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May Dah SPAM Be With Yah!

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.9K
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Lvl 11
Celebs and politicians are a different species... not literally, but in many cases, they cease to do "normal" stuff, (assuming they ever knew how). Also, throwing a ball isn't an inherent skill. I doubt if most professional baseball players can throw a strike with their left hand.
Lvl 22
Lvl 59
Originally posted by brownell

Also, throwing a ball isn't an inherent skill. I doubt if most professional baseball players can throw a strike with their left hand.

I dunno about that. If one is to use their dominant hand, I think throwing objects comes pretty naturally. And throwing a little round ball 60 feet isn't that much of a challenge....or at least shouldn't be. Especially for a dude like Barack who is a notorious sports fan. It's like a rule of being a sports fan or something.
Lvl 24
Throwing comes as naturally as... breathing. But throwing accurately takes a long time and practice. Anything that you have to practice isn't really natural.
Lvl 22
^^ As does singing the anthem
Lvl 14
Fucking A!!

New spam! Created from a member of the Eh Team!!!
Sweetest shit eva!!!

This requires a theme song...

Lvl 4
Just got woke up by my mom. I'm just hangover as fuck. Did a monstruos bar crawl for mah b-day yesterday. Started at midnight to finish at 3........

Fuck,my head hurts this morning.
Lvl 4
Seems like me and good ol' notech are celebrating on da same day!
Lvl 10
Job applications yet pretty boring pretty fast
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Throwing comes as naturally as... breathing. But throwing accurately takes a long time and practice. Anything that you have to practice isn't really natural.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, it's like saying a grown human isn't natural which is probably really true in most respects
Lvl 24
You practice growing?
Originally posted by Bangledesh

You practice growing?

Learning doesn't happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again
Lvl 24
Yeah, well, in order to paint a house, you've got to eventually buy a paintbrush.

See, I can say stuff that means absolutely nothing in the context of the conversation just as well as you can.
Lvl 22

I forgot what I was going to say (beer)
Lvl 14
Lvl 22
^^^^ For Me ?
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Notech

^^^^ For Me ?

All for you brawh!!!
Lvl 4
and I dont get shit?

Lvl 14
Originally posted by kayradis

and I dont get shit?


It aint your birthday dude!

Let Notech have his moment...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh


I'm probably awful at throwing a baseball.

I think the last time I threw a baseball was like 3.5 years ago.

I bet you throw all willowy..kinda high but not far...all limp wristy.

Go throw some balls...pansy.

Originally posted by kimmiekins

Job applications yet pretty boring pretty fast

So do jobs.

Originally posted by Bangledesh

Yeah, well, in order to paint a house, you've got to eventually buy a paintbrush.

See, I can say stuff that means absolutely nothing in the context of the conversation just as well as you can.

I aint much for listening, but, on a breezy day, them hills out over yonder...they'll whisper to you all you need to know 'bout paintin'.

Man, the episode of KotH in Montana with Peggs family, and Doc Platter was pretty badass.
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