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May Dah SPAM Be With Yah!

Starter: kayradis Posted: 14 years ago Views: 24.9K
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Lvl 28
If just my mom and brother lived would take about a week before we were on an episode of "Hoarders"

They're those kind of assholes that think nothing frozen can ever go bad, and expiration dates are a suggestion. So every few weeks I throw away basically everything in the fridge..

Suck on that a one time.
Lvl 28
So I decided to go to my sisters house to keep her cat from dying yesterday..and on the table she's like "read this and tell me what you think" in a little notey on some paper.

So I open up the paper..and it's brainstorming for a short story or romance novel or some jazz.

So I sit's about a female vampire who falls in love with a regular guy, that turns out to be an angel.

I just put it back down on the table and I plan on pretending I never seen it. I can't imagine saying anything about it other than "FUCKING SERIOUSLY?!"

So, better off just pretending it never
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Honda_X

So I decided to go to my sisters house to keep her cat from dying yesterday...

I liked you better before I knew you'd lift a finger to save a cat.... foul creatures I'd just as soon beat to death with a shovel, as look at.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by brownell

…foul creatures I'd just as soon beat to death with a shovel, as look at.

So I take it a cat killed your father, and then raped you and your mother. Then burned your house to the ground and took your life-savings.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Kanzen


So I take it a cat killed your father, and then raped you and your mother. Then burned your house to the ground and took your life-savings.

Correct, but I hated cats even before that.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by brownell

Correct, but I hated cats even before that.

Lvl 10
That cat just can't spell
Lvl 4
Im trying to use the AMNESIA spell on the whole WBW community to give some hope and let them forget about that awefull thread!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by brownell


I liked you better before I knew you'd lift a finger to save a cat.... foul creatures I'd just as soon beat to death with a shovel, as look at.

You made yourself a powerful enemy today, my friend.
Lvl 14
Lvl 28
Well, the jerk store called...

..they're running out of you.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Honda_X

Well, the jerk store called...

..they're running out of you.

Here bro, use this instead!

Lvl 59
So, how's WBW?

I hear cat's are the new thing.

I've been busy with crap....writing papers, giving presentations, conducting laboratory experiments, taking tests, etc. Not so good times, you know.
Lvl 28
I bet you got to wear a BOSS lab coat.

Also, I heard you were..LOST IN TIME!
Lvl 59
I actually do get to wear a lab coat - in one of my labs, anyway.

And teh goggles!
Lvl 28
That's actually pretty badass.

Chicks dig lab coats.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by EricLindros

I actually do get to wear a lab coat - in one of my labs, anyway.

And teh goggles!
Lvl 4
You should see me in uniform.
When I was in NYC a year or so ago, chicks in bar were grinding on me like CRAZY!

I even fucked one and the next morning she said :

"The last canadian I fucked was Honda. He was so this and that, all about himself. But since I fucked you, I do have a better opionions on canadians!"

End citation.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by kayradis

You should see me in uniform.
When I was in NYC a year or so ago, chicks in bar were grinding on me like CRAZY!

I even fucked one and the next morning she said :

"The last canadian I fucked was Honda. He was so this and that, all about himself. But since I fucked you, I do have a better opionions on canadians!"

End citation.

Lvl 22
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