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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 21.9K
  • Goto:
Lvl 19
use her notorious (!) charm initiative to lure him into further......
Lvl 8
The mass seduction that she knows she has potential to do..
Lvl 9
destructive harm to that .......
Lvl 8
That hurts Miss 2sy's lady friends and...

(hey babe! Missd ya!)
Lvl 9
well it hurts so.....

Missed you too)
Lvl 19
....bad. wounds actually. can't understand it.

i am leaving my job, my home, my life and joining the French Foreign Legion-ettes ( wheeeee ! *) if she won't be mine, because.....

* and you thought the Dyke Pirates were rad !
Lvl 9
? All of this over a Monk/Notech? I'm not feeling...
Lvl 8
I just don't think I...

(not radder than u)

Kat, it's a story.. The Monk & Bait Boy aka BustMall
This is the 2nd post Babbette is dead
Lvl 9
need a baitboy. I'm more of a.....
Lvl 19
adventurer, that would rather....
Lvl 9
do it myself than let a....
Lvl 19
a non cat girl close to it, or even....
Lvl 9
a Monk for that matter. If and when I need baited I would...
Lvl 19 a plane ticket to...
Lvl 8
New Jersey, but I'm not cuz who wants to go there? Instead..
Lvl 9
Bimini for the.....
Lvl 19
fishing, the sun, the silly little umbrella drinks and what they make us do....
Lvl 9
to get those drinks and....

(got to go hope to see you both soon)
Lvl 8
And bring them to...

Bye babe, nice to have you back
Lvl 19
....the dock, where the yacht is rocking at it's mooring and ready for....

( have a good weekend everyone !)
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