Monky)
Lvl 28
... in the end, the truth is, that there is no such thing as a lesbian, that a lesbian is just a woman that has yet to meet the Bait-boy, who Deucie knows...

Lvl 19 untrue that old platitude really is. true love knows where it belongs, regardless.....
Lvl 28
... the Bait-Boy is always a gentleman, unless he needs to unleash a few tricks he learned from...
Lvl 19
....visiting lesbian websites, where substitutes for weiners are abundant and ladies are always ladies without....

Lvl 8
Learning tricks from anyone. It comes natural like...
Lvl 28
(damn, this isn't going like planned)

... like hot roasted coconut chunks on a ...
Lvl 19
Lvl 8
Crisp Autumn day in New York City, that when the wind blows skirts....
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