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May Dah SPAM Be With Yah!

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.9K
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Lvl 22
Just got back from a Great evening of flying this awesome Nieuport 28

And my helicopter (no pics of it yet).
Lvl 24

Russian chick thinks that I know Russian...
Lvl 21
Lvl 59
You know what game I liked? Syphon Filter.

It was a pretty solid FPS, and it was kind of biology-type stuff related. Good times.
Lvl 24
Lvl 22
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Notech



Do it right, sucka.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Bangledesh


At least I study the real sciences. Not the fake social sciences; BA's are like the GEDs of college
Lvl 22
Soo Wee......


Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros


At least I study the real sciences. Not the fake social sciences; BA's are like the GEDs of college

Oh pish posh, you're not even studying a real science.

Divination and phrenology, ftw beeeyotch.
Lvl 59
I tried to minor in astrology, but the Tarot card class was full and the bookstore was all out of crystal balls when I went to pick one up.
Lvl 10
Lvl 14
Sweet mother of crap!!! The NHL Playoffs start TONIGHT

Ottawa VS Pitsburg... Guess who


I'M so fuckin hyped!!!
Lvl 4
Its starting right now!

Dude, thoses playoff are gonna be wicked!
Lvl 14
Originally posted by kayradis

Its starting right now!

Dude, thoses playoff are gonna be wicked!

True... so fucking true mate
Lvl 28

I didn't, since I watched Bones and American Idol...Two shows which I truly dislike, but would still rather watch than hockey.

Lvl 28
I was texting Bangles about fashion, in a manly not gay way.

Anyway, we were talking about how douchey wife beaters and fedoras are....both of which we both own, and I sprayed a tester cologne on my arm, Obsession for men, since I was looking for a new scent...and well..

I'm violently allergic to Obsession for men.

Hugo Boss: Pure..FTW, LIKEABOSS.
Lvl 28
The Last Song - $10 million. You know what I call this film's star? Miley SIGHrus. Because she makes me sigh so hard at both her beauty and talent. I also sometimes call her Hannah Montana, but that's because I was just kidding about the SIGHrus thing and I have absolutely no respect for her.
Lvl 24
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

The Last Song - $10 million. You know what I call this film's star? Miley SIGHrus. Because she makes me sigh so hard at both her beauty and talent. I also sometimes call her Hannah Montana, but that's because I was just kidding about the SIGHrus thing and I have absolutely no respect for her.

You know what's horrible? My mother and sister are like $15-18 of that 10 million.
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