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May Dah SPAM Be With Yah!

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.9K
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Lvl 21
Well the wife wants to watch a movie so goodnight kiddies.
Lvl 22

Me gone too....
Lvl 28
So long, old people.

I just did 80 push ups...


BRB...being a maverick renegade.
Lvl 24
3 hour workout.
And a meal at Denny's after.

Somehow, I'm fairly certain that I'm still behind on the health scale on this one...
Lvl 37
I watched Rocky, drank three raw eggs, then barfed.

Lost two pounds.
Lvl 59
Two pounds?

Were they ostrich eggs?
Lvl 24

Also, I'm running on two 30 minute naps (taken sequentially, since I didn't wanna get too into sleep and miss out on mah business today, I set my alarms to wake me up and then reset them.)

I've got a test tomorrow, and 3 books to read for that test.

Not sure when I should sleep...
Lvl 59
I'm working on two hours of sleep since yesterday morning, because I had an anatomy test covering like 5 chapters in my goddamn encyclopedic book this morning, and, well, I haven't slept since the test. I spent all goddamn weekend studying for that sonofabitch, so I'd better have rocked it.

Lvl 7
WTF is it with mobile phone companies?? I've got one month left with my current provider, so sweet... I can go get a new phone, pay around the same and get a peachy deal... can I fuck!... they're all charging the same rates as 18 months ago, AND instead of 18 month contracts (which I fecking hate anyways) they're all 24 months!

Next year I swear the contract length will be for life - how the hell can you expect to be in a phone contract for 2 whole years? Ofcom the pile of fuckshit it is doesn't do ANYTHING, what's the point in having regulators if they don't regulate anything that helps me... oh no, they stop most birds getting their trap out on tv.

Thanks for a great load of naff all ofcom.

PS. Ofcom suck.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Nixste

WTF is it with mobile phone companies?? I've got one month left with my current provider, so sweet... I can go get a new phone, pay around the same and get a peachy deal... can I fuck!... they're all charging the same rates as 18 months ago, AND instead of 18 month contracts (which I fecking hate anyways) they're all 24 months!

Next year I swear the contract length will be for life - how the hell can you expect to be in a phone contract for 2 whole years? Ofcom the pile of fuckshit it is doesn't do ANYTHING, what's the point in having regulators if they don't regulate anything that helps me... oh no, they stop most birds getting their trap out on tv.

Thanks for a great load of naff all ofcom.

PS. Ofcom suck.

I also get raped...I went on the internet for like 30 seconds the other day, my provider charges $56 a MB.


So that's fun and bullshit..they want to rape me into subscribing to a dataplan, which I won't do, I'll just never use the net again.

Unlimited free text messages and 500 free minutes (plus weekends always free) for $25 isn't too shitty though.

Since if they weren't unlimited Bangles would have bankrupted me by now lol

Also, that handjob chick sure is a bargain...they should team up. Kids wash the car, she throws a handy J party inside.
Lvl 59
Well I can't update my phone to a newer version without the goddamn data plan, and I refuse to do that.

92% of the day I'm in free-wifi environments (home/school) so I don't need their goddamn data plan, but I can't get any phone made in the last 3 years that has wi-fi accessibility without a data plan. Like, you literally cannot just buy the phone, activate it, and use the free-wifi. In order to use any of those phones, you must buy the dataplan.

Fucking rapists. Verizon is as bad as the goddamn RC Church when it comes to raping people and getting away with it.
Lvl 7
Lindros, Ebay is your friend... then just get the phone unlocked by some black market guy and get your wallet snatched and eye blackened... will all be worth it to use the wifi.

And Honda, $56 per mb? Jeez, I thought I was getting shafted. I guess dataplan is like unlimited internet yeah?

Last time round I gots me 700 mins, unlimited texts, unlimited internet and spanking shiny phone for £30 a month, but i've been with the company a shed load and they had to apologise to me, so that's not too bad a deal i guess. But now its different, they're out to get me. I'll show them... i'll go pay as you go. Mwha ha ha.

Lvl 14
I'm thinking about buying a police scanner!

Been using the 5-0 app on my Iphone which allows me to listen to the police, fire and med's... pretty sweet stuff!

So since I'm sorta getting hooked... might as well get the real thing right ?

Gonna go check out what's available for police scans and at what price.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by thechosen29

I'm thinking about buying a police scanner!

Been using the 5-0 app on my Iphone which allows me to listen to the police, fire and med's... pretty sweet stuff!

So since I'm sorta getting hooked... might as well get the real thing right ?

Gonna go check out what's available for police scans and at what price.

Kinda funny actually, when I was younger everyone had one.

My uncle was a tow truck driver and he would just give them to people..back then they were kinda neat, so yeah, do it brah.
Lvl 4
Dude, I think we're due to really create an invite only club, for real die hard,womanizing,hard drinker aka CANADIANS.

we might get some honorary member.
Lvl 59
Shut up, hats.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by thechosen29

I'm thinking about buying a police scanner!

Been using the 5-0 app on my Iphone which allows me to listen to the police, fire and med's... pretty sweet stuff!

So since I'm sorta getting hooked... might as well get the real thing right ?

Gonna go check out what's available for police scans and at what price.

When I was driving semi's all the BETTER truck stops had good deals on CB's and scanners. You just have to get the right chip for your area and dept
Lvl 59
From what I've heard, scanners used to be pretty cheap, but then a lot of police/fire/etc departments started switching to harder-to-monitor style radios, that jumped frequency all the time and such things, which meant that the people who wanted to listen in on scanners had to shell out a bunch more for one of them sophisticated scanners.

At least that's what I remember from when we had a scanner when I was little and why we didn't get a new one after a while.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Shut up, hats.

America, Canada's shoes.

But to be fair..pretty neat shoes. Probably like Air Jordans or some jazz.

Man, my friends want to go to a strip club..and I'm unaware of any in or around Toronto..and I don't want to end up going to some dive where chicks have stretch marks and aren't dancing for school, they're dancing for their retirement.

I also don't want to look it up since I'm lazy...I should probably as the internet people here...maybe.

@Dros: I did not know that..but it makes sense since like nobody has them anymore.

You just hit me with some knowledge bro.
Lvl 25
Sweet, my copy of Splinter Cell Conviction arrived while I was at work.
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