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May Dah SPAM Be With Yah!

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.9K
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Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

That's actually pretty badass.

Chicks dig lab coats.

I have a generic white lab coat.

The people who are uberdouchey have like, individual colored ones that they brought from home or some other ridiculous shit. I lol @ them.
Lvl 22
Do Blue coveralls count ?
Lvl 59

We're talking about a lab, not a barnyard.

But there are protective gloves involved.
Lvl 22
protective gloves involved

I Pass !
Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros


I have a generic white lab coat.

The people who are uberdouchey have like, individual colored ones that they brought from home or some other ridiculous shit. I lol @ them.

My lab coat would have one of those prints on the front and back, of like a super fit person. Like those aprons have. That'd be pretty neat.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Notech

Do Blue coveralls count ?

You can fit more Awesomeness in coveralls.
Lvl 4
Lvl 28
Originally posted by kayradis

You should see me in uniform.
When I was in NYC a year or so ago, chicks in bar were grinding on me like CRAZY!

I even fucked one and the next morning she said :

"The last canadian I fucked was Honda. He was so this and that, all about himself. But since I fucked you, I do have a better opionions on canadians!"

End citation.

That SOUNDS like it could be true...the me fucking her part, but the part that confuses me is where she would fuck you after me?

That would be like trading in a Lamborghini on a Toyota Prius. Trading in all that size and power for something trendy and cheap.

Poor girl, although in bed I am quite selfish..sometimes I even call out my own name.

Originally posted by EricLindros


I have a generic white lab coat.

The people who are uberdouchey have like, individual colored ones that they brought from home or some other ridiculous shit. I lol @ them.

That's pretty fucking weak. I remember in highschool in our gym class part of our uniform was purple, and a lot of guys would go out and that part in black...I always though it was kinda pathetic, and that they were insecure with their sexuality.

I bet those douches have name tags on their coats too, don't they?..Those douches.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Honda_X

although in bed I am quite selfish..sometimes I even call out my own name.

Lvl 37
I usually do a cheer routine in bed.

Gimme a T!

Gimme A K!

What's that spell?!?!?

Lvl 25
Lvl 10
I forgot how to post pictures onto here in comments...
Lvl 14
Fuckin A!!!!!

Playoffs are starting soon!

* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 4


Lvl 59
Yoru kids? Do you really like those? Every mornng you wake up and you say "brush your teeth so they don't turn int odirty pig mouthes with nasty teeth. You sholdnt. But happens, and it happens all the time, and it happens ere, and what the fufk 0 NO YELLOIINGYOU LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY GODDMAMIM. I have a keyboard too, so fuck you all.The ititial kids are the only ones worth it. The resto you be anheros
Lvl 59
My fight is a valid fight. Man versus rock and I'm going to make him go back hone and put on a pissuy show for the sisstas=-you kow them bustad broads who always chill around. and MOG GOIN THERE IS A MAN ATTACING ME! HIS LEFT ARMIHSYTYYTYINH to reachbut on further investigation it's just his left arm and shouler from typialling oddly.
Lvl 59
I quit studying tonight and am now going to do something dumb instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 4
Screw a fatty?
Lvl 37
Lvl 28
Why do the dogs keep licking my blanket...

It's gross and I've already washed it four times.

Also, I took the wind screen off my mah motorbike today, large mistake was large. Plus, I really shouldn't have been riding at all in 10c weather, but, I'm hardcore n shit yo.

Really, I'm kinda bored with this, everything/everyone.

I went to a party last night, and this blonde girl was hitting on me..and she was wearing too much makeup and trying to look 16..and then my friend comes over and he's like "guess when she was born?" and I'm like "I dunno, 84?" and he's like "74".


Man, this is lame, all around lameness I have to get up at like 6am I was all tired at that party..the cat is lost in the woods again, so at like 10 I'll have to go look for it again.

This sucks.

OH and today I was talking to hot cashier girl at the food store in my town, and I was distracted by a magazine, and she was like "How are you?" and I was like "hello"...what the fuck, self?

That was gay as hell..I had to laugh it off so I didn't look like a retard, but still..those slips can't be happening.

Oh, I tried a new energy drink today, the blue tasted liek blue raspberry..that rocked pretty hard. Also, I made a cake which I can't eat due to summer working out, and I forgot my brother has now I just have random cakes sitting around.

Fucking bad times all around..I have to go to bed in like an hour...

I can't wait until my family is back and I can focus on my poon palace...there is much work to be done.
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