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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 22.0K
  • Goto:
Lvl 22
the bottom of the sea. We tried to save the poor fellow but....
Lvl 8
Almost the exact destination of Miss D. Notech rushes over to see the green eyed girl to see if she remembers him, but...
Lvl 22
she keeps mumbling something about littlefishes and...
Lvl 8
Then he says something to her, that only she would know... Immediately she recognizes....
Lvl 22
that it could be the long lost.....

("just sayin' "
Lvl 19
that it is the Magic Girl herself....Miss F, shape shifter extraordinaire who will go anywhere, be anything, be any form necessary to secure the hand of her elusive dream girl who is wasting herself chasing some zombie bait bucket that........
Lvl 8
Who does her every waking minute, but Notech...
Lvl 22
wonders, am I the Monk or am I F, so much shape shifting has left me ...
Lvl 19
gender confused and likely to.....
Lvl 28
... to be mistaken for the Dali Lama...

(Listen F, you missed your chance to kill me off I'm already on the beach with the girl)

(Gone for a few hours and already she's trying to kill me off, can't wait to see the damage a week will do)
Lvl 22
...Ramma Dingdong who just happens to...
Lvl 28
... to be the bastard son of Long Dong Silver...
Lvl 22
(That would be Bubba)

...and the notorious...
Lvl 8
Deucie noone seems to forget....
Lvl 19
Monk and Bubba Bait, but will always remember our weekend listening to the sounds of Magic Vagina and her all girl......
Lvl 22
caused the Monk to...
Lvl 28
slip on a banana peel and...

(forget Duecie? Not a chance, sugar)
Lvl 8
Oh Nooo cries Deucie!!! Is anything broken? She leans in to Notech and gets close to his face to see if he's breathing and he quickly...

( BustM)
Lvl 22
replies, no I'm alright. It's just puzzling who would have...
Lvl 8
Do such a thing to the monk... He jumps to his feet and...
  • Goto: