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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 22.0K
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Lvl 12
takes a drink from a near by jug before ...

(Thanks! This could be fun!)
Lvl 22
pulling out his flypole/whip to....

(Hey Nixxon welcome to the fun)
Lvl 8
Possibly have some fun with....
Lvl 22
knocking the feathers of 2sy's ...
Lvl 8
Sexy skirt she had on...

(Ohhh sounds like fun)
Lvl 22
that hadn't been out of the closet for this kind of activity since....
Lvl 8
F bought it for her, but...
Lvl 22
if the Monk likes it what can....
Lvl 19
go wrong when she can go commando on a lovely day like this, and believe me, Deucie in that summer skirt must look good enough to....
Lvl 8
To eat!!! ...
Lvl 22
In the afternoon they...

(@ F when 2sy posted that the first thing that came to my thoughts was a summer dress with the sun shining in the background)

(great minds think alike)
Lvl 19
you betcha !

Originally posted by Notech

In the afternoon they...

(@ F when 2sy posted that the first thing that came to my thoughts was a summer dress with the sun shining in the background)

(great minds think alike)
Lvl 8

F said to a delightful picnic with a lovely basket full of mozzarella, tomato salad, sopressata, mortadella, roasted peppers and fresh italian olives with a delicious bottle of Malbec...
Lvl 19
which is the perfect wine for drinking from that little dimple formed at the top of a woman's leg and her....
Lvl 8
All of a sudden the rain came down and...
Lvl 19
the wet t shirt contest began....

( also, naval ? nah...think the nexus of anatomy and poetry .....anatomy being a place called Scarpa's triangle...and the poetry being the place where you can't lie still while i drink...heh ! oh forget that. just slip off your, oh aren't wearing any...)
Lvl 8
And since its raining, my white shirt is barely their!!!...
Lvl 19
and it slides over your head and the real Deucie's are revealed to her one and only...(.uh, dear reader in case you are confused. that would be me....the elegant but humble F1098 who has to get back to business)......and then i ....
Lvl 19
....i woke up 12 hours later sore and abused with pleasure. ah....that Bust'm doesn't know what he missed and now she will always belong to me and we will...

( hey, where are you guys ? all this uninterrupted pleasure for D and F ? and nobody to spoil the party ? no matter....the wedding inviations are going out in the first mail tomorrow. Monk will preside over the ceremonies. more details to follow. gots to get back to my fee on say.

Lvl 8
Hopefully be together. The only problem is Miss D isn't a Lesbot, but F feels...
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