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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 21.9K
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Lvl 27
drug induced coma filled with wild dreams and...
Lvl 8
Pretty flowers with shockingly wicked colors....
Lvl 28
...that for some reason remind her of the twinkle in that bait boy's eye,... "Damn everything is so foggy" she thought as she lay on the sand, surrounded by darkness and ....
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 19
even more fog () as she tried to shake off the bad tequila dry heaves that.....
Lvl 28
... only accentuated the ringing in her ears from.... then she remembers a sudden flash and roar... it's starting to come back to her...
Lvl 8
She feels some kind of a connection to this man, a warm feeling she felt when he whispered in her ear and said...
Lvl 19
.......uh, I think you are pretty cool too, but in this case the best man is a woman, and I know that F will keep you happy forever with her....
Lvl 28
... and shaking her head, she remembers that it was the monk that whispered those words, but the bait boy, whom she only glimpsed after his miraculous resurection had been on the side of the boat, calling her in a voice so wonderous that it would have made lions cower in fear and song birds cry in jealousy, "Duecie, my love...
Lvl 8
Wait!!! She cried out!!! I remember a name, something like Bu or No... Wtf, I can't remember shit...
Lvl 28
..Butt Head?.. No, that's not it either, but bits are coming back, like just before the explosion, she saw his eyes, sparkling in a way that could only be described as heavenly, she knew the warmth of his familiar smile, "Yes, I think I..."
Lvl 8
I do remember you!!!! BustMe? With a little chuckle, he says "close enough baby" it's M'all-- BustM'all.. He gets ready to lean in hoping he could finally get that kiss...
Lvl 21
and as their lips inched closer, he could feel her hair blown by the wind, he could feel her warm breath on his cheek ... and realized her breath ...
Lvl 28
... was as sweet as honeysuckle on the vine, taking her gently by the back of the neck, he pulled her lips to his, and as her lips brushed across his trim but silken beard, they...

(BustMe - Loved it)
Lvl 8
They bumped heads & although it seems clumsy, it may have helped Miss D in a way...

(Ohh I feel a little warm B)
Lvl 28
... as suddenly he felt her body quiver in that unmistakable way that a woman quivers when...
Lvl 8
She is ready to orgasm, but suddenly....
Lvl 28 they fell softly to the sand, she screamed aloud as beside their lust engulfed bodies she saw the mangled, lifeless corpse of...
Lvl 8
Someone else she may have known. OMG, is that....
Lvl 19
.....nope. not F. and what is this wimpy romance novel language anyway ?

I already busted the Bust for more than finishing the sentence. Whole story line will be gone from this point forward.

(A little chit-chat is ok if it is in ( ) OK
* This post has been modified by Notech_The_Abbot : 12 years ago
Lvl 8
But who is it then? She looks at the romantic BM and he (still waiting for the ultimate time to put it on her) says....

(F you're Fabulous Love, but don't be soo harsh on my bait boy, he's sweet)
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