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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 13 years ago Views: 22.0K
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Lvl 19
Sweet Bait Boy ?

Dunno about this Bond-in-the-mirror hunk of yours.
Lvl 8
Is it? Or...
Lvl 22
Of course it's not the bait-boy, and It wasn't the Monk who was lying there, it was.....
Lvl 4
Delphis!!!!!!!!... something has happened to him...he has been gone so long..everybody has forgetten...last thing he was doing was....
Lvl 28
...planting a bomb in the USS Dyk engine room, plotting to put an end to this ...

(Ah, F, I've resisted killing you off twice now. Be nice to me )
Lvl 12
Just then someone walked into the room and said...
Lvl 28
..."What the hell is Nixxon talking about?" , and disappeared before...

(Welcome to the game Nixxon)
Lvl 8
The incredible Miss D noticed another man... Whewww softly said BustM...

(Welcome Nixxon)
Lvl 28
... while holding his nose "That corpse stinks. Let me carry you away, babydoll" and in a move that would give a tiger reason to fear, he whisked his fair maiden into his arms and...
Lvl 8
Carried her over the corpse and outta there before anymore interruptions get in the way of seduction...
Lvl 28
... , so with an efficiency worthy of "Man vs. Wild", soon, just beyond the tree line, there was a luxurious palm bed & shelter, warmed by the soft glow of a crackling fire, where...
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 19
F. , dressed in virginal white, sits patiently for her true love to arrive via her bait boy powered rickshaw......
Lvl 28
EEEE GADS !!! thought BustM (now so much more than a bait boy, though he'll never forget his humble roots) this gal won't quit, I should have slit her throat when I had...
Lvl 19
had your pocket knife, but alas.....she IS superwoman when defending her love....she will outlast any fishy threat that...
Lvl 8
Gets in her way and sweet D! F knows D has a think for BustM, but also knows she has to be in desperate need for...
Lvl 19
....some real girl/girl love.....and this girl is so ready to...
Lvl 8
Snack on some good ol.....
Lvl 19
....dare I say pussy ? (blush...really !) or shall we just proceed to the wedding cake and...

(yes....I have the unique lesbot talent of suspending time as well as to re-bury stubborn zombie bait boyz)
Lvl 8
Party!!!! Out of the blue, who comes walking by....
Lvl 19
.....the Monk ! With news that BB died in a bait tank explosion at sea !!....the Coast Guard is investigating of course, but no one survived the blast except for the boat mascot, who is now at....
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